New Fluffy Thread !

New Fluffy Thread !

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was hoping for a cool down, but whatever.








I'd overfeed the shit out of a pillowfluff till it's health problems were constant torture then I'd let it know I'm going to eat it, but give it huge amounts of appetite stimulant and cocaine and hallucinogens so it cant stop eating ill torture it with constant taunts of how ill rip it apart with my teeth when it's fat enough and ohhhhhh yeah the psychological torture is the sweetest dish huehuehuehue


cocaine really kills your appetite





Thays why you need an appatite stimulant to balence it out. Hopefully the combination of shitfatty diet and coke will explode the heart. Then id transplant hearts from others. Keeping the fat shitpile alive far past when it should die. Probably mix hormones into the mix to fuck with it's emotions. Put its legs onto its head surgically and attach dozens of other fluffies dicks onto its body. Id implant a powerful vibrator into its balls to overstimulate it


This is great. Making castrated fluffies cry would be just hilarious!

Just smoke the little nigga out.



Fluffy rape please

>Skettyland is a fiction





I'll take a dozen boxes, thank you.

Well, would you go to Spaghetti Land?



who would waste so much money in a shit-rat?


People waste money on stupid shit all the time.



Fluffies will be real someday! Right?


If it happens science has gone to far.



This is so absurd it's fantastic.

>It am a Mitzfah


Quite creative, I like it.

lol yeah. buying myself and nigger friend grillz for christmas









If fluffies were real, I'd get a terrarium next to my computer for them.





Delicious innocent helplessness.























If fluffies were real, THIS is something I would absolutely, definitely do!





More information fluffy pictures?

