What's your favorite song on this album? Mine is Map

What's your favorite song on this album? Mine is Map.


nice dubs

o shit nice dubs

Either I Want Wind to Blow or Samurai Sword

Nice dubs!!!

Map :)

I Want Wind To Blow, The Moon


My Roots Are Strong And Deep

The Mansion :)

Map is the correct choice. Also The Gleam Pt. 2

mine is The Gleam Pt 2, i mean, it's pretty short, yeah, but is heartbreaking nevertheless.


What really captured me about this album was the first minute of My Warm Blood, it concludes things so nicely

mount eerie

Headless horseman or I'll not contain you.

either smooth criminal or dirty diana

I Want to Be Cold is vastly underrated

This is my fav also You'll Be in the Air

I Am Bored

You'll be in the air, honestly.
Although Mount Eerie was better.

my nigga

Samurai Sword

I go back and forth with this album on fav tracks, sometimes it's I Want Wind to Blow, sometimes it's the title track. Or Map or Gleam Pt. 2. Lots of great songs. Used to be my favorite Microphones albums until I got more into Mount Eerie.

I want the wind to blow is obviously the best


Fuck I love that song.

"there's a curve without a warning"

God damn that hits me hard for some reason

call me basic but I Felt Your Shape. I listened to that way too much around the time my ex broke up with me and it gets me right in the feels.