How does it feel to drown?

How does it feel to drown?


like you're breathing water

Probably sucks, user

It's awesome. You should try it.

Like every cell of your body is on fire because there's no oxygen anymore and you feel you are not going to hold it anymore, you will then inevitably inhale water and then you will pass out and die

Done it 3 times now.... It's terrible

Tbh my uncle drowned as a kid he survived and told me later it was a nice way to die

He had a near death experience pretty normal guy


The water in the lungs feels great, try it yourself you won't regret it.

heard it can take up to 4 minutes before you go unconscious.

4 minutes of pure misery

Dying from drowing is actually one of the easiest ways to die. If you know without a doubt that you're going to die, and are underwater, if you inhale as hard as you can, you'll pass out, barely feel any pain, and die before you even know you're dead.

Scary I almost drown in the ocean once

The only thing that comes to my mind is the phrase "What is dead may never die[...]"

bullshit. You will gag and go into painful convulsions

It feels like drowning

drowning with depressants would probably be my preferred way to go

I've almost drowned once but I have to say it's a more relaxed way of dying. At first, you have a sudden shock from no oxygen then shortly after your mind slowly drifts into unconciousness and really it feels like nothing.

its some IS video from 2 years ago i think

feels great, i suggest you try it, you'll really enjoy it honestly, you'll wish you had done it earlier

It's said that your lungs implode. Also, it probably feels something like when your mouth is closed and you have a heavy burp coming along but try to suppress it. Only you die from water filling up your lungs and you stop breathing water instead of air and your brain is all like, "Nope, I'm not used to this, guys we're shutting down." Then your heart stops and your brain goes blank. And your brain kept shut off and your heart not beating, your blood stops and all the chain reactions stop.and your body that once does that whole' fine oiled machine keeping stuff doing the stuff it's meant to do' just, kinda stops. Then you aren't living, like every other human is.

they all had their throats slit and then drowned. which hurts more? the slitting of the throat or the drowning?

that is the question.

Rather drown then getting my adams apple sliced

Just how stupid someone have to be in order to drown?

Unless you live in a fucking desert you should know how to swim.

Running out of oxygen while scuba diving also fits in the stupid department.

I've been told it's very similar to the rush from Amyl Hydrate, which is one of the best short term highs there is. There was even a tv commercial on it, if memory serves. Amyl is one of the most dangerous drugs there is, in the short term, but if you survive it is one of the least, with no long term effects or physical addictiveness at all.

I could be completely wrong, I dunno

You clearly have no idea about how hard a real wave can hit you

Like bags of sand

>filename "poolparty.png"

It feels like you're lungs are on fire and you're about to burst

I'm not stupid enough to get in the impact zone of a fucking wave I rather dive thru it.

It is also ridiculously easy to float in the sea.

If the ship you are on got sunk but you survived out of an airpocket in the ship hull for a couple of days until the oxygen became carbondioxide and then you died would that be considered drowning or choking.

I mean you died from the lack of oxygen under water but you breathed gas until you died.

that is to suffocate not drown.