I have $100 worth of rp and i feel like no one deserve them so i keep gifting my boyfriend

I have $100 worth of rp and i feel like no one deserve them so i keep gifting my boyfriend

Anyone has an idea of something they could offer me that might make me change my idea?

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Tits or gtfo

Uhh, I'll carry you?

Its preseason, quite useless


I dont give a fuck that youre a girl i just want free rp?

Yea ofc ill gift u + send u tits, kys

Did i mention i was a girl? i never did, as u ca read i feel like no one deserve them so shut the fuck up its not that way ull get any


So you're a degenerate faggot. Even worse.

and youre a poorfag

This guy knows what's up. Even if you are a girl you probably ugly af.

Im totally fine looking, thanks tho.

I just want someone to play with. Support is an awful role when you go it alone

Btw op here, trips get a mystery. U better not be an asshole tho.

i main adc, whats ur ign

Bruisers Are OP, maining Braum, Thresh, Sion, and Janna support

Do I get mystery? Got them trips in pic related

this season makes me not want to main adc to be honest

trips after my comment, sorry bro

Tits or gtfo

i feel u

Typical woman whore.

Feelsprettybad, reroll

rito pls T_T

Don't waste your time and resources with these freeloading faggots. Get yourself some dope leg. skins, rune pages and that sweet ward skin you allways liked and fuck Sup Forums.
>inb4 trying to get something with smart ideas
-I'm Udyr onetrick, so I'd say I got everything I need for my gameplay. SGU and three pages :>

Ad ap or tankdyr?

Trick2G inspired tank/splitpusher. Works really good.
My most common path is blue smite - triforce - cinderhulk - finishing boots - deadmans plate. Last items are either zzrot, deadmans plate, spirit visage, banner of comand, locket or phantom dancer.

missclicked sorry

I have all the skin i need, i have at least 3 skins/champ haha ill buy some runepages tho

oh yeah, runepages are allways a good choice.

Tank split push udyr is so aids to play against. Rip the gates, and the Phantom dancer passive he just mows people down or runs away forever

I know. Hence my nick - cancer giveaway

There's not much you can do with $100 of rp if you don't have anything you'd want to spend it on. If you don't have enough rune pages, buy rune pages. If there are no skins you want at this time, save up for when there are skins out you do want. The Christmas skins are coming in a couple of weeks, and Pentakill 2 skins were officially announced as well.

this is a weird looking kitchen

Yea ill save, but i kinda always get the skin i want even without asking, im also a generous person but i hate people in general ._. i could give a skin to everyone here but i also hate u all :') bipolar much

What pentakill 2 skins? Link, or who's getting em

If you already get all the skins you want, you don't have many options left. I'd say keep gifting your bf if he's the one getting you all the skins, otherwise save the money

yea i might also gift someone in exchange of some coaching

It was announced a while back at the league con with the thicc Soraka after worlds, here's a s@20 link talking about it


Hook me up with the new Lux skin bb

Ign elbirote, just do it. :)

What role? And if you want coaching, watching lcs can help help a bit, but don't take everything they do to your own games (support mf)

I can do it!

Thanks user, I missed that one

hahaha im not that dumb, i do watch streams sometimes but its boring to me, i play mostly adc

Should I feel good that I got out of bronze in my first season, even tho I started doing ranked seriously in like, september?

After 2 month of playing i was s5! last season i was b3 and quickly got back to s5 but i dont play ranked much

I got put into promos at B2, fucked around and tanked at B5 0lp, then around September I got a new pc so I climbed and almost got in my S4 promos, then deadline passed. I think I did good

I do as well, but I'm picking up different roles for this season, or at least until I can feel safe playing someone other than Ez/Cait/Lucian. What Elo are you currently in/think you can get?

Jesus fuck even Sup Forums is fucking bronze.

im silv 5, but i dont play rank much, i think i could be gold 4 but i need to work on my tilting problem

Get the new Lux skin.

I played two games as support when I only had around three months of playtime, found out support is hard to carry with. Then, played five games with my friends in a dynamic queue, lost all of them because half of them trolled. Won my last three games. First games I was matched with low diamonds/high plats, at the end got placed in silver 5

Tits or gtfo cunt

What can I do for you?

Got it in a mystery, played it once.. not that special


I can show you the hottest new lolship

can I habe elememetalist lux?

We're in the same Elo right about now, my reason posted here
I can help you with that, it's a matter of how you look at the game. If you want my ign I'd be glad to duo, just ask if you reply back

So.. What now?

i need a proof + lol ign

Help pls.

I'm pretty good at carrying people as support, but the hardest part about support is playing from behind when your solo lanes feed early, or if a vayne gets ahead

ok so the trips isnt taking his mystery?

Yeah, I used to main support, mostly tanks, but at the time of my first two games ranged supports were the meta so I was fucke by two namis. I play mostly jungle and top atm, since bot lane is a mess right now, and without a jungle with objective priority and map pressure it's that much harder to win. But I still play and carry as ADC in most of the normals I play

Botlane is quite the Fiesta, hence why I play thresh if I know the ad is good (eg a friend if I have one on) or janna to carry the bonobos

Nami iisnt bad to

You need a solid support? I main it and I'm pretty damn good.

That's good to hear, Thresh is one of the worst supports when behind so it's good to play him with someone you trust. I forgot my ign in the last post, its [spoiler] Breb Deb [/spoiler] and don't mind the arams, I troll in almost every one. Anyways, I'm tired as shit, so I'm going to sleep. Good talking to you!

What elo fam?

Fuck did spoilers wrong. Oh well

Never played ranked much. Just normal draft. But I've been playing since early season 2 so I know my shit.

I played my provisionals one year and got put in silver 5 but that's as much ranked as I've done.

What kinda prof?
