How is this weed

How is this weed

>No visible THC
>Shit tier

find a better dealer man here is how mine looks not the best but still better

Those shapes in it man

Here's the same batch.. With better lighting
If it helps

It's pretty potent
But not great
It crumbles easily. Wtf does that mean? Sometimes I like this but damn dude it's like I took some 1970s sulfur insulation out of the walls and crumbled it up into a bowl.

Looks like it has potential but someone compressed the shit out of it.


>pill bottle
>garbage weed

That's dispensary weed for ya. I bet you paid $100 for the privilege of owning all of that.

Eat on drugs sucks

You're joking, right?

The selections at dispensaries are insane. Have you been to one? How could you possibly say that it's garbage weed and overpriced if you've been to one?

>Eat on drugs sucks


Trips of truth.


You know some people have not smoked for months because they can't find weed, so stfu and appreciate it.

>Stop criticizing your purchase because others have less money than you.

This makes no logical sense. People take it seriously if they are ripped off or if they don't have the right to purchase marijuana. There's always someone below and above you, and they will never be more relevant than yourself.

It's purple but crumbly
So what is it? What's wrong with it? What growing flaws could've occurred?

More of the same

5/7, would smoke

Same. It's not bad

Dunno what's wrong about crumbly weed, it's easy to pack. It's pretty nice. Not all weed has to be fresh and super sticky. To each their own though

what a fucking coward you are


idk how you people smoke such potent weed
i get cheep $10/g weed here and i get high as fuck off 1 or 2 hits
and im like 265lbs and smoke at least once a week
a gram lasts me few months

the last time i got weed i got 2 grams on like October 14th and i still have like 3/4's a gram

Lucky. Have you heard of dabs? There's people that smoke dabs 4-5x/day. I did it one time back in college, and I was the highest I've ever been for like 16 hours.

youre not a real weed smoker youre a pussy

ive dabed before
almost passed out then just about threw up and couldn't do anything
had to have my gf take me inside to the bed and i just layed there and eventually fell asleep
wat to strong for me
eatables really fuck me up for days at a time
i had a 40mg candy and was high for like 56 hours
smoking weed all day everyday doesnt make you better than everyone else that smokes weed to relax
go ahead and spend all your money on weed if you want lol i spend like $60 a year and get as high as i like to be

Tolerance builds up. Also other things are at play. When I'm happier, when I am calmer, I smoke less and weed feels much stronger for me. That's really important and people need to understand that.

>youre not a real weed smoker youre a pussy

Underage b& lol

If you are not satisfied with dealer weed you have to grow your own.

you smoke reggies

enough said

HA! There's a place near here that has grams as low as $6. It just sucks that the nearest store is 30 miles away, but shit's so cheap and strong I can't complain.

the fuck you mean
i buy from the dispensary
good weed is cheap and gets me high as shit
do you even know what you are saying