Crappy internet

>crappy internet
>unbearable weather
>export based economy
>retarded "people"
>corrupt and unstable government(s)
>falling currency
>overpriced goods

Is this what it's like to be 3rd world?

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop underselling Australia, #2 HDI and only because Norway didn't spend its oil money on frivolities

shoo shoo chang

>underselling Australia, #2 HDI and only because Norway didn't spend its oil money on frivolities
If Australia is #2 is due their huge mineral reserves

>Good public infrastructure.
>Clean cities.
>Economy geared towards exports and services (forward looking).
>Cheap dollar makes exports competitive.

I have many problems with this place but there is literally nothing wrong with our standard of living. We have a lot of retarded people but life is generally quite comfy.

I'll trade you places m8

>implying abundant resources don't require intelligent management
They earned their success, it took 200 years under their British parole officers but they made it

No, Brazil is 4th world

lel, welcome to the club Brazil

A third world country has more violence and less social welfare. We tick a lot of the other 3rd world boxes on the checklist, though.

We have some of the finest boipucci in the world

>Good public infrastructure.
Good one.

4th world is an understatement

We're currently lobbying the UN to recognize our 5th world status, to expand the amount of aid we receive

You're not Sweden

sounds pretty niggerish

I wish you good fortune for that, I'm desperately trying to get the hell out of here

Are you seriously incapable of detecting whether or not that was sarcasm? It wasn't an allusion either, they're actively kicking out aid organizations under the pretense of malicious religious conversions

Spergs are immune to sarcasm, user.

It's okay I have my difficulties as well

Is Australia really advanced because of its industry or is it just mineral reserves? How are housing prices adjusting to foreign money?

You're a big guy

jajaj noooo

Maybe if you like sissies. Aussie boys are boys, not loose sissies

>more violence
Plenty of that where I use to live
>less social welfare
I don't think we'll have any social welfare within the next 10 years

Australians are very sinuous and intelligent, very difficult to decipher and understand

They will always boggle me, is it casual sarcasm? Or is it a serious reply?

>Is Australia really advanced because of its industry or is it just mineral reserves?
A bit of both. We have a lot of mineral exports, certainly, but also a lot of wealth surrounding mining technology which is used around the world. There is a similar situation within the agriculture industry, what with our meat and technology exports.
One could argue that our wealth is kind of tied down to an inflexible state which will eventually be its own undoing if we as a nation are going to remain steadfastly working against improving our communications and IT infrastructure to be a competitive business within the greater international markets. There is a lot of knowledge and research going on in respect to computing and communications in our universities but they are ultimately unable to achieve a greater potential due to how the government has allowed for decades to stagnate at the commercial level due to the self serving confluence of corporation and government.

>Plenty of that where I use to live
Travel more, you have no idea.
>I don't think we'll have any social welfare within the next 10 years
Based on what?

bit gay
yeah too right, mate

Thank you for that detailed, analytical reply. It sounds like Australia is still hiding gobs of untapped potential

I wouldn't lie if I said I spend most of my time here writing humourous/absurd replies to get likes/replies from Australians, I always feel like your the big brother I need to impress here, America the little one (no offence)

>you bump into david williams and matt ballin at a north shore beach

What do

>It sounds like Australia is still hiding gobs of untapped potential
It really is and has been for the past few decades. We may have to wait till all the baby boomers die off before any changes happen, however, as those cunts act as a voting block to get the pricks into government which pander to them and these boomers are almost collectively against anything which is potentially beneficial to the younger generations. They mainly do this as a self serving defence mechanism to defend their retirement funds and asset value.
One problem is that the teenage and young adult generations have a generally apathetic outlook and have their whole lives basically been brainwashed that they are nothing but whiny, entitled and lazy brats, resulting in kind of closing off from the world and escaping into the now even more accessible digital landscape, where they can achieve a sense of temporary belonging and contentedness vicariously through the rise of e-celebrities.
We are having younger and better educated peoples brought into an environment of rather rampart anti-intellectualism and those praying on the sorts of insecurities we used to deal with in an isolated, individual manner as opposed to being openly criticised and assessed in the public forum. They are in a way facing your typical existential angst at around the high school age as opposed to in your early 20s, so they aren't really intellectually mature enough to explore these feels and as a result become attached to a certain sense of detachment from society and are far more apathetic about larger issues beyond the overly isolated digital and social media escapes.


I feel bad for them as while my generation was generally fucked over by those older than us, these younger generations are being raised into a landscape which has a combination of far more on offer but ironically even more barriers to being able to attain a sense of security to freely enjoy the world around them. By the time those in their mid teens are in their mid twenties, most of them won't be able to afford a house in their lifetime and will likely be working decades longer till retirement, thanks to how the older generations actively sort out to give themselves the best financial edge for their elderly years then aggressively sort to undo these policies the moment they achieved what they were after.


Thanks, a good read. I would never have guessed that was the predominant 'mood' among millennials there from the confident, brash Australian posting here. Sometimes I respond harshly because I think you're fully confident but your language hides it,

A lot of the retarded shit you see from aussies on Sup Forums has a lot of peer pressure riding on it. That and yeah, we tend to be direct but at the same time indirect. There is an image floating around of that smiley face with sunglasses meme, it is sprayed on a wall along with a quote about being post-ironic to hide the fact that he is cripplingly depressed. I think there is a certain degree of that to how we tend to communicate online, in that it can come across as sarcastic and ironic but also somewhat genuine at the same time.
We're a lot like a mix between the UK and the USA in that we tend not to be up front and address issues or points because it feels obnoxious but there is also that overt jocularity and bluntness which kind of appears how Americans communicate, but without the seriousness or energy.

We're probably just a bit fucked in the head.

>We're a lot like a mix between the UK and the USA
I think you're the best of the three in terms of relatability, at least for me. Sometimes the depression is palpable but you hide it very well.

Thanks for the honest exposition, have a nice morning/day Aussiebro :3