Let's start one of these threads

Let's start one of these threads

> 19
> studying computer sience
> I guess im more liberal than co servative, although I'm not one of those libfags that get triggered anything.

Other urls found in this thread:


you got the link?


It didn't even ask me about the jews.

Heres mine.




So Sup Forums really is full of lefties these days. They said it was a conspiracy, but I believed.

I have no opinions what so ever

Same general area as OP, bit closer to the center of the green square. For the most part my political views follow a basic concept of consent; don't fuck with me unless my actions are directly affecting you. Likewise, I won't fuck you unless your actions are directly affecting me.

It's unfortunate, though; I can't possibly call myself a democrat or liberal despite leaning left on most things. I'm honestly not surprised Trump won, with how the left has collapsed into a quivering pile of pussies and dyed hair. Trump didn't win because of some sleeping giant on the right rising and crushing the opposition. The left shot itself in the leg over and over this election, and STILL hasn't figured out that you can't win a race hobbling forward on one foot.

Someone gets it. There's hope for this board after all.

reminder that "liberal" is the purple square and "libertarian" is just the bottom of the Y axis


Why are there so many greenfags in this board?

btw, purple master race.

you realise purples dont understand science because most deny climate change?

Because muh free market doesn't hold up. Most purple fags are total Rothbard fags, and never question the viability of markets. Likewise, Atlas Shrugged is some shitty incorrect literature.



I'ts getting colder asswipe.


>studying history and political science
>white protestant male

Somewhere in the blue. Not religious at all weirdly.

mah nigga

But you lean conservative.

dear god you're retarded

>fuck capitalism 2bh

Because Sup Forums has always been predominantly liberal, contrary to popular memes.

Can someone tell me why the website shows Hitler as a blue square? He was a socialist. Given that the x-axis is for economics, he should be in the red square.



Also, this is what happens when you choose strongly disagree on every question.

Fuck, forgot image.

But there's no such thing as anarcho communism...


it is cuckfacebloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-07-20/antarctic-peninsula-cooled-in-past-two-decades-as-world-warmed

the nazi party was as socialist as the democratic republic of congo is democratic

>doesn't understand what climate change means
>links a retarded article with no scientific evidence

by definition, communism's end game is anarchism


Could be referring to a belief in unorganized welfare. Like, help me when I need it but piss off when I don't. Nigger basically.

Reminder that political ideology has no lines.

But communism must be enforced. Anarchy has no enforcement agencies.

Goddamn nigger trump is president now have fun getting reported back to China you retard spick

read the communist manifesto or some bakunin

But I've watched numerous Hitler speeches were he talks about redistribution of wealth. He was a socialist.

Are you gay

No. Am straight, autistic, and single.

But the last one goes without saying.

What is Marxism?

surprised im more conservative, i call myself a democrat. (not a liberal though)

>dude what if ideas don't mean anything
>hits bong

he never talks about that, ever
he talks about removing the jewish elite

clearly you haven't read marx if you don't understand communism and anarchism are synonymous


I'm advocating for that assertion. Not the tool playing devil's advocate.

>dude what if ideas don't mean anything
>hits bong

You're being sarcastic, but you should see how there are people who think Nazism wasn't right-wing authoritarianism, and claim it's liberal. The alt-right actually believes this.

hitler was undoubtedly a socialist and deny that is ridiculous. although the OP who claimed Hitler talked about redistribution of wealth is kind of bullshitting, Hitler certainly held public works and heavy government interference as basic principles in governing. these are simple facts, and i hope you're not denying them too.

>clearly you haven't read marx if you don't understand anarcho-communism and anarchism are synonymous

Fixed it for you. You should be careful when making this error.

>tfw really closeto stalin

damn as in dissappointment or happiness?

yes I'll admit there's a lot of relativism that comes into play, but from a historical non retarded standpoint (exclude all Sup Forums users and stormfags) it's very easy to distinguish certain movements and categorise them

he persecuted socialists in his country, banned trade unions and did numerous other things that would outrage any moderate socialist
he enforced state capitalism, which from a modern american standpoint may seem like socialism but it is completely different

>The section ends by outlining a set of short-term demands—among them aprogressive income tax; abolition of inheritances and private property; freepublic education; nationalisation of the means of transport and communication; centralisation of credit via a national bank; expansion of publicly owned etc.—the implementation of which would result in the precursor to a stateless andclassless society.

from wikipedia page of communist manifesto because it's easier than quoting the real thing

Not sure also didn't post picture for some reason.

He took Jewish wealth. And redistributed it to the people.


but he didn't see that as the typical socialist would, it was more of a revenge against the jewry he blamed for Europe's problems. I don't think he believed that this applied to any other wealthy peoples.

i think we can all agree that green=cuck

>he says as he bows down to suck his jewish boss's wrinkly cock
>"you worked very hard sir, you've earned this"

I voted for trump

Statelessness can be leftist or rightist though. For example, even fascism can exist in a hypothetical stateless society. There's another spectrum in this, not just the left vs right, but also the authoritarian vs libertarian spectrum.

Marxism isn't the same as anarcho-capitalism (anarchism)
>Marxism: leftist, statist
>Anarcho-capitalism: leftist, libertarian

Anarcho-communism =/= Marxism

They should really change the name and remove "communism" from it, too much baggage because Marxism failed miserably during WW2 Russia and elsewhere. But anarcho-communism hasn't had a real opportunity to prove itself.

My personal political ideologies have no real influence today. For example, I believe in direct democracy, established through electronic direct democracy, with libertarian leanings, leaders should be geniocratic (those with the highest IQs can only be elected), also a class of technocrats, with an central goal of a balance of rapid technological progression and social harmony, based on aggressive centrism- for the legitimate political ideologies of the left and right to compromise for these goals. Humans need to change or everyone will continue to favor centuries old antiquated ideologies even though they have proven to fail

>So don't think I'm defending communism is what I'm saying, whatever that is.

nice pic but friedman and mussolini should swap places on the X axis

fascist ideology always places the state in the middle of all, and is by definition authoritarian but neither left nor right wing

also i dont want to get involved in needless arguing of what the differences between Marxism and communism are but marx defined his communism as
[STATE=goes into>ANARCHY]
initially authoritarian then anarchist, which is his end goal

Better dead than red.

>fascist ideology always places the state in the middle of all, and is by definition authoritarian but neither left nor right wing
But in a true pure direct democracy, the people would have some real power to legislate on EVERY legislation, unlike in a statist representative republic.

Also anarchy =/= anarchism. You misunderstand these concepts so it will be impossible to continue.


you fuckin retard

God flood the earth

Red = cuck
Blue = nazi
Purple = AnCap edgelord
Green = just wanna smoke some weed

anarchy is the absence of state
anarchism is its ideology

what definitions are you using nigger

>Let's start one of these threads
>> 19
>> studying computer sience
>> I guess im more liberal than co servative, although I'm not one of those libfags that get triggered anything.
Curtin uni?

The educational system has failed you.

Anarchy is a pejorative word. It's not a synonym for anarchism. Just as the word socialism doesn't mean it's the most 'social' ideology because of the word social in it.

roast me

anarchy is the absence of a state, it's only pejorative because people use it like that, just like communism
anarchism is just the idea of having an anarchy

>77% tradition
The king would execute you for disobeying God's commandment against homosexual sex with men. The king hates fags who don't follow the religious tradition.

Nah, I think you're pretty cool.

*Red = cuck or commie.

And shills claim the US is a democracy, but it's not. It's a representative republic. Direct democracy is actual democracy. A republic is a fake democracy that shouldn't even be considered as a sub-type.

Anything can be made tradition given enough time and a degenerate enough culture like roman sodomy and pederasty and all forms of paganism. So i'm wary of it in some respects. Good tradition hinges on a good people and a good culture, and man is a despicable creature that you can't put your faith in.

>>fuck capitalism 2bh
have a (you)


hey thanks buddy

i'd personally put myself further up but answering that you support lgbt rights, weed legalization, or anything similar you get pushed towards libertarian. i've heard the creator's biased but i don't really give a shit


it's an abysmal chart

here politicallyincorrect.work/extras/polspectrum/

I thought I'd score further right but oh well.

>white, semi good looking but kissless virgin
>studying internetworking CS
>looking to start a business in the future
someone said blue=nazi, explain maybe?

>poli sci major, econ minor
>bi, mostly into guys, white af

I've got a Ph.D. in economics from US university (the program was ranked as 20th best at the time) and I am deep in the green zone.
Most of the "muh free market" dudes don't get the fact that a free market is not always a competitive one, and sometimes markets fail especially when property rights are not clearly defined or third parties are effected.
To sum it up, you are a faggot!


now, this is one I understand!

wanna go live innawoods with a bf?

Damn song notification.

The same amount of people voted for Trumo in 2016 as voted for Romney in 2012.
Republicans didn't win, the Democrats just lost.

i'm down tbh