Look into mirror

>look into mirror
>see dis
wat do?


time to leave this world behind

> has acne
> pierces eyebrow to add more shit to face

pop them one by one, then kms

What's up Thomas?

Make the gym my place of worship, work out every day.

Look into acne removal drugs, I've heard they exist.

Get a fucking haircut

Go to raves

go to the doctor and get this treated.

stop eating junk food and do cardio

that would suck. severe acne is like a lesser version of leprosy.

>Change my diet and lifestyle
>Visit the doctor for a topical face wash
>Fuck bitches

take showers, wash your face, change your sheets. eat healthier.

start taking some pills for it

pic related

Grateful because my acne has decreased

Start with 1 pill of dercutan 20mg every day.
After 2 months start taking 2 pills of dercutan 20mg
At the 6th months docs will give you 2 last packets of dermocutan 8mg . 1 per day.
Make sure to get your Blood analized every 2 months of taking this pills.

Just lather my whole face in acne cream, use stridex pads every morning, and use some sort of anti-acne gel in the shower every day. Also let alone shower every day. Make a habit of not eating until you're stuffed, maybe head outside a bit more and find a job that is atleast a little physically demanding, you'all look like a rockstar in no time.

Get on accutane.

There's comes a point where a person can have severe cystic acne and at that point, now amount of exercise, clean diet, and clean living will help.

At this point you get on prescription dermatology med, Accutane (or the generic equivalent). It makes you dry as a mummies cock for the few weeks/months that you take it, but once you're done your acne should be cured FOR LIFE. There's no other drug like it.

Of course the acne treatment companies have a vested interest in legally fighting the drug that *cures* acne (there's a lot more money to be made treating a disease than curing it); so there's been nonstop legal pushes to restrict accutane as much as possible, slap as many warnings on it as possible, and even people that have committed suicide (because of severe acne), the blame has been placed at the accutane companies doorstep.

There's a point where acne is so bad that it's a life ruiner, people won't want to look at you much less date or befriend you..... at this point you need to get professionally treated.

get popin nigger

Break all mirrors in house. Problem solved.

wtf? your face is worse than that?

Pop them slowly while masturbating. After that i would scratch them open that they get infected. They will grow back even bigger. Then I will pop them again. Pimple poping makes me hard.

Sports (even walk a couple km/day, pokemon fucking go or something)
No more fucking doritos
No more fucking sugar drinks
At least graduate to beta (from gamma or fucking epsilon)


It's very easy for people who have normal amounts of teenage acne to try to offer advice to people with severe cystic acne, not realizing that the same methods of treating the flu will not cure cancer.

If your acne is like OP's, he must see a dermatologist. It's likely they'll try a few different antibiotics that may help *a bit*, but get nowhere near close to addressing the problem properly (but still way more effective than clearisil or fucking noxzema type shit). Each time you go back and say you want something stronger. After like 4 trips they should offer you accutane. MAKE SURE you say you have no problems with depression or suicidal thoughts (Accutane does not make you depressed or suicidal, well, no more than being covered in zits already does; but people have sued the compnay over their family member's suicides and won), or else they won't prescribe it. It CAN cause severe birth defects in women while they're taking it (but not once they're done with their cycle), so they make women get on 2 different forms of birth control.

You will be so dry while taking it. It permanently dries out your oil glands. Your eyes, nose, mouth, and lips will be dry. You'll get bloody lips if you don't use chapstick. Nosebleeds from a dry nose.... etc.... but all this is very bearable because you will be cured or have very little acne once your cycle is over.

Did you just write that or a copypasta?

I wrote it. Because it's important.

I got treated on accutane when I was 15 and I pretty much looked like OP. And before you ask, I ate the cleanest possible, drank no soda, ate no chocolate, and used 4 different acne products on a rotating basis.

People need to know how accutane can cure that shit for life. It really is a miracle drug.

And once your as bad as OP, no amount of stridex, noxema, or clearasil is gonna do shit. And honestly, none of the 1st tier prescriptions are likely to help much (but still better than the OTC stuff).

The problem with our culture is people that have normal teenage acne, see someone who's covered and they assume that guy is eating chocolate by the pound, chugging soda, and never bathing. Chances are OP is *far cleaner* than you or I, he just has enormous genetic susceptibility to acne.

Good info. I never had much problem with acne, just a few teenage zits like you said. I cannot begin to understand how horrible to look like this, it must scar your mental health for life. I see people like this and I really feel for them from the bottom of my heart. I'm glad to hear you're better.

the problem is that it lowers certain hormones in your kidneys, i had to get my blood tested to see if i was fit for it (i was) but noone the less it is dangerous if you dont prodcure enough of X in your kidney

It's chickenpox you muppets

Triglycerides. It can throw off your triglyceride levels so you must take regular blood tests. This is an *extremely* rare thing, but it can happen. So you must get tested regularly.

Most of these types of things are due to the constant lawsuits and class action lawsuits led by big pharmaceutical companies in order to smear or restrict accutane. Because let me tell you, if a guy like OP isn't going to a dermatologist (or hell, even if he is), he's likely spending hundreds and maybe thousands a year in acne treatments. If he got treated with accutane, he'd spend a few hundred and never need to spend a cent on it after.

let me just bypass all the retards who have never had real acne who mention junk food and "just don't do x" and tell you

get on accutane

that's it.

My acne was almost as bad as that. It ruined my life for years. I stopped consumption of all dairy products and it was completely gone within about 2 weeks.

Occasionally I'll accidentally consume something with dairy in and I'll get an outbreak of cystic acne all over my chin, eyebrows, and hairline. I use a salicylic acid gel peel which stings like a bastard but seems to kill the infection and speed up the healing process.

He looks like ben affleck with a severe case of herpes.

Yep this shit cured the fuck out of me. I had standard acne on my face but real painful red sores "damn what the fuck is that son" acne over my upper back. School was a nightmare, I'd sit back to hard on a chair, or I'd catch a tender volcano with my backpack and it was just pure agony for a few seconds. Anyway yeah the accutane made me a non-atheist.

They'll probably warn you about it potentially making you depressed blah blah that's bullshit it's just some weaklings are too impatient so when it's been a few weeks and the acne has got a bit worse (because, as with a lot of medications, you may find before it gets better it flares up) they go right ahead and kill themselves in the pussy. You'll be fine as long as you remember this son.

Get lots and lots of vaseline though son your lips are gonna crack like a black man's aged elbow

Or if you wanna enjoy life and eat what you want like most people then just get on the accutane, if you do anything else at this point then you're just a faggot like every OP

Depends on if you get any other symptoms. Often, acne caused by dairy consumption is just one symptom, and the person may experience symptoms like intermittent fatigue and stomach issues which medication won't help with and which they may not even realise they had until they stop eating the problem food.

Eliminating the suspected food from the diet is the quickest and easiest way to figure out whether it's a diet problem. It'll take less than a week to see results, and doesn't require a prescription.

OP hasn't been sat here moaning about belly ache after eating a shit ton of pizza, so we're talking strictly about standard cystic acne right now.

And checked

become christ
Isaiah 53:2

>adjust diet
>take vitamin E supplement; don't apply to skin.
>wash face in buttermilk --whole, not lowfat
>lemon juice is also good, perhaps a mixture of both
>perhaps consider seeing a dermatologist

Eat more fruits and vegetables.
Wash your face before bed and make sure you're washing your damn pillow case too otherwise you put your clean face on a filthy pillow all night

>implying diet and lifestyle have anything to do with it
>implying a "topical face wash" will help

That shit needs proper acne meds

cum on my own face daily until it clears up

no homo

I had acne too, not as severe as guy in OPs pic and what helped me was "Ciscutan" which contains Isotretinoin.

Had to swallow a pill for half a year but already 2 months after i started taking them you could see it is getting alot better

After those 6 months my face had skin like a babyboy, so smooth

I can only recommend you going to your Dermatologist and ask him about it, he will give you more information. The list of possible negative side effects is long, but if ure lucky u wont get any of them. depends on how ur body tolerates it. All i had was dry lips (dry as fuck actually) for those 6 months, after that its of course getting better again.

This was 2 years ago and today im still with sexy ass skin.

Shoot myself, not that would be able to tell, with a fucking face like that!


laser treatment


This isn't the 90s, quit with the acutane pasta.

Research some Doxy and call me in the morning.

Wash face, take medications, go to gym, eat less shit, stop being a fag.

Put chocolate on it

I had pretty bad acne as a teenager, not as bad as OP's pic but nearly as bad. When the doctor gave me accutane my face started clearing after only a week and was completely clear by 3 months. Miracle drug. I remember being sick as a dog and having a fever dream when I first started it, but I'm pretty sure that was unrelated.

Washing your face and changing your diet can influence acne marginally, but if it's very severe accutane is pretty much the only way.

Start drinking water and wash my sheets

This is called cystic acne, exactly what I had growin up!

It's caused by a poor SAD diet (standard American diet), lack of exercise, and typically is a symptom of an allergie/sensitivity you're not aware of.

Im educated enough to have eliminated my acne completely with diet and exercise. It was the dairy, bread, restaurant food, and sweets that caused me acne.

Now when I see people walking around with acne, I instantly know they're retarded because they lack the brainpower to self-research. Relying on western medication is an absolute bleb move.

I'll be waiting for the retard who tells me diet has nothing to do with it. For me, diet was everything. My face took 3 years to clear up. 3 fuckin years of exercising everyday and eating essentially a raw vegan diet (with some occasions meat).

Too bad 99% lack the willpower todo this, so enjoy being ugly and depressed for the remainder of your life. I've been there, it's hell.

>get a haircut
>lose weight
>wait few years

Pretty much the soulution

>lists all healthy habits
>suggests going to drug parties
What the fuck man

>tfw no acne until I hit my 20's
>tfw it's not all over, just a couple of fucking huge mounds that form and hurt like fuck every couple of weeks
>got told my skin was too dry from regular washing (showered daily, washed face before bed)
>stopped washing before bed
>still happened
>got told my skin was probably too oily
>tried creams, washes, etc.
>they worked for a short period of time, then it would come back and the products did nothing
>stopped working out for a little while, even slacked on my diet and started drinking garbage drinks
>it stopped for a few months
>got a physically demanding job, and it all came back

I'm pretty certain at this point that it has something to do with sweating. If I work out, the next couple of days I'll get two big fucking lumps under my skin and a few smaller spots around my forehead/chin/nose. I intend to see a doctor about it soon, but I've been told before that sweat can't cause it if I'm washing afterwards (I always do), but I'm working long days now.

take a shower and wash your face you dirty fuck

Rub a generous handful of this on your face before bed and when you get up

That's for hormones you faghot! Are you trying to turn OP into a woman?

Drink a gallon of water a day, acnee free since 93.

This. I would feel great and go out and party.

that blows


become a kevin smith fan

Go to a dermatologist.


my face was worse that that except the forehead, im on accutane for 3 months now and my face is 100% clean

Roaccutan. You might die but there is no point in living like this. I wish they would use this sentence in Marketing.

im on roaccutan for 3 and a half months and it was the best decision of my life.
OP all the other remedies and cremes and washes are complete bullshit, if u want to get rid of acne for ever you need to take roaccutan (its the same drug as accutane but in europe)

I don't think anything in lif can prepare anyone for this
>wash my face with a cheese grater and bleach

Racutan, then you'll be free.

1) Change diet, more water/vegtables/fruits less refined shit
2) Get exercise
3) Wait till puberty passes

Do not fucking pick them. You will end up with a face full of scars. It motherfucking is what it is. One day your hormones will balance and they will reduce. But untill then eat right and drink lots of water.

I just noticed that hah

kill myself

or go get some Acutane.

I'd be happy cause I won't be a person of darker pigmented skin anymore

Hahahaha moron, relying on medication that destroys you and your liver.

Just eat a clean diet you disgusting nigger, you have to be 16 years old, no intelligent adult would make this decision unless they're actually retarded.

Pay a prostitue to lick my face and bust my zits with her teeth
Then kill myself

Use acne products
Change diet up
Hit the gym

google Syphilis

SUDOCREM. trust be, buy it.
also don't wash your face too often it is bad for your skin especially all this clearasil bullshit.
la roche or avene to clean skin.

Wash face

Acquire needle


Acquire paper


stupid idea, scars and all the acne will come back.

Why does going to the gym reduce acne? Legit question, i want to know

Also, chekd

Blocked pores. Get a loofah and spend some money on good soap.

Why didnt you wash your face earlier? You could have had great skin like this.

go to the fking hospital

Exfoliate, nigga. I used to have fairly bad acne. Then I got one of those shower scrubber poof thingies that I use only for my face. (I have a separate one for washing my body.) I scrub the shit out of my face with it and toss it in the washing machine on hot, gentle cycle once a week. Keeps my face smooth as a baby's ass.

Found my new fetish.

>Wash face with soap (bar) every morning
>Spend 1h a day under actual sunlight
>Get nice tan and perfect skin

>implying someone here goes out

Tits look like they've never seen the light of day

Are you saying you get scars even if you poke a hole in it instead of "popping" it?

yes, it is possible. just don't touch them, this is how i got rid of it.
don't wash too often, sudocrem and don't touch your skin all the fucking time.
when i used clearasil and shit like that i just had to touch my skin with a finger and the next days there would be acne.

Wait until I'm past 16 years of age?

If that doesn't help, probably stop eating trash food and start working out

Put a clean pillow case on your face every night or cover your pillow with a clean towel. Use a cotton ball and apply apple cider vinegar to the affected areas then dab the same areas with vitamin D oil and evening primrose oil mixed in equal parts. Avoid meats (except fish) sugar, processed foods and drink at least 1 gallon of pH balanced water a day. Good luck.

>soap bar
prepare for even more acne

this is annoying if you have acne, people think you just need to wash your face.