Let's get a civ thread going, haven't seen one for a while. Bored as fuck writefag here and I wanna OP something

Let's get a civ thread going, haven't seen one for a while. Bored as fuck writefag here and I wanna OP something

>A ship, carrying a band of travelers, veers off course during a storm and crashes into the shore of an unknown island. The travelers are...

A) Humans
B) Elves
C) Orcs
D) Other (reply with a suggestion + D, that reply needs two votes)

First to two votes. GO

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ok then, good for you?

>The band of Orcs, numbering 12, check each other for injuries before convening on an outcrop near the shore. They have no idea where they are, and no supplies. It's around midday, so there's some time before nightfall, but the crew is restless and run down.

>"We need a leader", says one Orc, standing up. A few mutter in agreement. "We should all be leaders," says the disgraced sun of a chieftain, "It never ends well when somebody's in charge."

A) Elect a leader (give name suggestions)
B) Continue as a leaderless commune

Population: 12
Status: Famished, dehydrated

Leader, called Kek

Leader, Kiek

fuck it, kek for leader!

Leaderless anarcho capitalist community!!!!


Nice dubdubs

>"I will lead us."

>The voice comes from Kek, a warrior Orc from one of the settlements.

>"As it stands, we have no supplies, no means of travel - we need somebody to lead us until we can figure out the situation. The day isn't getting any shorter."

>The Orcs nod in mutual agreement. They decide that they should establish a camp before taking further action. There is a nearby cave on the shore, a jungle they could explore, or a mountain they could climb.

A) Set up camp in the cave
B) Explore the jungle
C) Climb the mountain

Population: 12
Government: Leader, Kek
Status: Famishes, dehydrated

A. lets live in a cave

Jungle, soil for crops etc


dont jungles traditionally have poor soil, due to the riot of life within them? we could try to burn the jungle down and that would gives us short term soil fertility, but you are right there might be food in there.

Or maybe even a mountain, get a survey of land

maybe climb a little up the mountain and try to see around, maybe find a river? but maybe form a temp. camp in the cave for shelter.

Importing muslims.

>Kek sends a band of six orcs, comprising of his best fighters, into the jungle to secure camp.

[Awaiting the return of the scouting party]

>Meanwhile, Kek and the five remaining Orcs decide on their next course of action. Their ship, sinking off-shore, contains plenty of valuable supplies which could be salvaged. The ship will be fully submerged within the day, so if they want to scavenge it, they have to go now - the waters are unexplored though and there could be potential dangers lurking beneath the waves. There are a few crates containing basic foods washed up on the shore. They'll do for the time being.

A) Risk it and send scavengers to the sinking ship
B) Unpack what few basic supplies are available

Risk it nigger

Send someone to see if waters are safe then get supplies

fuck it, try to grab shit from the ship, but connect some guys with rope to the shore, and post some guards, making sure no orc gets tentacle raped by the ocean.

Risk it for a chocolate biscuit

>Send someone to see if waters are safe then get supplies

I second this

Can't pussy, send the orcs to scavange. Less mouths to feed if it goes badly.

>Hesitant to dive into unknown waters, one of the Orcs volunteers to swim to the ship and back to see if they're safe. Kek nods in agreement and the Orc and he begins swimming to the wreck.

[Exploring waters]

>A few cuts aside from floating pieces of the wreck, he returns to shore unscathed. They should be safe for exploration. A party of three then sets off for the ship, aiming to return with what they can salvage.

[Awaiting the turn of the salvage party]

>Meanwhile, the scouting party returns from the jungle. They have found two options: a large, underground cavern and a clearing above ground. The underground cavern would be safer - it only has one entrance - but the clearing would be better for cultivating crops in the immediate area.

A) Set up camp in the mossy cavern
B) Set up camp in the clearing
C) Other (specify, reply needs two votes)

Population: 12
Government: Leader (Kek)
Status: Hungry, thirsty

Lets set up in the clearing, we can start growing food immediately, and we can always move into the cave at a later date if need be.


cavern, dont need to grow shit... unless it's shrooms.
cavern shrooms.

we need food though, and water

Live in cavern farm in clearing

Shroom orcs, become crack orcs, become meth orcs

Clearing cause were orcs motherfucker.

Goto clearing
Make cave
Take all shrooms n shit from real cave
Put in made cave

maybe there are valuable minerals in the cave?

Clearing. If danger appears, the orcs can run to the cave--and the cave can still be utilized for its resources later if need be.

>Kek remains on the shore, awaiting the return of the scavengers, whilst the rest follow the scouting party into the jungle. They begin to clear the foliage in a large, circular area, preparing the land to set up camp.

[Construction of camp in progress]

>A short while later, two of the scavengers return. Unfortunately, one drowned after getting caught on a piece of wood.

>"Kek," says the one, "We are a man short, but the trip was a success. The hull had a large amount of valuables - fabrics, gems and the like. The storage room had a few lockboxes of seeds, food and the like - I fear we will be unable to get both, though, as it will take two to remove them from the wreckage. What should we bring back?"

A) Get commodities (fabrics, silks, gems)
B) Get consumables (seeds, grain, foods)

Population: 11
Government: Leader (Kek)
Status: Hungry, thirsty
Camp: Constructing

Also need a camp name, post ending in 1/2/3 decides

We have food for now.
Just build a primitive fence around farm area and then find out what we can grow
>Do we have seeds? Has anyone found any kind of seed when looking around?

shrooms can be food.
there might be some running water in the caves.
i like caves.

Camp NiggerFaggot
Grab seeds

Name the camp after the fallen man, who I will decide is named Chana.
Also, get the food. It's more important and we can't be clouded by greed.


Commodities first food later

Camp maga

Take gems, we can use them for focusing lasers later

A) commodities
We should be able to hunt and farm wild and native flora and fauna for now, but getting commodities will be difficult

I like this idea for the camp name

No, fuck this idiot.

Camp Maga already won

Look at how clouded this guy is. Maybe we should just eat him.

damn trips don't lie

>"Get the food. We need to worry about our immediate future."

>The two orcs set off for the ship again and return sometime later, carrying a large chest between the two of them. They open it on the shore - inside are seeds, grain, various salted meats and more, all largely intact. Kek inspects the goods and nods in approval. They make way towards the clearing.

[Sink ships in distance, can no longer be scavenged]

>Kek arrives at the clearing. Most of the trees and plants have been cleared, with a number of makeshift tents being created in the process. He congratulates his workers and calls a moot around the central campfire.

>"Excellent job on the clearing," he says, "But nightfall is nearly upon us. We ought to think about our defences - who knows what's out there."

A) Build wooden wall
B) Gather stone to build a more secure wall tomorrow

Population: 11
Government: Leader (Kek)
Status: Healthy
Settlement: Camp MAGA

Wood wall

>How many female orcs do we have?
>Can orcs reproduce with other females?

A) tonight's safety is more important right now

Build the wooden wall. We don't know what's out there--sure, we're all combat capable, but some blockade between us and everything else would be valuable.

we can just build another wall later if need be

Still no water

For next move: have a vote to create a perfect anarchy capitalistic society without the oppressive ruler kek.


>Using the tree trunks and branches, the orcs get to work establishing a makeshift wooden wall around the camp perimeter.

[Wall construction in process]

>Some time later, the wall is finished. Under the circumstances, and given the resources at hand, they've done a pretty impressive job. It will need future work, but it will hold for the night.


>"Chief," says an orc, approaching Kek, "One of your treetop scouts has reported sights of lights in the distance, a fair distance to the south-west. It could be another camp."

>Kek takes the information into account, deeming it to dangerous to venture out at night.

[Unknown settlement discovered]

>The night passes and morning comes. The orcs decide to...

A) Find a source of clean water (supplies are low)
B) Explore and find a source of food

Population: 11
Government: Leader (Kek)
Status: Healthy
Settlement: Camp MAGA
Locations: [NEW: Unknown settlement]


Fucking phone

Agreed! Kill the treasonous one!

no fuck you, we need to work together.
for the next move: a orc named Cavebro starts the vote to create a perfect communist society but since communism has a back background call it Cavenism.

Don't you know that an anarchistic society is perfect in every way? Ultimate freedom and happiness. Kek is keeping us down with his anti-freedom ways!

It hasn't even been one full day of his rule. Let's give dictatorship a chance, yeah?
A) Find water, I think that's the most imperative thing to do. Basic needs first.

Find water but first hang Kek for being anti-freedom


Send party with 2 groups, one for water, one for food

Water is the most important comodity. No human can live with water.

Find water, we have food and seeds right now

fucking degenerates wont accept that kek's leadership could ONLY be made better by converting to Cavenism

We're starving and we're stuck on this shit island, his rule is obviously shit considering the situation we are in. This is all because of the establishment that Kek represents. We need to mix things up and show them we are unhappy with how things are.

Stone Kek and have them elect an orc named Pepe as El Presidente

Kek is our supreme leader . Hang the traitors.

We're NOT starving, though. And us being shipwrecked had nothing to do with Kek. That was the shitty helmsman, who's probably dead.

Orcs are defined by their will for freedom, that is what our ancestors believed and fought for. Cavenism is the ultimate slap in the face of our forefathers.

>Establishment shill detected
We don't want you here CTR

The reign of kek must come to end. First to achieve trios will be the new leader.

hes done ok so far, we haven't been killed or enslaved yet so its fine for now

you would rather slave away to your superiors? you disgust me.
ill fight you right here right now coward

Heil Kek.

Why stone Kek and then waste the opportunity to create another dictator? You're just wasting people.

it's been one day and we're already infighting

Heil kek


we need to work together! not talk about killing each other! we already lost one poor bastard!

>Kek sends a scouting party back towards the shore, seeking a stream that will provide clean water.

[Scouting party in progress]

>A while later, the party return. In the shoreline cave, there was a waterfall which will provide plentiful, clean water. Kek designates one of the orcs to travel back and forth daily, bringing satchels of water with each trip.

[Water source found]

>The orcs spend the rest of the day tilling the ground, preparing to sow crops. Come nightfall, a rustling noise can be heard in the trees beyond the wall. Moments later, the guards drag a filthy human into the clearing, with nothing on his personnel aside from a few rags and a walking stick. He looks up at Kek, begging for his life.

>"Sire, we found this man on the perimeter of our camp. We should kill him."

>"P-please, no! I come from the camp to the south-west! We mean no harm, I simply sought to explore the wreckage on the beach, which led me here."

>Kek ponders the next course of action; they have been discovered

A) Kill the human
B) Banish the human, unharmed
C) Interrogate the human, harmed

Population: 11
Government: Leader (Kek)
Status: Healthy
Settlement: Camp MAGA
Locations: [Unknown settlement]


No, I want us all to be free in a superior an-cap society where all Orcs personal freedom is respected.

It is time for the prophet known as Matt to rise. He will bring forth the god, Pepe to guide us in these harsh times.

C) Interrogate him. Ask him how many of the humans there are, and how long they've established themselves.

B, maybe if we're nice to the human we can trade with the camp for something in the future


Interrogate the fuck outta him.

Be nice to the human so he trusts us. We can later kill the males and breed the females. Diversity is the fuel evolution runs on.

Talk kindly to the human but don't be a bitch about it

We're going to trojan horse this fucking town

lets peacefully talk to him then kill him, then we raid the fuck out of their camp for slaves and women!

Ask him about his camp, make him feel unharmed at all, and at home too