Tell me why do you hate your mother and she will die in her sleep tonight. I promise

Tell me why do you hate your mother and she will die in her sleep tonight. I promise.

she wipes her ass from back to front

because she wont change internet providers :^)

May I ask who created this thread?
Were you instructed or... not.


Because she is a narcissistic cunt who has emotionally, physically and verbally abused me since i was four


Negative living organism; infinitely negative consciousness(es?).

> [Answer the question, please...]

> Love; bye~.

I don't. I just needing hearing aids, that was all.


I'll hopefully talk to you in 5 years.

Ditto, make it happen OP

>infinite delay


She threw me out when I was 16 with no money and had just started college, messed up my whole life and it took me a while to get back on track

sorry I was taking a shower.

Funny; I'm in the shower now...

and you are on your phone? It's a dangerous sign.

No, I was just waiting for a "someone's" reply. Which is obviously being avoided~.

-for *someone's-- why is this question so difficult for no reason?

Cause she's just dumb as shit

Like myself~?

She's a huge heroin addict and refused to stop using when she was pregnant with me, which i didnt find out until i was well into my teens. She started giving me opiate pills and methadone when i was 13(I didn't know what they were at the time), and started giving me heroin to shoot up when i was 20(I knew fully well at this point the repercussions but was already an addict) . I'm 6 years clean now, and no one in the family believes me when i tell them she's a heroin addict, everyone just thinks she's really sick. When she dies i'm going to donate her body to science, she's in her late 50's, looks like a skeleton, no teeth, has been using since she was in her teens, and was supposed to die 13 years ago according to doctors.

> ...