Damn it America

Damn it America.

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I thought they had taken his Twitter away from him


You wish

Trump em' all!

Shit, wrong link

I can actually get behind this.. Flagburning is some serious sandnigger chimpout bullshit.

They gave it back after the election. Or I think it was a bit before the election results.

You need to get in front of a firing squad you filthy commie.

In many european democratic countries this is illegal. Freedom of speech yes, but flag is a symbol, so there are consequences.


America really needs to go. You guys have failed your country.

Then they don't have free speech.

No other country has freedom of speech laws like the US. The other Western countries freedom of speech is restricted much more than ours, so it's no wonder that flag burning is one of the restricted things too.

Only guy that makes sense in all the thread...

Flags are literally symbol of patriocism, burning a flag is an open aggression toward the image of a country.

It's not hard to understand. It's not freedom of speech, it's not a hate crime either. It means what it means and I get why trump wants to change that.


Im from Denmark though..


>burning a flag is an open aggression toward the image of a country.

Not in the US.

>The Government conceded that flag-burning constitutes expressive conduct and enjoys the First Amendment's full protection. It is clear that the "Government's asserted interest" in protecting the "physical integrity" of a privately owned flag in order "to preserve the flag's status as a symbol of the Nation" and certain national ideals, is related to the suppression, and concerned with the content of free expression.

US v Eichmann 1990

We can even deny the truth of the Holocaust if we feel like it. Perhaps that's why there are less anti-Semites here. Less conspiracy theories flying about. Let idiots have their beliefs and they won't spread as fast or far.


Hell you can be racist and make edgy as fuck jokes on Twitter and you won't be thrown in jail like you can in the UK.

Our freedom of speech laws in the US are a sacred thing that must be protected, we even have to defend it when it comes to shit we personally disagree with.

Fake tweet stay mad liberals your tears are endless

I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It. - Evelyn Beatrice Hall

It's not fake and it was the conservative judges that upheld the right.


People still fall for Trumps trolls.

> Muslim ban - confirmed troll
> wall mexico will pay for - confirmed troll
> Obama birther support - confirmed troll
> women punushed for abortions - confirmed troll
> running for office in "character" strong man etc - confirmed troll

Just accept Donald Trump is the first ever Troll President and dont get baited

Flag burning is the most American act that one can participate in.

Trumpsters trying to defend their stupidity.

Trump is the first teenaged President. How wonderful.

Nah. Ronnie also had Alzheimer's and a love of fast food.

Their is logic too his trolls, he is successfully trolling political extremists and the stupid media.

If you bother to look at his history and interviews prior to the creation of his strongman TV character he is actually a centrist and identified as a Democrat previously.

He chooses his trolls well, he is in fact one of the worlds greatest trolls.

Trolls are good people.

No, he's a bad person. He scammed how many people with his university and then he used his charity to bribe someone to not investigate him and had to pay a fine.


He's not an angel but he is trolling Americans so he has my support. Americunts needed to be trolled. Shit was getting way too serious.

fuck yeah, Donald Trump. I'll bet liberals and shitskins were frothing at the mouth because of this tweet. lol
commie? You mean you?

Butthurt mad libtard detected

>wanting to ban flag burning
>banned in commie countries

Here's looking at (You), Ivan.

so you know it's a First Amendment Right to burn flags right.

>you're a retard, I just want to make sure you this.

You're a retard. He's really doing those things. He's not the president yet and hes already got a head start. You know he isn't the president yet, right? That's in January.
It's great you liberal faggots and cucks are still in denial and think he's kidding.

Again, you are a retard and dont understand how the first ammendment works. Did you learn about it in your first year of college, sport? They could pass a law specifically making burning a flag not free speech. and you faggots could nothing but cry about it. Again.

Um nope
Obvious troll is obvious.

>if something is a law in a commie country, it would be communism to do it here like murder, rape, theft, etc


thanks, kid. Grow up


Flag burners should consider suicide or leave the country, you have to be a real manchild to do that. Don't care who you are, burning your own flag is some seriously disgraceful shit.



>Flag burning is the most American act that one can participate in.

and owning slaves.

Because murder rape and theft are obviously fucking wrong you idiot. Burning a flag is usually a political opinion and banning flag burning is political repression and suppression of dissent. We have the 1st amendment for a reason. If you have opinions about the government you have the right to voice your opinion without fear of being sent to a gulag like they do in Russia/Cuba/Venezuela and those shit tier countries.

You should also know that it's a 1st amendment right to say all the stupid shit you want right? Just because you have the right doesn't mean you should exercise it for the worst reasons possible. I mean you can do still do it, but it doesn't mean you should spread fallacies or burn a symbol of your own country.

>Eat shit and die

It's really more of a fascist thing. It just so happens that Communism always turns directly into strong man fascism.

>taking away your social media accounts because a bunch of libtards feelings get hurt

>still considering america a free country

why cant we just get rid of the democrats already

boii he said it

He meant his PR team taking his account away from him, not Twitter banning him, you inept fucking retard.

I member!

Member when there weren't so many Mexicans?

It's all JJ Abrams fault.

How is Trump University any worse than those faggy non-degrees in gender studies, gay studies, afro-american studies, women studies, that a lot of SJW Hitlary-voting parasites have?

Member when marriage was between a man and a woman?



Because those only promise to be fatty degrees. Trump made promises he didn't deliver on. He promised the staff would be hand picked by him. It wasn't. He promised it would be professionals, one professor had only previously worked at a fast food chain and didn't have a degree. It was a scam.

You fucking dumbass, he cancelled the wall and is now rebuilding the fence where it is needed

He's baiting liberals. Baiting them to burn the american flag out of spite, so it gets picked up by the media and tarnishes the lefts reputation. It's simple bait, but it's still bait. Curious to see if people will fall for it

And it's never stopped anyone who seriously wants in.

he's obviously wisely saving money by building a fence instead of a concrete wall. that just makes business sense given our economy and the federal deficit. this is why you elect a businessman and not some idiot politician lawyer. a smart businessman like Trump knows the importance of a budget and won't get all wild nigger rich with the budget like Obama did like it's the first of the month.

Obama never fixed it, it's been fucked for years

UK here

Why are people against this? Do you hate your country? I honestly dont understand this thread

Because a fence is dumb. It's a fucking fence, that's not going to stop economic migrants, people fleeing violence torn countries. A fence is not going to stop people overstaying visas, which is a huge issue as well. Illegal immigration isn't all fence hopping.

It's called the First Amendment, britbong. It guarantees the right to free speech. it's why we free Americans can say the Queen is a faggot and Britbongs have to pretend she's not a old man in a dress or get their heads cut off.

Reagan did not love fast food. He loved Jelly Belly's, a theme flavored jelly bean made in Racine, WI.

We can actually say whatever we want about the queen

>Why are people against this?
Because we actually have freedom of speech where you can be racist and talk shit on Twitter and be an asshole in general and not get sent to jail, like you pansies.

He loved McDonald's

You guys do know that the proper way to dispose a flag is to burn it?
The American boy scouts burn a lot of flags annually because you do not throw a flag in the garbage can.

so you hate your country then

So they can just cut it, burn it and dig under it? It's a fucking fence.

That could become a End italy

obviously you make the fence go 50-60 ft underground.

Nope, I love my country. I love that I can be an edgy faggot and not get thrown in jail by the rozzers because of hurt fee-fees.

You cant burn metal and you can still dig under a wall

How? And how does that stop people from cutting it?

Better no education than a neomarxist indoctrination at taxpayers expense (a huge financial bubble aking to subprime mortgage situation -- over 1000 billion dollars in student loans undersigned by the gov being increasingly defaulted on by the hillary voters. Doubt any of them are STEM graduates).

If someone is stupid enough to go to one of those for profit scam degree mills,like trump uni, maybe they are not college material in the first place?

The reason why the education costs are so inflated (4 times the rate of inflation since the 70s) AND why places Trump Uni exist (and there are many scam colleges more like that out there) is because of all those taxpayer subsidized government grants and loans readily available to those who shouldnt be in college in the first place. Thanks to the lefties.

Trump IS a scumbag (but so is hillary) and will probably break most of his promises but at least he set the hateful racist degenerate marxists' asses on fire. That alone is priceless.

But the GOP hates donald trump. they sunk millions into negative ads against him, they attempted to prop up jeb and rubio and cruz and the don man knocked them all flat on their asses. believe what you want dude, but the real hitlers are the people that have brainwashed you with the modern day lugenpresse that is MSM.

Electric fence

make it out of a mix of adamantium and mithril

Concrete is pretty hard to burn through and much easier to put deep down. A fence that goes that deep is actually about as expensive and has more vulnerabilities.

its a great alarmist cartoon you got there, can you draw me up one of the democrats that run all of the urban areas of the U.S. complaining about institutional racism? thats always my favorite narrative.

That would cost a fortune and with gloves and rubber boots you could still cut it. Plus ive been zapped a few times on the farm. Its not that bad. My cousin bent over to get something and got shocked, now that was funny.

Flag burning is protected by the 1st amendment.

Fuck you for saying that anyone hates their country by protecting free speech laws.

It is a dispicable act to burn an american flag, but by god, I will defend your right to do it.

Free speech is integral to America. It is your right.

Jesus Christ you guys are easy to bait.

Trump just 5d chess'd the fuck out of you mouthbreathers.

Illegals are too poor to buy protection and rubber is too hot to wear in the sun

No one cares about Hillary anymore, and both Hillary and Trump are wrong about this.

Fuck anyone who says differently.

Not really. He was a Hillary supporter before he ran

You are scared of the truth

have you ever stopped and thought maybe what donald was trying to do was illustrate a point to the american people about how fucking nasty some of these for-profits institutions are? and how why the fuck does the U.S. government allow them to exist? He wasnt president then, he didnt MAKE it possible for for-profit schools to exist, the establishment did, its the same reason he dodges taxes BECAUSE THE SYSTEM IS FUCKED, let the orange faggot change it up so sneaky fucks have to come up with new schemes to cheat the american rubes out of their money. Call me a cuck, call me trump cock lover if you want i wanna see if he will make some changes that make shit like that outlawed so the american education system can get some of its pull back and stop turning people into zombies with thousands in debt and no job security.

Even the dems get theirs taken away by PR alot you fucking professional victim

Fuck you, you traitorous piece of shit. My fucking friends didn't die face down in the goddamn sand or get blow to fucking pieces by haji IEDs so a bunch of fucking pany-ass college liberals can desecrate the flag during some hissyfit for free collage or unlimited immigration for jihadists and nacroterrorists.

They wear the protection at their jobs in Mexico. Dumbass . Rubber is cheap and they are used to being hot.

I think he was trying to make money. Otherwise he could have just paid everyone back after day one.

>Rubber is cheap
too bad your parents didn't use one