What are some very effective ways of suicide for somebody on a low budget and hard for a moron to fuck up?

What are some very effective ways of suicide for somebody on a low budget and hard for a moron to fuck up?

No tall buildings nearby.

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Train decapitation


How low is your budget?

isnt living life already very suicidal?

Your head stays alive for up to 3 minutes not a good idea lol

plastic bag over head
tie down with rubber bands around neck

Well it's that or bleach when you're peasant status

Unless you can afford a rope and a sturdy branch

go to your local ghetto in blackface.

wrong. You go unconscious in less than a second and die within 10 seconds.

Why not try all the hard drugs instead before you die


What part of low budget don't you get?



Jam a roll of quarters down your throat. Sufficating on coins is supposed to be a fairly peaceful way to die.

Superglue your nose and mouth shut.

That sounds retarded as fuck and painful

Your trips have been checked, poorfag.

However for that price your options are really limited. Honestly the best you can do is to buy some razor blades and some aspirin. The aspirin is to dull the pain, not to cause toxicity. Take like 12 half an hour before you do the deed. If opiates are available take some too, but don't try to take a lethal dose. If you change your mind or get rescued now you're just in more debt and labeled a suicide risk, no fun.

When you're painless, get in the tub and turn the shower on with warm but not hot water, and then lie down so that water is washing over your arms. Slit both wrists along the length of the visible vein, nice good 2" slits. Leave the drain open otherwise you make a huge fucking mess. Make sure nobody will find you for at least an hour.

It's no more painful than continued existence. Use the other $10 to get some booze. That way you can choke on the quarters in comfort.

do jap style with kitchen knife

Wrong. You less than a second and within die go unconscious 10 seconds.

I watched my dad choke on a roll of half dollar coins when I was a kid.

I live next to train tracks. I have it easy when I die.

Autoerotic asphyxiation seems a pretty popular method to "accidentally" kill yourself.

Watch Eckhart Tolle, Krishnamurti, Alan Watts on youtube, all very cheap effective ways of committing suicide to the false mind made self.