When is it OK to hit a woman? Protip: everytime. Webm very much related, she really asked for it, watch all 56 seconds

When is it OK to hit a woman? Protip: everytime. Webm very much related, she really asked for it, watch all 56 seconds.

and also a falcon punch for good measure.

Anytime she acts like a cunt honestly.

I say this a woman.
I really cannot stand girls who try to use the fact that they have a vagina to get away with murder.

I hated how i would see girls who act like "bad bitches" push guys around and guys are too scared to fight back because society told them its wrong.
If a bitch really thinks shes tough and can take on a dude shes damn right delusional. I have no problem in accepting the fact that dudes are stronger than me naturally.
If i ever hit a guy i plan on running because id expect the same back.

Sorry this gets me all ranty. I was.jist in a fb arguement with my sister and cousin about this shit and they think "under no circumstance" is it ever alright which i find utter bullshit

Falcunt punch

Wonder what the fight was over. Looks like she wasn't able to hurt him... reckon just walking away would have pissed her off even more.
And he's like 3 times her size. One good shove woulda put her on her ass half a mile down the road.
The most disgraceful thing is it took 3 massive haymakers for him to put her down.

Pretty much.
But it always comes down to reasonable force. Used to work security and it was frowned upon to beat the crap out of people, but the number of times I had to bitch slap women to stun them long enough for me to get a grip on them...
Women fight like fuckin demons, they're 10 times more dangerous than any man I ever had to toss out.

If you pay closer attention, it appears he's under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. His arms are swinging. He's stumbling.

>I plan on running.
Dunno why but that gave me a good chuckle. Well done femfaggot.

When she's not covering her face

According to feminists there is NO difference between men and women, so they are equal.
In this case, its totally legit if you hit a woman in case of self defense.
quod erat demonstradum bitches

That's the most satisfying 56 seconds of my life

Resonabke force is pretty hard when youre pushed to such a limit of rage.

Like this guy taking hit after hit. The whole time he was clearly trying his best to not beat the fuck out of her.
She kept going then he finally snaps and i dont blame him one bit.
If a dude was beating on a chick and she managed to strike back and give a good few blows then shes a "survivor", shes a strong and brave woman and she gets her own damn documentary on oxygen.

A girl hits a guy around and he hits back then hes the Monster and people tell him he should have known better and should have handled it better.
Thats fucking bullshit to me m8. I love men and they dont deserve to be treated like shit because the special snowflakes have vaginas.

Well its true. If i hit a dude whos not physically doing anything to me (which by the way i wouldnt do in the first place) then im booking it.
My mother always said "if you hit a dude then expect to get hit back"

I say equal rights and lefts for all!

That knee-drop straight reverse punch technique is beautiful. Would have been even better if he pretended to do a marriage proposal

Good for him. Fuck her.

It's weird... you have a cunt.
And a brain.
How did that happen?

its ok but people will attack you for defending yourself against a girl

I wouldnt say im a smart gal...im just practical and my parents raised me to not act like a spoiled entitled princess.

sure but only in case of self defense, im against violence no matter if its a man or a woman.
But you dont have to put up with when someone hits you

drunk as shit i presume?


Well yea of course no violence would be ideal but we dont live in that kind of world sadly

You know what time it is

Hm.. well keep it up fam. Good on ya.


But to actually add to the conversation, my gf knows she can play fight with me or whatever but if she throws fists, I'm knocking that bitch out cold.
Same with any girl.
You wanna fight and be treated like a man be prepared to be hit like one

Marry me right now!!!

There are plenty of instances where girls deserve to be hit, just as much as guys.

But you shouldn't hit them because you're going to be the one who goes to jail and having that on your permanent record, potentially ruining your life...

So if a girl hits you, don't hit her back unless you absolutely have to. Call the cops instead.

Well thanks. Ill try.
Im incredibly weak so i just wrestle with my boyfriend. I try to hold him down or stuff like that and he literally just mpves around like im not doing anything. I seriously might have a muscle deficiency but even still id never punch/slap the face or groin area. That shit just aint cool.

I got a bf user.
And babies are gross
But thank you

dude, you are just one step away for a cringe record

>> i just wrestle with my boyfriend.
Is that a code for fucking or something? anyway, tell us more

Same. I don't mind messing around and alot of the females I either date or fuck or whayever aren't gonna try shit I'm 6'3 215lbs so not much they can do anywho.
My current gf is a scrappy little bitch whose been in a shot load of fights and has knocked bitches out multiple times and still won't touch me. But it's also cuz she's not a fucking reatard.
Glad your not a dumbass.

Yeah, only thing is, I would love to see her walking with bent knees a little longer, a k a spiderwalk.

Damn only one more?
Aww shit. Thought i had it in the bag with that one.

during rough sex and self defence.

Women are equal. they are just people. Same as if a skinny little faggot needed to get hit, a woman does too.

equal rights, equal fights

equal rights equal wrongs

No matter how right I might be, I would never physically get involved with a guy who was bigger and stronger than me