Is Trump racist? Seriously. I have researched a bit and can't find a cited quote...

Is Trump racist? Seriously. I have researched a bit and can't find a cited quote, video or audio that would prove Trump is racist. If he's a rampant racist can anyone give me 10 quotes from his mouth to prove it.... or even one. I can see calling him a nationalist even xenophobic but I just can't make the leap to racist from what I have seen so far. Here's your chance to prove yourselves snowflakes... lol like sjw's would come here, their heads would explode.

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its racist to assume white people are racist


I had the same thought.
Also, why are gays so mad?
He isn't really anti-homo or anything is he?

I totally agree with you, to make any assumption about the character of a person based on their race is racist. I'm not saying Trump is racist but so many have. Ive watched tons of videos with Trump supporters asking this same question from the protesting little snowflakes and they never get an answer.

I don't think he's anti-homosexual. He has made statements promising to protect homosexuals. I can quote if you need but you should be able to find it easily. I think it was in his acceptance speech at the RNC. Plus he does have gay supporters. Milo Yianapolous is one of the most vocal and notable.

No but Pence is

Oh?! Interesting. Quote please. Preferably from the last couple of years, hes kinda old and people grow and change.

There is absolutely nothing, if there was it would have been featured on CNN every day. Libs just repeated that little gem until it became the gospel truth.

I'm on mobile, just google it. He's one of those fundamental Christians

I don't think he's either racist or xenophobic. Most of all, he's an opportunist and a narcissist. My impression is that he is motivated by power, money, fame, and acknowledgment. He doesn't really have an ideology (such as white supremacy). Instead he will do and say anything which will help him achieve his narcissistic goals. If his voters want racism and nationalist protectionism, he will give them that as he has done. If they want something entirely different, he will also try to deliver that.

That was my thought as well. The best they have done so far is guilt by association via the David Duke endorsement but that's a logical fallacy.

It's racist to expect brown people to respect out laws and border.

Exactly this. This is where it started when he said we would stop people coming over the Mexican borders and the libs picked that up as hate for brown people as if that is all that comes over those borders.

The company he chooses to surround himself with his extremely anti-gay, and a lesser-but-still-notable portion of that crowd has, at least, racially insensitive views.

You might be right saying he isn't directly a racist, but he sure has no problem giving racists positions of authority and power and that really ends up having the same effect.

Yeah, Pence is basically Hitler, which is fine by me btw. He's Trump's insurance policy for avoiding impeachment.

Trump (or rather Trump's apartments) were sued multiple times for discrimination. Granted, he (or rather, his employees) were discriminating against poor bank statements and credit checks, but landlords are supposed to overlook financial history when the applicants are colored.

As an alt-right, nationalist, racial realist, I don't think Trump is a racist or at least no more than the average American. I mean, he let his daughter marry a jew for fucks sake.

So if hes a vapid narcissist and the left wants to manipulate him to their side all they have to do is support him, stroke his ego and then start making their demands. To be kind one might say hes a populous. To that end is that so bad that we have a president that works to give the people what they want.

Is brown a race? I personal expect ALL people to respect out laws and our borders. I think hes just on the same page with that... but ask yourself.. why do you see people by their "color" first and foremost in your statement.

He doesn't give "people" what they want, he gives corporations and vips what they want. The presidency will be used to leverage his wealth and reputation, which is fine by me. He's a capitalist, through and through. He's selfish, and narcissistic, and willful, and I'm glad that I voted for him, even in California where my vote doesn't even count.

I'm looking forward to seeing where the next 4 (8?) years takes us. Things will either get really good, or really bad, or great for some and shitty for others. And thats awesome, we need change, and 4 more years of Democratic leadership would have only made this country more stagnant.

Because it's utterly racist to be willing to deport illegal immigrants criminals. Poor discriminated criminals. Just because they are foreigners. Shame on non liberal people.

Did Trump mention "brown" people?


I might be racist, Trump isn't. Your point is invalid. I am actually against whining minorities. I am from Europe and I can tell you the damage these brown people do to civilized countries.

new liberal tactic. you will be seeing more of this in the future. that and claims of rape and sexual assault. none of which can be proven.
like Jew Steins claim of voter tampering claims, "the machines were hacked, we just can't prove it."

but you wouldn't say a word outside of Sup Forums.

so you phobic then.

his daddy was involved with the Klan and he's reportedly said rather unflattering things about "lazy blacks"

OP should learn to really do research.

I definitely get a nihilist feel from your statement. I must admit I've felt very much that way in my darkest moments. I'v very disappointed with the American people both left and right. It feels like Americans are regressing into a much more polarized, childish state. ((Just curious can you suggest any interesting political podcasts or websites that you feel are interesting or that express some of your views))

the cases are still being litigated. Ol Rapey McLittlehands is going down hard.

stop with the fence straddling, one side is very much the nihilists

>Mexican isn't a race.
>Women isn't a race.
>Islam isn't a race.

Liberals like to call people racist when they don't have any legitimate arguments against anyone. See:


Honestly, if we just retracted our southern border by 5 miles, it would be cheaper and easier than mass-deportations. Imagine all those Mexicans waking up one day and realizing that they're suddenly back in Mexico.

The majority of the American public are anti-gay (Christians). That’s one reason why he got voted in. This is how democracy works. Just because he doesn’t conform to what a rather annoying vocal minority want (naive social media millennial children) does not make it wrong. If anything it makes it right.


>provides no source
>"reported to have said"
>lean to research bro

You're actually retarded huh?


The problem is that he only gives the population what they want as long as they demand it which they won't. He says that he will give gigantic tax breaks to the middle class which is what they want to hear. But the only people who will benefit from his tax plans are the rich and the extremely rich (people like himself). He's promising one thing and doing another and the people who voted for him don't notice.

And Hillary was openly and publicly supported by a former Klan leader.

Don't blame your god for shit his parents have done.

nice. you must be a real upstanding person.

projection, the post.

LOL good point. Those poor criminals.


Just how are you going to benefit from a Trump presidency unless you're a millionaire?

He will excel in the kind of politics which have burdened your country since especially the eighties. If he goes through with his plans he will enlarge the gap between rich and poor even more dramatically. Nobody will gain from this with the exception of the ones who are already rich today.

Majority of Americans are anti-gay AND anti-abortion. He pulled that abortion gem out in the last debate, and its what won him the election.

What I really love is that ~60% of white voters is still more than 92% of black voters and 73% of hispanic voters combined.

autistic too.

sure kid. keep your head up your ass. its a perfect fit.

sure kid

Christian phobic

>how are you going to benefit?
>nobody will gain
>except the ones already rich today

I think you answered your own question buddy...

CTR still a thing?

OP does need to learn to research better and while I have heard those rumors no one gives citations to anything verifiable. (sorta like you did) I want the smoking gun not just the smoke. Ill gladly hear out any tips you have on researching better. But apparently all the major news outlets need to hear your tips too cause I haven't found anything from them either.

more like butthurt speculation.

who repented publicly and multiple times

Didn't know that did ya faggot?

the post that never was.

Honestly feel like the "Trump is racist!" thing is half people who actually think that, and half people that are trolling overboard to make others look foolish.
I don't think Trump is racist.
But I do think he could do a better job of not encouraging racists. For example, why is it so hard to denounce the KKK (overblown example I know), and yet he jumps on Twitter to complain about protestors or flag burners practicing their protected rights under the constitution?
So yeah, I don't think he's personally racist, but I think he's smart and knows better than to shun anyone's support. He's great at throwing red meat to his base.
I didn't vote for Trump.

LOL Ol Rabey McLittlehands... .I'm sure that would garner a tweet from the Donald if her read it. Imagine if Trump started posting on Sup Forums.....


In 1927, Donald Trump's father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens - NYT, 1927

And his biographer claims he said blacks were lazy. This isn't a secret you dumb fucking memelord

stop wasting peoples time with your shitposting.

I'm a tall, white, blonde/blue straight male. How do you think I'll benefit from a Trump presidency?

I WANT the gap between rich and poor to grow. I hope it grows so large that you filthy nigger street urchins can't reach my coattails.

are you retarded? asking for a friend.

Oh no, am I the one wasting people's valuable time on Sup Forums? OHNO.


Are you really one of those rich guys who have gained so well during the last decades of neoliberalism?

Can you tell me what exactly motivates you to seek more for yourself and less for everybody else?

Do you think that poor people are stupid for continuously supporting politics that help you and other wealthy people?

Meanwhile, he just saved 1000 jobs (carrier) and he isn't even in office yet.

Man that guy is so self centered.

so Bird wasn't running for president and he publicly repented.

Do you ever wonder why the Klan is celebrating Trump's victory?

he's metrosexual

He doesnt encourage racists
He encourages people to listen tovlogic and facts. Statistical facts which are often deemed racist cause of the truth that libtards dont like to hear. For example the nigger crime rate that is 10 times higher than it is for any other race of people in this country. Black men are responsible for about 50 percent of all murders annually and then act surprised when they get more police encounters.
Explaining that makes you a racist nowadays, even if its well documented FACT. which is why trump won.

I guess? He's not young though.

you like to hear the sound of your own voice as they say.
your post was nothing more than a cry for attention.
another sad and pathetic millennial.

Haha, okay. But you have to be one of those earning 500.000 dollars or more a year to benefit economically from Trump.

sounds like you kid.

Is Trump racist?

so you think this helps your position?
protip kid, it doesn't.

Skipping school today I take it?

Examine his tax plans and tell me he's a man of the people. He doesn't give a fuck about you.

bitter tears.

Another ignorant libtard high schooler repeating his friends super intelligent talking points even though he has not even a basic understanding of economics.
Besides get off your fucking lazy ass if you dont at least make a hundred thousand a year.

yawn. how childish. thanks for proving my point.

Like I need advice from someone 35+ on Sup Forums. Thanks grandpa, tell me the one about millenials making their own participation trophies again!


Actually I'm old-money rich.

I seek more for myself and less for others because thats how the world works. But because I have so much, and others have so little, I'm suddenly the bad guy for doing exactly what everyone else is doing, taking more for themselves and fucking over those who have less.

Poor people are stupid no matter what political agenda they support. If they weren't stupid, they wouldn't be poor.

What point? Your post is incomprehensible.

its nice to watch little bitches like you shit gears so quickly.
you didn't break a nail did you princess.

Let me tell you about Trump voters. I come from rural southern Idaho where he is beloved by the people, and those people are mostly dumb fuckups. I know this because I grew up with them, went to day care with them, went to elementary through high school with them. All but a tiny number stayed there and are just floundering.

They were fuckups in school, they're fuckups now, and they'll be fuckups long after Trump is gone. They are voting for Trump because they can't accept that they're lifelong fuckups who will never amount to anything more than farm hands and truck drivers and they need someone to blame (illegals, blacks, feminists, queers, etc.) so that they don't have to face the fact that they're just fuckups.

you don't even remember what my position was you dumb child.

you're a really shallow and sad person.
your struggle is amusing.

Barron, is dat you?

you can't keep up and its my fault?
you are so adorable. like a slightly retarded child.

Actually, you're wrong. Because most people who make $500k and up are employers, and when Trump makes it economically difficult to outsource jobs, our profit margins reduce considerably.

Actions speak louder than words, look at his supreme court picks and look at the vice president, totally not a racist.

not my fault you can't hold a conversation kid.

cite that or you're lying

sounds like you kid

>admits he forgot
>ADD child
good thing you're too young to vote

He's only against poor people. Then again, all Republicans and Democrats are.

Oh I don't know, maybe pay your employees what they actually deserve then?

Shut up and learn what a Millenial is you stupid Millenial.

yawn. not much good for anything it seems eh' boy?
