So I'm helping me little bro with math and I feel retarded because I can't do this. Answers Sup Forums?

So I'm helping me little bro with math and I feel retarded because I can't do this. Answers Sup Forums?

-6p +180 = 0

-3*900+180*30-285=-13785 drills


Differentiate D with respect to p and set it to 0 to find the stationary points of D (where the gradient is 0)
Solve for p to find the price
Plug into the original equation to find the max D
You may also want to check with the 2nd derivative to make sure it's a maximum and not a minimum.

D(30) = 2415

>You may also want to check with the 2nd derivative to make sure it's a maximum and not a minimum.

You can check thatvisually by putting p=0 in the equation

-b/2a finds your axis of symmetry. Since it is a negative parabola, the maximum p is on the axis of symmetry. -180/[-2(3)] is 30.

You fuckyards. Use the vertex formula to find p, and then plug it in to the equation to find D.

Plugging p in gets 0 chodeboy

-180/2 (-30) = 30
D=-3(30^2) +180 (30) -285

But I'm guessing you're trolling

if youre 18+ you should feel retarded

Right derivative wrong arithmetic

ckeck your numbers

What kind of drill company calculate the number of drills they can sell like that, this is beyond retarded

Check yours too

1. take the first derivative, D' = -6p + 180
2. when the first derivative equals 0, that point is either a maximum or minimum (or local max/min for powers past 2). at D' = 0 = -6p + 180, or 6p = 180, or p = 30
3. plug 30 back into the original equation for the maximum number of drills sold, or (-3)(30)(30) + 180(30) - 285, which is 2415 drills.

lmao at the people here trying to sound like they know math. before you take the dervative you have to make it a function of x. learn some calculus

well, i kind of skipped a step because the function is a negative parabola. between 2 and 3 you'd find the second derivative to determine whether or not the point truly was a max or min. in this case, D" = -6, indicating the function is negatively increasing, which means it's a local maximum.

you're a special kind of stupid ain't ya?

Litearlly graph this on wolfram alpha and fkn find y value of turning point htats it!??!?! OR DERIVE FIND 0?!?!??!?! OR LEGIT just quad formula find 2 roots, average it out, then u have x value of tp, sub in for y?!!??!?!?!!?!?

it's already a function of p

lol i was going to say that too but so many small minded people here desperate to prove to anonymous that they are smart because they use some math they learned 4 weeks ago in freshman calc. and they can't even do it right!

lmao nerds

> y(x)
> dy/dx
try it some day burger flipper


try again

Take the derivative, then set that to zero, find all answers plug those into the expression to determine which is the most

lmao dumb Sup Forumstards just get a graphical calculator ans stop being smartfags. Use of maths is easier and better

Literally done in 30 seconds you mongs