Fuck white people seriously yall have got me on my last nerve yall sayin racist shit 24/7 wtf I feel like a slave again...

fuck white people seriously yall have got me on my last nerve yall sayin racist shit 24/7 wtf I feel like a slave again for real smh

Don't be niggers then, be respectable black folk.

maybe if you people didn't speak like savages we'd accept you.

you really all just sit around in suits and stare thoughtfully at things?
surely some crazy government conspiracy must be greatly exaggerating the facts of black on black crime for this to be the case.
or more likely you are an uppity nigger that's upset cause the rest of your race acts in ways that causes white folk to treat you all as criminals.

Black privilege is the most prevelant privilege in all of America. If a white person and a black person apply to the same college and the black person has an SAT score 200 points lower, they will still get in. If a black and a white person are in the same encounter by police, the white person is 8x more likely to get shot. So yea I bet you do feel like a slave..

Go back to Africa then nigger

You don't get out much do you?

subhuman shit, the world would be so much better without you fucking niggers!!!

We're on Sup Forums mate. Social pressure arguments don't work here. You can't kill that which has no life. You dirty fucking nigger.

>Muh anecdote vs facts
Unless you live in the hood that shouldn't matter

Know this is bait but....
OP, besides being a faggot, when we're you ever a slave? And who owns you? Do they know you're here instead if the cotton field?

credit card companies, job/social pressure, school debt

They own everyone. They don't just own black people. Whites have to pay banks for mortgages and interest. They have to work to pay taxes too. Also whites have to pay college debts too. Name the bankers, credit card companies, employers, college loan debtors, and government policies that discriminate against black people.

>have to pay banks for mortgages and interest
that's racist

>4 against 2

Guess what, sage
Only pleb retarded fucks reply to thread and dont sage

I meant to say that these rules apply to everyone

so what mental retardation did you go through?

>fuck white people
You're racist. Nothing you say after that statement matters at all, because you're clearly displaying your proud racists colors. Get fucked



Why is the last picture a negative?

shut up NIGGER

Is that a kkk video?

Fixed again

Dsmn dude, I didn't know you were forced to work for +12 hours a day and eat pig anus and rotten vegtables while the biggest and strongest were put into breeding camps. Let me know what state your in and we'll get you out of that.