Is there an easy way to get into someone's facebook without knowing their password?

Is there an easy way to get into someone's facebook without knowing their password?

I'm curious. Also, am not a cop. Don't let me down guys.

go back to school andy

>Also, am not a cop

Nice try officer

Keyloggers, RATs, social engineering...
Not really easy tho.


You're a cop.

Where get?

Nice kot. Where did you buy it?

Do you really think that people just download a tool and suddenly they are some sort of TV hacker? You're either 12 or uneducated

Sup Forums is actually populated soley by cops and feds from all over the world trying to catch dodgy people

Or both

bumping for interest

Asking a simple question. Methodology. Didn't ask for a tool.

>am not a cop
Nice try, FBI


There are a lot of guides online, but be careful with that.

Get some cheap USB flash drive, infect it with your keylogger and then find way to brt that USB to your victims pc

send them a fake facebook login link that you control


How would someone go about creating that?

Kako linux

Kali linux*