What Is The Purpose Of Life? Is It To Pass DNA, to reproduce? is it to be helpful ft or society?

What Is The Purpose Of Life? Is It To Pass DNA, to reproduce? is it to be helpful ft or society?

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To re distribute and dissipate concentrated amounts of panetary resources and turn it into heat to be absorbed by the universe. Heat death will be the end of all things eventually

Oh and to find new and interesting ways to be turned on.

It is what you make of it.

should we spread life (like on other planets if possible) or not

We could build a civilisation spanning the universe and it would be for nought. Once the black holes have fizzled out we're done.

to have fun, you stupid fag

I cast cancer

There is none. Neither your life nor the universe have s deeper purpose. They just so happen to exist through a remarkable arrangement of random happenings

but I mean purpose of life for a single. person

that sounds awesome and sad at the same time. so we just live, teach next gen how to live and then die? We pass this ritual on and on?


So in summary do what feels good. Just don't be a dick and certainly don't spoil this little bit of magic for anyone else. Also share the porn.

so what should I do with my life? Get a job? be responsible? Find partner? h as be kids? teach them shit and then die? is this it?
and not be a jerk?

Have kids and die. It continues on the species. Rinse and repeat. That's really all life is about.

so we are like a small pieces in one big chain? OK, but does that chain have a purpose or it just ends somewhere and that's it.


the purpose of life is to die

We're all cunted. If not us in a few generations from killing our planet it will be from the universe running out of fucks to give in a few billion generations.

Depends on your perspective, I'd say fuck all of that and follow your dream. The dream that you should follow is the one you would give up when you really are in love (Don't make me turn this into a feels thread)
Something I tell myself constantly our days, follow your dream, not your heart.

what if my dream is very very very very unlikely to come true.
there's a possibility that I ruin my career, I lost my family. Should I give it a shot?

Why does it have to have a purpose?

so I'd know that my life means something. that I mean something.

Well, go for it, but keep a secure route out of it if it all goes to shit.
If you are sure it is your real dream and there's nothing else that you want. Make it your goal in life to get it. Unless it involves sinister shit and misery for everyone else of course xD
How could you loose your family over it anyway?

I don't mean to be edgy but what's the purpose of life of any other animal? Why do men think that there must be a higher reason for our existance only because of our intelligence, which is only a tool that permitted us to adapt to the environment better than any other species? Our curse is that over the centuries we grew smart enough to be conscious of our mortality, so we have to deal with that.. One way to do that is believing that there must some reason to live and eventually die for..

Then make it mean something. Make it something for yourself. If you feel like you are worth something with it, then you have made it.

But if it means nothing, what difference does that make to today? I was brought up Christian, and I find the idea of pointless existence followed by non-existence kind of comforting.

Anyone want to make a discord for this thread?

I was raised atheist and I don't. I find it empty. maybe it's just me that I have to see some pattern, some clue, something in everything. It makes me sad thinking that we'll just end. like a story.

Anyway thank you all for your opinions and thoughts. you really did enlightened me a bit. Thanks Sup Forums.

The brain is a pattern seeking device, so it's not just you. Our distant evolutionary ancestors were more likely to survive if they jumped at something imagined rather than ignoring something which could be a predator. It seems to have left us with a tendency to supernatural beliefs.

> It makes me sad thinking that we'll just end. like a story.

That's why people have religion, and kids.