Why do I get this strange feeling when I look at minerals?

Why do I get this strange feeling when I look at minerals?


Its your chakras man.

Might be geosexual


old memes lol

they send you an energy to the subconscience and it tells you that you need to stick one up the pooper


isn't bismuth radioactive though

Can sticking a quartz crystal which is attached to a low energy current up my bum give me a prostatic orgasm?

yes bit it depends on its size and length and in which direction you insert it.

I dont know why stones are so special for you

Well yeah. But there's only about one decay per minute per kilogram. In comparison, there are several hundreds in one kilogram of concrete and several thousands in marble



Fetish? It's a little gay that you like outies and not innies. What would you give to jerk off in this baby


I wanna buy some nice minerals too. Any recommendations? It should look pretty and also shouldn't be super expensive. I don't care if it's rare as long as it's super nice to look at

geodes are so cool

why minerals when you can have suiseki?

why do i see this everywhere is this like the new meme to spam

I just typed geode into image search and found that baby--I had no idea they could get that big! Haha

Calcite or fluorite. Both pretty and not excessively rare (thus not excessively expensive) and they come in a huge variety of colors. Jasper is also really nice. If you don't just need the super flashy stuff big chunks of graphite are actually quite pretty due to how perfectly cubic they are (just be careful it's fragile.)

nice feet

It's the new ylyl banana, yes. People spam it because of some old threads about that pic, which actually became a meme a long time ago (because of the way the wine flows and also because many people said that her feet look nice). It recently became popular and is spammed regularly now

Graphite has a cubic crystal structure?

someone started explainning you're supposed to say "nice feet" a couple days ago and it's been spreading ever since.

More geomemes please

It gets your rocks off

The first time I've seen this was last year. It didn't just came to be yesterday


yeah its been around a long time but I blame the recent spread on the guy explaining

Is that porn?





i like where this thread is going

It kinda reminds me of this pic


I want a stone exactly like this one :c

It's beautiful. What is it?

it mineral from orient

Pyrite reporting in

Looked like a fungus to me

Lol pyrite is shit tier

do you get rock hard?

You might want to look into amethyst. Beautiful and not too expensive.

>disrespects the naturally grown platonic shapes




Underrated post.

>Implying lorandite isn't the best mineral ever


Fuck off fossile fag!

Get out of this thread, fossil fag. Your kind is not wanted here

>liking a mineral with As in it
Are you even trying?

Get on my level!

So this is shit, for you?

Bitches love the halite

A methane bubble inside petroleum inside quartz

This is carbon buddy

It's a natural black diamond

Casual. Your brother glass always became cooler faster anyway.

>black diamond
Still carbon though? Or something different entirely?

I got my gf aurora quartz ($139) and bismuth ($59) for Christmas. I was looking for something iridescent. Are they good? Did I fuck up?

100% carbon and fucking beautiful

Depends on the size and what they look like. But generally I would say you didi good.





why suiseki when you can have Suiseiseki

I wish I had pics but I just had them wrapped, the bismuth was about the size of a golf ball and quartz cluster was slightly bigger. Literally my only concern was it might be too small but shit is expensive

Is it because of the skipping guy on it? Or is that actually some.kinda mineral? Looks like something I'd find in my backyard

I thought that was candlejack fromt he thumbna

Delet this



Butthurt fossil fag detected






that black/green is nice

>mfw this whole thread


It looks fluorescentas fuark

When will I get a chance?

Cause you're probably stoned

why did I lose to this?






>'ere da orkz


Omg did you do that for me?
