Drugs in public stories?

drugs in public stories?

I'll bite, I drank at school on a day where I had nothing to do. Was alright. Ama

>visiting amsterdam
>go to drug vendor
>in line behind two russian whores buying hash
>order bunch of edibles
>too full from dinner, can only eat some
>wait a little while
>nothing happens
>go to bed
>throw away remaining edibles in morning before crossing border

>take mdma
>go to death grips concert
>end up on floor in front of stage

>Drove to a gas station for a lighter to smoke weed later while acid was kicking in. Would not recommend
>being wacked out on edibles then having my parents coming back a day early from their trip. Not fun
>Going to high school and college stoned.
Very meh. Been lucky I guess

Me and some friends dropped acid one day.
We were planning on staying in our friends house for tho whole trip.
Next thing we know we were running amuck in the streets in the rain.
Stealing from stores and trying to maintain in a mall full of people.
I remember the rain comeing UP from the ground and grass from lawns boiling like lava.
I got seperated from my friends and being lost in my own hood watching the trees trying to point me home.

>stoned as fuck driving across town
>cop pulls me over
>lets me know i have busted tail light
>shit, which one is it?
>rear passenger
>thanks officer, i'll take get that taken care of
>have a good night sir

sorry not a very exciting story

Once I managed to get home the Iron Maiden posters were moving and talking to me.
I can,to this day remember the music I was listening to even tho I didnt have a sound system at that time.

LSD at the mall, twice (both times because a friend and I went to see movies, Avatar and Alice in Wonderland).
LSD at Canada's Wonderland (low dose).
Magic mushrooms in numerous places (bars, baseball tournament, fullmoon party in Thailand).
MMA pretty much everywhere.
Weed literally everywhere.

>in Amsterdam with friends
>buy liquid ecstacy shit from store with friends
>drink two bottles before I hit the clubs
>stay awake for three days straight
>couldn't come down
>on the third day go to a café and smoke some weed to try and come down
>its like all my tiredness and hangover hits me at once
>vomit everywhere
>get kicked out of the café
>go back to hotel
>sleep like a baba

Bumping for more Sup Forumsros stories.

>MMA pretty much everywhere
You squaring up son?

This was just after I moved to the Netherlands, I am originally from England.
>got told about a really awesome house party that was going to happen
>plan to go with a friend, and take lsd
>being naive fucks, we dose up before scoping out the party
>turn up, get in, it's just four guys playing fifa
>wait... nobody else is showing up
>I'm becoming increasingly high at someone's place I don't know
>for some unknown reason I bolt out of the door, grabbing only my coat
>my friend was too high to notice (he ended up getting a taxi home)
>I am now lost in a country I don't really know to well
>walk around, can't find a bus stop
>figure I'll text my friend, can't seem to unlock my phone
>realise I was trying to unlock my phone in the doorway to a shop, ask for directions to a bus stop
>guy says it's right there (literally a few feet to my side)
>get on the bus, hope it will eventually return to the main station.. it does after what seems like an eternity
>spent the entire time looking at crazy visuals out of the window
>walk the rest of the way home

How long was your actual trip?


That first part was probably around 3 hours, I got home just at the end of the peak.. and was still pretty high for another 4ish hours

>be me a few years ago
>first time getting high
>smoking bongs with 2 friends at the bottom of a steep hill
>spend 40 minutes trying to walk up the hill
>keep literally falling and rolling back down
>nobody else around to see how much of failure the 3 of us are
>shoulda got high before we got high

>take shrooms in the middle of the city with a friend and my then gf
>go play pool somewhere
>trip kicks in
>try to explain my friend there was something wrong with my legs
>can't even exain it just say my legs my legs man start laughing(legs felt light and wobbly)
>everytime i shoot the ball i literally feel like im levitating
>gf goes to take a shit
>keeps sending me pics of the ceiling trying to explain all the faces she sees
>friend and i cant see shit just a grey ceiling
>finally leave because tripping way too hard music makes us paranoid
>tripping uncontrollably in the middle of the street at this point
>talking with people 10 meters away thinking in part of the convo
>blurt out the most random shit known to mankind laugh uncontrollably
>the end

Went pretty. Well but i dont advice tripping on anything in the middle of a city bad shit can happen

>shoulda got high before we got high

Yeah,we took it at 11am and I was still tripping at 3am the next day. Good times.

>shoulda got high before we got high
Made me kek a little .

Im an old man and the acid was pretty good back in the day. We goy ours from Phoenix back then,late 80s early 90s. How is it these days?

Still bumping

Is the blacking out and ending up in jail on Xanax just a meme?

no, that's why doctors prescribe it for anxiety.

Aye, I do like lsd, but I tend to feel that any trip that goes above six hours is a bit too tiring for me!

plus I would certainly never use it outside of my comfort zone again

depends on where you get it from, I'd say up until the dawn of being able to find drugs easily on the internet, it was a lot worse! but now with the internet, the quality of drugs has really gone up

Yeah..we had a steady stream of it from PHX and it seemed like it was top tier.Not a dirty come down. Just slept for the whole next day.

>be me, 18
>out with friends at some bar
>go out to the smokers area after a few pints
>some random dude offers me "synthetic cocaine"
>don't really wanna do it because common sense
>another dude shows up and says we can all go snort it in his car
>commonsense.exe has crashed
>snort that off his phone after watching the other two to make sure I'm not snorting rat poison
>go on the best high I've ever had (had only smoked weed before that) for a couple hours, got punched repeatedly by an off duty security guard after I asked him too and couldn't feel a thing

Either synth coke is pretty legit or I snorted a crushed up pinga because that shit shouldn't have lasted so long but it was pretty fucking awesome even though I annoyed the fuck out of my mates by being hella pumped at 4:30 in the morning while they wanted to sleep

I wolud like to drop a last hit or two but like I said,Im old and probably couldent handle it anymore. Ill leave it to the new generation. Party on my young Sup Forumsros!

>take DOM
>try to run onto freeway

That's some speedy LSD there, mang

>Be my friend
>Asshat that made my schedule put a four-hour break before ending the day with an ethics class of all things
>Can't skip anymore because they're threatening to throw me out of school even though it's their fault for making ridiculous schedules like that
>Take some pills with two of my mates to get through the boredom of four hours of uselessness
>Having a blast, four hour break might not be so bad after all
>Our other mate comes up to us and says someone snitched on us
>We're not even halfway through our pills
>They're coming and they'll find out
>Have to ditch pills
>Pills were bloody expensive
>I'd be dry for a month if I ditched them
>Mates tells me to quit stalling
>dump all the pills down me troath
>They shall not go to waste

>Surrender my power to nature itself
>We are insignificant and tiny
>My mates, fools that they are, act against nature and carry me into class
>There, a teacher with as much knowledge about the universe as an ant about airplanes tries to provoke thoughts in our insignificant brains
>This is futile, let us return to dust and be one with the world

And so my friend was sped to the hospital because he couldn't stay seated and had a subnormal response to stimuli.

Does anyone have that friend that hogs all the alcohol and then gets drunk and makes you babysit? I fucking hate them.

Yes but I refuse to look after her I encourage her to do retarded shit and film it and then laugh when she vomits

Whenever I try that he gets mad and spits on me. Even at my house he will try to kick me out lmfao. Once though I pulled out a pellet gun and he thought it was real and cried ;-;

get better at being manipulative, or just get them drunker


Took shrooms and acid at the same time with a girl once and walked around the city at night in the philippines. Saw alotta shit and remembering having a shitty sense of balance, felt like I was being tossed around in space everytime I kept blinking I saw that I was in space, went to a 7/11 saw all the figures on the covers of snacks coming in life and I was still feeling like I was being thrown around,managed to get a drink and some gum bounced the fuck out, the acid was making me paranoid so we ended the night with getting a massage and by the time the shrooms wore off the acid was still kickin when I reached home so I stayed up and played rocket league.

> I snorted meth for the first and last time 3 (or4?) days ago.
> first 6 hours were fun but the rest was hell.
> almost 4 days awake, trying to sleep somehow, fapping like 10 times in a row, penis is sore.
> decide to watch tangled, cry like a little baby. shortly after that i can finally sleep, sleep like 14 hours.

not my kind of drug.