ITT you tell me why your brainwashed mind thinks its better to be farmed like a piece of livestock than have freedom, dignity, and more resources with less work.

And ill prove you wrong.

Because you voted for Trump, asshole.

Catrotism > Anarchism

I didnt vote dickwad.

Well, then there you go.

Go to bed. Tomarrow is a school day.

I don't believe in group mentality and i can work in any system, even anarchism, all i want is a peaceful life, everyone else can go to hell for all i care

Wtf is catrotism?

Cats should run society lol?

>Not creating your own OPS

Nypaism > Capitalism

let me end this thread

>>Anarchism cant exist without a highly moral society.

we dont have that... wont have that.. i had hope for anarchism but alas like USSR its doomed from the start.

it's best ideology

Obv so long as standing militaries and police exist, they will do as they are, and be "non-peaceful" in the least. Get rid of thier funding (taxes) and the mechanism that collects and distributes it (gov.) and youll have a chance at peace.

Pls don't say fuck everyone else.
Were all stuck on this planet together like it or not.
We are all better off working together than individually.
What is best for u (sociopolicoecomically) is best for all.
Work for society, as society should work for you.

Ancap or Ansoc
(I'm Ancap)

Catrotist manifest was banned from every nation since 1762 when a group of catrotist died trying to stop a violent mob of workers and a squad of veterans from reach each other.
They usually used the media against the media to reach their goals but since then every register of their existence is erased by every political philosopher who discovers them

Your statement that "we won't have a highly moral society" is very cynical. Im a cynicist as well but not at the cost of being unrealistic.

Humans are by and large a product of environment. Improve the society and u Improve the human. Were talking generations down the line, after a more egalitarian and compassionate society is forming. Its incontrovertable that we can have what u say is impossible.

If you don't explain to me wtf catrotism is im going to assume your trolling.

Why fuel the economy with greed and self interest? I think that's the source of a lot of current antisocial behavior now.

How about a global hippie commune bro? Dont that sound better than a free for all?

Don't believe in my words if you don't want.
I understand how humanity works.
I know how to work alone.
I work better alone.
fuck them.

You are a grown ass man, you can assume what you want

Im a homeowning adult fuckface.

How about a argument?

Since it's banned by every system catrotists don't explain with words, they show how their philosophy works

Bro. Theyre brainwashed. They're trained to be self interested little assholes.

That's the one version of humanity u know.

I think There can be better ones.

Can't there?

There are so many people alive at living like livestock only way they can live. If you want to live free, 7.5 billion humans must die .

so you got lots of work to do if you want to be in . the whole world is watching , user.

Fuck off dickhead

Im tryin goddamnit. We must be legion. Then we can do this thing.

If you talk until your blue in the face like i do we can speed the disillusionment up.

Help me Sup Forumsro

The fact i'm stuck with you in a room doesn't mean i should go near you and depend on you.

What's best for me it's what's good.
I had enough of "better" or "best"
Nobody centers in the platonic principle of politics.

It's not about reaching a state of cultural advancement and transcendence, is about a cockfight to maintain the stability of personal interest that retards mistook for a "system"

no need to be so salty

>your possesion amd yourself get protected
>you can be lazy as fuck, bc you dont have to worry about shit

>but were beeing farmed i give ya that

I agree.

I think it can be changed as well.
I think transcendence its too mystical a word for What Im describing. Im imagining a world where ppl are not fucked at every opportunity. And as a result do less fucking themselves.

Im not asking you to be optimistic. Just not pessimistic. Anarchism is within the realm of possibility.

How can i be lazy? How am i protected???? I have to work more often than i dont in My waking hours. I constantly fear being thrown in jail for smoking a plant or being falsely accused of a crime! Not to mention the continuous loss of rights and freedoms. The only thing i need protecting from is My "protectors"

See? that's what i'm talking about

"our way is the way that-"

fuck that and fuck everyone involved with it.

As long as group mentality is a thing it won't be happening soon.

It's needed to educate the young till they reach adulthood to have not enough, but a vast judgement to know how to move around and support a point of view without being absorbed by a bunch of retards.

Anarchism is just another nail in the coffin of perpetual stupidity.


ITT you tell me why your favourite brainwashed artist thinks its better to be framed like a piece of livestock than have freedom, dignity, and more oil based paints with less work...

And ill prove you WRONG.

If you don't even know how to learn to move in a society how can i trust you know how one works?

It entirely would be, but I'm unfortunate in that while i do actually understand anarchism, and that its not the lawless free for all that movies and the media portray, I actually want that lawlessness and Ancap is closer to that pure chaos.

Why do you think i don't know How to move in a society?

Because I like taking a shit in the toilet and having it flush away. Because I like paved roads. I like NASA. I like a number of the things that taxes pay for.

Aw come on man. Aren't good things better than bad ones? Youd rather end up dead eventually than work one day a week and do whatever you want the rest?

U know that doesn't make sense.

>you don't know how to protect yourself
>Don't know the simplest way to achieve a goal to have spare time to spend as you want
>The pot "argument"
>"Muh freedoms"

suppose so, the dubs are convincing me

Dude u can all that in an anarchist society.

Why wouldn't you have a working toilet lol?

I implore you too read JUST ONE book on anarchism. The media and government have created an extremely erroneous version of anarchism to convince ppl they're better off with gov. Ill be posting a short little essay about anarchism here. Pls read it and just give it due consideration.

Yea. Muh freedoms. They matter to me.

Maybe u can insult me some more and pretend that's an argument. Im well aware how to protect myself. I keep the government away from me as much as possible

Who would pay for it? If you post your essay, I will read it.

The problem is that the media paints anarchists like the Joker in Dark Knight, Its not all chaos and lawlessness but thats the only description they give because the media want us to think we need the government when we really don't

anarchist theory can't resist selfish human nature, if you took nanny state's policing of the populace, the world would look more like a post apocalyptic hellhole of might makes right than an utopian paradise
that's why leftist governments could only be supported with military dictatorships, which had their own ruling classes
as much as capitalism sucks and how much the populace is exploited for what they're worth by the corporate elite and treated like livestock, sadly it's the best we'll ever get

in a nutshell anarchism is the belief that government and or establishment is unnecessary and ultimately harmful we believe that by removing these constraints to human evolution more or less nature will take its course and human beings will naturally find a way to live in harmony with themselves in the environment because that is in the best interest of all people when you have a few people that are a ruling Elite they do what is in the best interest for them not everyone and so long as you have some type of authority in place be that government or something controlling the economy or corporations that Supply 80% of the food supply to the world there will always be an opportunity for an oligarchy to form which is not in the best interests of humanity there's a bunch of different kinds of anarchism I personally am an anarcho communist I believe that by removing the establishment and the monetary system things would cost what it took to make them workers would be paid what they deserve we could work a few days a week retire at 40 and still enjoy the same if not higher quality of life right now 1% of the population controls 50% of the wealth right off the bat if you redistribute that wealth and put these elitist assholes on the same playing field as everyone else everyone in the world will have twice the amount of money take into account the removal of taxes and profit margins along with fines from violations of laws and the cost of things like Insurance both health and Auto and you're beginning to see how right off the bat things would be incredibly improved in any system of an anarchism. the education system that is more realistically called indoctrination system would also be completely revamped so on the matter of concern over neighbors murdering robbing and raping each other I think it's very fair to say it improved education system will significantly improve the moral character of society. Along with a greater abundance of resources In general.

And the ppl would. Though whether there would be an exchange of currency is debatable. Everybody wants toilets man.

Slaves speak about freedom
Free men learn how to use it

I'm not trying to be offensive,but if you want me to be it just keep writing "u" instead of "you".

>Get rid of thier funding
Are you fucking stupid? Men with swords never starve. Get rid of their funding and they will acquire their own funding by taking it from others. Taxes are a refinement of this arrangement, the parasite that has evolved to live with its host instead of killing it.

>Pls don't say fuck everyone else.
Or what? You're going to whine about how I'm selfish or pro-establishment or anti-progress or whatever arbitrary moral label fuckwits like you use when you can't your arguments? The simple fact is everyone actually thinks this way. The fact that we don't actually fuck over other people constantly (though that's debatable and subjective) is solely because we'd end up fucking ourselves too.

>Were all stuck on this planet together like it or not.
This isn't true in the slightest, ESPECIALLY in anarchy. I'm not stuck with you in an anarchy because I can kill you without consequences in an anarchy. Then I'd be alone and not stuck with you any longer.

>What is best for u (sociopolicoecomically) is best for all.
What is best for me is for everyone to be my slave. In an anarchy what would stop me from enslaving as many people as I could?

>Work for society, as society should work for you.
What the fuck is this commie bullshit? Who determines what is "for society?" Who makes sure I'm actually living up to this? And who is going to punish me when I don't? Oh, I know, NOBODY, since you're an anarchist.

you don't know how much pisses me off when people
pull percentages out of their asses to make their
argument sound logic.

And how would the people decide who should pay what to ensure the plumbing stays on?

But i think slowly, that misperception and many others are changing and improving. The internet is a fairly unstoppable tool for the spread of ideas and information.

>Men with swords never starve.
yeah cose swords taste good

>i had hope for anarchism
Why would you ever have had hope for anarchism?

>highly moral
By the time you were old enough to understand what anarchy is, you should've already realized that people will never be "highly moral." The fact that morality as a concept exists should be enough to indicate that we are not creatures tightly bound by it. It's like how hot can't exist without cold, or light without darkness.

Dude if i could meet you in person i could go through every assumption and overly cynical attitude and misunderstanding of anarchism. I can't type that much here though.

What percentages am i pulling out of my ass?

>eating copper alloy

If you weren't such an archaic faggot you would get a decent sword for lunch


Edgelord teen confirmed

please use actual statistics with source.

depends on where you live, at least for germanfags the governmenr always has some ways to at least not let you starve, without you doing amything useful

In a word where the local plumbing system is communally owned...there would never be a Bill to pay. It would need to be repaired when Broken. And since everybody uses and needs it, there is a large pool of workers who stand to benefit from volunteering their time and energy to maintain that system, the entire infrastructure and the general welfare of the community.

>Improve the society and u Improve the human.
>Im a cynicist as well but not at the cost of being unrealistic.

Fucking pick one.

he's biased, that's all

I think citations are a bit formal for this venue. I encourage you to Google the statistics i qouted. I did not pull them out of my ass.

Why would i try to convince you of something i didn't honestly believe myself?


I don't have to make a choice between those. Your reality might be cynical and shotty, and mine is too.

I merely know things can improve. And with them the people. I dont deny they are greedy and self interested right now. I deny that is how they would be if raised in any and every kind of society.

Wtf happened to you bro?

The real question is why are you trying to convince me to join you after i already stated my distaste for societies and the results of ideological involvement tied to the association of individuals in general, not just the current society.

Bc i dont pretend my vote matters?

Srsly lol.

"I dont actually have sources for the ish I make up, but Im sure if you look on google someone will agree with me."


If you truly believe society can improve you're either not actually cynical or you haven't been outside in years.

I want aware of those feelings sorry. Im taking too like five different ppl.

Honest Q; what do you believe in then?

>my political opinion doesn't matter
>Anarchy 4 lyf yolol!!!1one

You keep this fucking dichotomy thing and i swear i will punch you

If you can't tell by reading my posts then i'm losing my time here

beat me to it lol

Kronstadt, motherfucker.

Ok... so what happens when the local plumbing from a nearby town is actually flowing into your town, because their plumber sucks at his job?

It's a dog eat dog world.. and I'm GOING to eat PERIOD

more like a doge ate amy

>I can't type that much here though.
Yes you can. You're just too lazy and know you're full of shit. Come at me. Unlike actual fighting, debate is something you can actually do over the internet so you have no excuse for saying "fite me irl."

Somethins A brewin

Someone has to rule over the people, otherwise it would be chaos. If you want peace, liberty and freedom without country institutions, you're putting faith in people. The same people that elected trump.

Society has steadily been improving since the agricultural revolution. That trend will continue. Evolution is unstoppable.

Srsly wtf happened to u to make you so negative?

Because anarchy is inherently unstable and immediately devolves into "might makes right regardless of what you say or do".

Only an unimaginative fucktard would think anarchy is a viable social construct. You want anarchy? Go to Africa, see what it's like. They eat each other there, and murder and rape is a-okay.

>Evolution = Improvement

Evolution means change, not improvement.

Why do anarchist lefties like bbc and cuckolding so much?

Theres no dichotomy. Anarchism is a rejection of politics. Political ideologies is just the category it fits most neatly into.

nice dubs

speaking of agriculture

how can sustainable agriculture make the world better?

Its not going to be one Dude doing the plumbing.

U fix it and learn from those mistakes.

Id point out that sort of thing happens with a gov. Anyway No system is completely perfect.

>no system is completely perfect

shitty excuse

Genetic mutation is change. The resulting capacity to better or more poorly adapt is improvement

>every change is an improvement
>being weaker and stupider is an improvement

The "might makes right" theory subsumes a self interested ppl. That is the current pop. Who are a result of the current Society.

Improved Society= Improved ppl.

And, Africa is a post colonialized hellhole. If there were No interferences in those ppls lives they would be much better off. Even if not by western standards by thier own.

wrong, they are niggers

Not an excuse. A reality.

You're right....unfortunately our current society favors sociopathy and psychopathy as the primary movers and shakers of social structure. You have to be willing to lie, cheat, steal, backstab, and yet claim that not only will you not do these things but you will prevent others from doing them and work to the best benefit of society and the company you work for, all the while being forced to understand that the only way to achieve success is to be an absolute ruthless hypocrite.

The capacity to better or more poorly adapt is Improvement. Not the change itself

We will never evolve past our own stupidity as a human race. We will only consume until the resources are gone, then we will either die out fighting for the last scraps of food, or find another planet to fulfill the prophecy of the interplanetary parasite.

Yes, and if you make a study of what people are successful, you get two clear facts - wealthy people make the rules, and currently, the rules favor the increase of sociopathy and psychopathy in the workforce, combined with apathy outside the workforce.

Society isn't improving it's becoming more monstrous and better at hiding those monstrous traits.

>this system will change everything
>doesn't solve, change or modify the state of the origin of all problems
>everything ends in changing names and stays the same

>being weak to strong temperatures in the desert is an improvement
>cold blood in tundra is an improvement
>TTGO was an improvement