So this pic came across my newsfeed on FB...

So this pic came across my newsfeed on FB. A friend of my younger sister from some small hick town in Ohio; she's in South Carolina with her family for thanksgiving break.

>posts this photo of them eating out for dinner
>her bitch friends from Ohio jump in and say that it's too much for a girl her age and size
>she gets upset and agrees
>her family jump in and defend her saying its a normal portion for a girl
>she messages my sister saying she is having a shit thanksgiving and her holiday is ruined

Is this really a child's/girl's portion in the US? I mean she ate it all and was happy with it, so no problem there. I couldn't eat all that in one sitting though. Could you? What exactly do you feed a pre-teen girl to keep her healthy?

We eat like kings, even our children.

Be jelly.

shes hot

I would just feed her into a wood chipper.

No, she could have easily split that with a friend her size.


if thats all she ate that day, then her portion is fine..

It's the first time I've seen american food that looks tasty and not pre-frozen.

I bet it's pre-frozen anyway.

That's not a lot off food. there's bones in the meat and the salad is leight, the bread is white.
Honestly there's probably not enough food there.

Nice copy-pasta friend

the kid's clearly not a fatso and being a fatso is institutional in your life

it's not like you eat one fat meal whoops you're a fatso now

and even if the kid decided to pig the fuck out for thanksgiving, who in their right mind thinks it's their goddamn business to tell a teenage girl how the fuck to eat, when she's healthy looking? this is how eating disorders develop you stupid mother fuckers. jesus christ.

You must not know barbeque. Watch some Guy Fieri.

The problem with amerifags is not the size of the portion but the content of the food. This portion is nothing. For me this could be the first course in a 3 lunch and i am not overweight btw

It probably was - they were out the whole day and were real tired by the end of it.

yeah she's pretty active and not a fatso. She does dance and gymnastics and swims. She might try out for cheer but she's only a freshman in highschool at the moment.

I'm not jelly - it's an issue of ully.

How bout that plate is already stale

I did, now I have eye diabetes

Let the kid eat until they aren't hungry

How about you post some more pictures? It's my birthday today, and this is the hottest ginger I've seen in a long time.

>this desperate for attention

you realize you look like a super tard to people who have seen this pasta before right?


She appears to be an active growing teen. There are no "portion limits" at that age. Body is hungry, you eat. Turn that into muscle or burn it off. If that plate was all sugar and candy you might have a point, but it's meat, vegetables, Mac and cheese?, a huge piece of decorative lettuce and toast. Looks like the typical "big meal" of the day in and country. A traditional English or French breakfast, a traditional Scottish, russian, or german dinner. If your from the middle east or Asia then it's a lot of food, but then again you are malnourished, poor, and won't grow over 4'8", and can't open a jar without help.

Possibly the second hottest ginger in the world.


ITT: fucking newfags

that's not a large portion of food. you have stomach problems or something? you really couldn't eat that in one sitting?

Who the fuck cares

and this

This pasta would be funnier if there was actual pasta on the plate

At home, this would he too large a portion. However, since she at restaurant, then portion fine. When i go out to ear, i dont want to be fucking a peasant.

OhMyGod, where do you usually go out to ear? Could you recommend me a good ear place, I haven't heard of one in ages

Is this already a pasta? I saw this thread for the first time earlier today.


Friend of your sister my ass


Hello, newfriend

holy shit who fucking cares.

I'm a femanon, 5'4", I look totally fine, I eat alot. That'd be the proper amount of food for me if I was going out to eat. I'd EXPECT that much food at a place.

That's why many of the 'Muricans actually look like jelly.

>I'm a femanon, 5'4", I look totally fine, I eat alot.

>entire thread about food
>full of bait
>everyone bites

Newfag gluttons.

>one serving of meat
>one serving of pasta
>literally one slice of bread, toasted
>some greens.
is this even a full meal? we should report this family for malnourishment her.

>for malnourishment her.

>old pasta

father is an alcohol with potential for being more than one alcohol.

I agree boi

As long as it's a once in a while thing no problem with feasting. Looks fuarrrking joocy tbh

B-but sometimes the pasta is too old, even for a once in a while thing..

This pasta is already almost a year old and stale. I think the first one was her father saying she ordered too much or something.

Regardless, OP's version and replies are cringy as fuck.

The great non-issue of our time.

>chinks get all the cool shopping buggies

she is thou


Where the fuck are her arms??

this again?

Thats a normal meal, i dont know what shit country you come from but we actually have food over here

Every human is different. I have an very strong metabolism. I could eat that and have 4 hrs later appetite again. And I am 5"11' and 125 lbs. She looks healthy so it looks like she doesn't eat too much for her Personal metabolism

Everyone's metabolism is different. Maybe she does sports all day and needs the calorific intake? She's by no means fat, so stop being a judgemental cuck.

i saw this post like 3 days ago gtfo

why haven't you asked her for nudes yet

Pasta is so very stale

>this pic came across my newsfeed on FB


bait or not, is there more pics?