If Tom Cruise were a detective, he would be Tom Clues

If Tom Cruise were a detective, he would be Tom Clues

If Tom Cruise were a musician, he would play the Tom Blues

If tom hanks was in WW2 he'd be tom tanks

If Tom Cruise was bad at sports, he would Tom Lose

If Tom Cruise was a lawyer, he would be Tom Sues

This is great.

If Tom Cruise hung out with more than one gang, he'd be Tom Crews

If Tom Cruise had to make a decision, he would Tom Choose

If Tom Cruise was a faggot, he would be OP.

Every once in a while, Tom Poohs

if tom cruise was went to the bathroom he would be tom poos

If Tom Cruise made beer, he would be Tom Brews

too slow, son

If Tom Cruise played football he'd be Tom Bruise

If Tom Cruise were read-only, he'd be ROM Cruise.

If Tom Cruise was Tom Cruise would he still be Tom Cruise?

After Tom Cruise takes a bite, he Tom Chews

If Tom Cruise were to open a paint store, it'd be called Tom Hues.

If Tom Cruise was on a dating show he'd be Tom Whoos

If Tom Cruise controlled the media, he would be Tom Jews

If Tom Cruise was an alcohol ha he'd be Tom Booze

If Tom Cruise loved sucking dick but was in the closet, he would be Tom Cruise.

If Tome Cruise played a trick, he'd be Tom Ruse.

If Tom Cruise was a critic, he would be Tom Reviews

If Tom Cruise got inked, he would be Tom Tattoos

If Tom Cruise was a bird he would be Tom Goose.

If Tom Cruise was on a boat, he would still be Tom Cruise.

if Kevin Bacon got Tom Cruise to dance again he'd be Tomloose

If Tom Cruise were a forest, he would be Tom Yews.


If he was out of the closet he's be Tom Cruising For Dick

If Tom Cruise saw this thread, he'd be Tom Boos.

If Tom Cruise were a jihad terrorist, he would be the Bomb Cruise

If Tom Cruise's main product were pomegranate juice, he'd be POM Cruise.

If Tom Cruise were a captain, he would be Tom Cruise

If Tom Cruise were a cat, he would speak in Tom Mews.

If Tom Cruise had inspiration, it would be his Tom Muse

If Tom Cruise was browsing a store, he would Tom Peruse.

>OP tries to derail his own thread 2 replies in

if he was a reporter he would be Tom News

If Tom Cruise were a drunk, he would be Tom Booze.

If Tom Cruise served jewish interests, he'd be Tom News.

if tom cruise was if tom cruise he would be if tom cruise tom cruise

If tom cruise was op, he would be tom loose

if Tom Cruise doesn't want to get up just yet, he is Tom Snooze.