What was your last "risky text" or ballsy move? How did it go?

What was your last "risky text" or ballsy move? How did it go?

Texted "Hey"

Still waiting for response

Hey is pretty much always the worst way to start a conversation.

Told her I want her, her boyfriend is a cunt and abusive and treats you like shit, leave him.

Told a girl I would pay $200 to fuck her.

We did not fuck.

I asked someone what kind of dildo she wanted for Christmas. She hasn't answered in four days. I want to die

What did she say?

What even was the context?

Only one I screenshotted cause it was funny. I made her something then she didn't reply for a while and I thought
I weirded her out, in the end shes a chill person bout what I do.

why ask? just send it

Spahgetti lord, holy shit
you cannot be serious

Girls never put their phone down. You fucked it

Oh boy was it serious. Lots of spaghetti
everything is alright tho lmao
Lots of spaghetti in our friendship.

i mean we're still talking and Iv made more for her and shes had positive responses

Some spaghetti but if you're even remotely attractive, she's definitely more into you.

Oh yeah she's definitely into you dude

>makes tons of things for girl
>talk to her all the time
>compliment her often
>not fucking tho

If you're cool with being in the deepest dakest pit of the feiendzone, continue down this path. Not trying to be a dick, I just recognize the signs.

Nah I mean I just got out of some shitty relationships and I just don't wanna fuck things up so quick right now. We had a falling out like two years ago and we just started talking again.

You gotta plant the seed of the idea though. If you wait too long, she might move onto someone else.

>been texting with girl for a few weeks
>ask her out a couple of times
>rejected; busy
>figure this is going nowhere
>don't text her for a while
>bored and a little stoned
>text her, "tit pics?"
>immediately see she's writing something
>after about 5 minutes text comes
>definitely rejected
>10 minutes later
>get text from her, "whatcha doin?"
>"can i come over?"
>within 5 minutes of her coming over she was naked
>after sex she asked me how come i never expressed interest in her before

so, i guess it worked out well

I know whatchu mean
I just donnt make things weird if I try to bring that idea up.
Plus she got out of a relationship recently as well, I believe.
Im always like "Yeah she likes me but then some days im like nah she doesn't like me"

I think im a 7/10 lmao
8/10 on a good day

If you want to bring it up sometime, I'd recommend the "I had a dream last night where..." technique. But definitely do it in person.

I told a girl last night "Look, I know you don't actually like me. So let's just do whatever it is you actually want to do and stop talking."
It worked. We fugged. She left. I'm sad.

What is she?


Id give her a 8/10
To me at least and what I find attractive. Shes a cute person, not a sexy person. Not trynna offend her or anything but you know what I mean?
Id post a picture of her but I don't like posting pictures of my friends on here.

Totally. I am also about cuteness over sexiness. Cute definitely becomes sexy.

Right, Shes beautiful and cute, but I could never call her sexy, not yet atleast. Im kinda weird about it lol.


>ask her hows shes doing
>turn to look at her
>its a beef jerky sign

Dude I've said "sorry" or "excuse me" to like 500 mannequins