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10 cm

Who the fuck cares? If answering does not pay my bills or feed me then there is no reason to do so.

same as the radius of the circle, 10cm.

nice GED bud

ya 10

Does browsing Sup Forums pay your bills or feed you?

AC = BD.

BD is a radius of the circle, 10cm.

AC = 10cm.

Silly problem.

Indirectly through the ads yes.

How so

Are you going to post the next one or what? Please don't tell me that's all you had.

there is no ac


been years...


Basic Ass Geometry

This can be done very easy just by add and substract internal angles. (180 degrees)

But i am in bed and too lazy to get up and grab a pen and paper.

Also, easy to do mentally, but also watching porn.... So... Priorities. Fap fap fap


>still has time to post tho

Answer right here. No need to do any math.


maybe if you were able to answer the question you'd be able to get a job that could pay your bills.


There are infinitely many solutions. The left-most angle inside the x triangle is 70 degrees, as long as the other two angles add to 110 it doesn't matter what they are.

x=60 degrees

>MFW we're doing op's highschool homework

EF and BC are not parallel you dumb fuck

30 Degrees

Come on OP I know I'm right


Everything you do is composed of paying the bills. None of it is solely leisure. You are living the life, user.

It's definitely not unsolvable.

I thought so too at first because you end up getting 3 equations with 4 unknowns, but I took a different approach and got it.

There's not enough information y, a, or b to give you an answer.


Can't do it.

Yeah I got those same equations and ran into the same problem.

You're not accounting for lengths, though.

I randomly assigned 1 to a length, then from that figured out every other length in the picture. From that, you can figure out that x = 30 degrees.

It doesn't matter what value I used as a baseline, all the length/angle ratios will be the same.


inb4 underage Sup Forums

forgot to add x + c = 140. from there you can find the rest.

no you can't. you did the same shit we did but added a redundant equation. a+b+c+270 is just your first and third equations added together.

you need 4 lineraly independant equations to solve this and you don't have that.

you have to take into account the lengths. it's the only way.

or you could use a matrix to solve a system of equations, user. you have 4 separate functions.

You don't have 4 linearly independent equations.

a+x=110 ..eq1
a+b=130 ..eq2
b+c=160 ..eq3
x+c=140 ..eq4

eq4 = eq1 - eq2 + eq3

Ergo you cannot solve it.


i fucking hated calc 3 so god dam much. i was about ready to shoot my school up by the end of that class.

I'll probably just end up killing myself when i start linear algebra.

linear algebra is a completely different course than calculus.

calculus is really for engineering students and is meant to solve problems, linear algebra is much more suited to math majors and deals with a lot of theory bullshit. i don't remember 80% of the content of that class but the 20% i do is really useful.

x=12.52 degrees roughly. You can't just trig this shit out just by staring at the angles. I randomly assigned BC line to equal distance of 1, because frankly the distance makes no difference. From there, you use law of sines to calculate other distances and then I got some 0.36/sin(x)=0.71/sin(110-x), more or less, which gets you your answer when you back calculate for x.

google Langley's Adventitious Angles, you idiot cocksuckers

P sure this is not super trivial. I did this once for extra credit in hs and I drew in random bisections to solve it.

Somebody please show me a proof or explain their answer. I'm not OP, just high and this is driving me insane.

learn to read

Fuck yeah my method worked too.


Simple. The triangle that is mirrioed has 20° for the point at B. Its just flipped over line F-C.

Fucking normies. Im not even asain.

Except BC and FE aren't parallel you fucking retard, so no, they aren't "mirrored."

are you actually this stupid

whoops, 12.52 was in the wonky radians i forgot to account for at one step. The back calculated answer I got was 29.99 degrees, or 30 degrees for the most part.