Having my first colonoscopy tomorrow. What can I expect from this ??

Having my first colonoscopy tomorrow. What can I expect from this ??


A lot of shitting. You got lucky with the powdered kind. Suprep (a liquid you mix in water) is, to this day, the foulest tasting thing I have ever encountered. Which is a shame, because it smells wonderful.

As for what to expect during the colonoscopy, literally nothing. They'll probably put you in a curtained off room so you can get dressed. They'll go over your allergies and medications if they haven't already. Your bed is wheeled to the operating room where they get you comfortable and situated, you get an IV and start to feel a bit warm. The next thing you know, you're back in your prep room.

They have to inflate your colon with air during the procedure. You'll have some discomfort and a lot of gas for a day or two, but nothing major.

I use intestinal biopsies harvested from colonoscopies for my experiments all the time.

They suck, it is extremely invasive, but you will survive. It won't be as bad as you expect it to be.

The preps worse than the scope, despite how much it tells you to drink, don't pound so much water that you make yourself throw it up,
why the scope?

You will randomly crave for something to enter your anus for the rest of your life.

Starvation, even from coffee.
Drug you up, you'll probably forget.
If you don't, then you won't give a shit.
That comes later after they've removed the enormous tube from your asshole.

Why do Gorillas have frowns on their faces? Because in a thousand years they evolve into Niggers.

god i had suprep for one of my resections, that shit is nuts
Weirdly heavy and slimy

Sounding like an evinrude. You get twilighted, you won't remember shit. Doesn't hurt. You fart a ton... just let it go.

Enjoy ass sex, fag.

1. at what age do you have your first colonoscopy
2. are you under full anesthesia
3. do you bleed from your anus

history of colon cancer in family. Recent bout of Diverticulitis.

what in the hell is divernticulosis?

and how old are you

infection of pouches in the wall of your colon.
Old enough.

When small pouches in the colon, usually in the left lower quadrant, form. Commonly caused by a low fiber diet. Divirticulosis by itself isn't a big deal, but when those pouches become inflamed, it becomes divirticulitis, which can be a medical emergency if severe.

that sounds awful...

god I hope OP's going to be ok, is she in the US?

I'm having one on Saturday. I plan on going to a house party/music a few hours later. Is this a bad idea? I have someone to drive me both from the procedure and to the show

I wouldn't really recommend it. I spent the rest of the day tired as hell from the anesthesia. And between the stomach cramps and gas that followed the procedure, I didn't feel like doing much of anything.

But that's just me. Will it kill you? No. You just might not be in the mood for it.

you'll be farting the entire party.


Suprep is Satans jizz.

Mixing it with water is a mistake. Mixing it with ginger ale or sprite makes it slightly better. Its far and away the worst part of the entire thing.

Does if feel good, like anal sex at ALL?

i get dozens of samples everyday at work. clinical lab tech here. among them all are body parts, a fetus or 5, lots of piss, and a ton of blood. eyeballs are a bonus.


extremely invasive?? explain yourself.

You're asleep, you feel nothing.

Its really not. You're asleep the whole time. The prep is the worst part.


The shitting? No, it's basically diarrhea. After awhile, it's just water, and it gets to the point where your anus burns when shitting by the end of the day.

The colonoscopy? You don't feel it at all. You're in a semi-conscious state and won't remember anything once they put the IV in. If you were to feel it though, the endoscope is rather small. It would be like putting a finger in your ass.

Best fucking nap I ever had. You wont feel a thing.

Protip; have an enema or two on hand to set yourself off. Kinda like holding a blowtorch to a stick of dynamite, but can be necessary.

I had about a gallon of that stuff in me and my gut was gurgling, but my ass wouldn't let go. Enema did it. Also good to clean out the last bit to make sure you don't shit yourself on the way to the doctor. Be sure that you strain VERY HARD to get the last bit out.

And never trust a fart.

Spend today in the toilet, have a laptop or a few books on standby. Plenty of water to stay hydrated. The procedure itself is standard, nothing to freak out over. In short, quit being a bitch.

You'll be gay by the end of the procedure.

An erection.