Post your top 3 and judge

Post your top 3 and judge


Faceroll champions in the jungle. Wew so much fun.

> Mastery level 7 Soraka
> Mastery level 5 Veigar
> Mastery level 5 Ziggs

> Only played for 2 months

It's pretty easy getting S games vs bronzie retards, especially as someone like soraka.

OP here. I play them top.
Braum-I love you
Xerath-Annoying. But takes skill

Hm, changes one word in my sentence. Rammus top requires patience at least though, so props on not being a thirsty ass monkey long enough to not lose until you win.


> lvl 7 lucian
> lvl 7 jinx
> lvl 6 jhin

absolute salt inducing champs

I have a friends that say games I play Rammus "don't count". Cause he's "broken".


well, yasou is cancer since he requires no real mechanics to play.

Aaaand kalista is the only champion above mastery 5 that you deserve any modicum of respect for playing in a significant degree. Wide champion pool for someone who plays so few champions.

Not much to say, It's an adc main, oh lawdy.

fcking vain mayne

True that but I'm actually a good soraka.

OP here, Riven and Yas get shit on by Rammus. If Diana shut down before 6 she isn't to bad. But if fed. *Snaps Keyboard*

Far from broken, rammus is garbage against perfect play (recall the last time you saw a challenger player that plays rammus top only, or the time he got picked at worlds? Me either). However, rammus is also amazing at capitalizing upon mistakes. Hence, play patient and you'll usually come out ahead.

I don't main vayne, i play every adc


ITT: Cucks who can't play Dota

thats the thing. some disagree some agree. it creates a civil war. i profit off that war

Its rare to see rammus anyways. and its pretty much a single target focus. if rammus puts his efforts on me , adc can rain terror.

Heres my other champs


Nautilus > everybody else
nuff said

no ur not good

so much cancer in this thread

league aids riot ruin jng


I'm disgust when I see Zed Yasuo Fiora mastery + Usual ban picks in last season

I don't honestly see how anyone can claim to be a "good soraka". The skills to play soraka are the same exact skills that are required to play the vast majority of supports. So if you're a good soraka you should by necessity be a good support player in general.

The mechanical skill required to utilize soraka's abilities in an effective fashion is absolutely minimal.

he doesen't require skill to play, im a diamond 2 adc main (who have played alot of mid and yasou)

And he's not a skilled champ, sorry

OP here, Hate Vel, Koz with a passion.

this is photoshopped right?


but everyone loves tentacles and math

Gangplank 7
Gnar 6
Olaf 5

One of the first interesting ones. Is kog still there from kog jg being amazing or do you play him mid/bot currently?

Well thats the thing, i dont know why people are so fixated on champs being skillfull or not. it doesnt fucking matter. if you are good at the game, with good mentality its easy to win. Everyone can carry

but you need to press w a LOT and sometimes r. The skillcap is to damn high man. I wish Soraka would get buffed to insanity again.

Yo remember fucking old soraka? starcall was kek

No my cup of tea
Literally only thing that almost kept from walking in high school.

What i don't understand is that people keep banning him every rank below diamond, he's not hard to counter, but if your're bad at the game you're going to get stomped by a decent yasou every time

member when windspeakers blessing first came out? Oh i member

Same guy here, This is my kog jg in ranked history, He was so strong, without crug smite and raptor changes his build has changed, but you can still play him if you rush rhunnans.

He got his rework taken from him and is back to old kog


The only tell to me that someone is shit at soraka is in her silences. Q's can be thrown around willy nilly who gives a fuck if it hits or misses, it's more a game to play against than a game for the soraka to play skillfully.

Silence timing and placement tells wonders about the mechanical skill and practice of a soraka player. Not that it's ACTUALLY all that fundamental and necessary for her impact upon the game.

This doesn't represent what I mostly play right now, more accurately it would be


He's still strong, with Blood razor, and botrk, you can do like 15% health an aa

Yasuo gets banned because you can build static ie and then go fulltank. Still works. Still op as fuck. Still no real counterplay. That is why he is banned


Does anyone else use lol sumo, how acurate do you feel the spi is?

^ this


ever tried playing a support that needs skill? Try Thresh or even fucking Taric.

Member feral flare yi?

Dude, im plat/gold because im too lazy to climb higher and i give up too easily but holy shit, the "i get fucking stomped therefore im banning the champ that destroyed me everytime" mentality is fucking strong here. You see the weirdest fucking bans in plat. Last game this guy begged for sion to be banned. Hows things in diamond?

Nice. Enjoy seeing more interesting jungle picks than vi vi vi hecarim vi rengar

Lvl 7 Jinx
Lvl 4 tf
All the others lvl 1-2?

If he's winning with Raka why change it? Even if she takes no skill he's winning so why put a struggle on himself? Or her...Since sup main lel

boring life on an one trick pony

what elo are you and what elo do you think I am?

Dude im fucking amazed how anyone can actually play support as a main role. I honestly appreciate the people who enjoy helping others in this toxic ass fucking game

I don't play supp. I'm OP top main

>1. Draven 115.000
>2. Miss Fortune 110.000
>3. Jhin 90.000

Adc main in season 7

Get 1 shot by everyone

? I don't play THAT much soraka man. That said, I play pretty faceroll supports, but my pool is a solid mix of skilled and unskilled. (In this order): Janna, braum, soraka, leona, blitz, zyra.

I'm a mid main support off role. I succeed at support by being good at the role moreso than the champions I play (which is largely true in the midlane too).

here's mine

the rest

But yes those who main supp deserve a medal.

I was gonna compliment you on the TF/Lee but then i saw Annie and Fizz and i threw up on my keyboard

you play alot

While i can play support and i enjoy when i make a sick play with thresh or whatever but i honestly cannot for the life of me endure a whole game without wondering why the fuck am i not killing shit

yes i member and i am happy that these times are over. Member when it was possible to actually fight Shivanna? The "rework" made her completely broken. I mean i saw a 1/6 shiv getting 3 items at minute 30-35 Suddenly she goes full apeshit 1 v 4. Wins. Oneshots even me as a fucking fulltank nautilus. What? How?

They don't. I play an entirely different game when I play support. It is in so many ways easier than playing midlane. The only part that is harder is the part you're talking about, corralling the monkeys to work together. It's definitely a give and take.

Support Main
Working on Bard atm.

i am main sup and most of the time its actually fun. Unless you get a vayne that thinks she is fucking gosu.

>Still playing babby's first moba

lmao feel free to upgrade at any point.

Go fuck yourself for playing zilean. It's not fun for anyone but you.

you have to try kassadin support. No joke. Combine it with jhin and it gets op as fuck at lvl 6. Or sion support. Shit is insane. Carried myself to plat with him.

Itemzation dude. Right now, no matter the champ, everything can be countered by items. Theres an item for every situation possible. Last time i went shiv, the enemy vayne got dominiks,bork,rageblade and there was little i can do. It would have been the same if an Ashe or idk a Varus did it.

I intentionally play bad whenever i have one of those in my game as a support. Makes me kek

Dota player can't spell baby. What an upgrade, playing against people who need to go back to school.

i fucking hate vayne mains. Most toxic pieces of shit in the entire game

>being this new

It's worse than I thought

I don't actually play Annie anymore, I just learned the game with her as my first champion.

Highest mastery points is fizz before the rework gutted him

2nd is leblanc which I didn't like her rework either but I guess she is stills strong so maybe I'll try again

Currently playing jg/mid with diana and ekko mostly

Vayne Mains complain cause they don't know how to position as an adc and run passed front line, die and ask for peel. kek


Totally fucking agree and as much as i hate to admit it as a riven and yasuo main, 99% of us are incredibly toxic. Even me. While im all positive in chat to make sure we win, in real life im fucking thinking how can someone be so bloody autistic.

Sion support is legitimate and interesting, but not my style.

Kassadin is significantly farther from my style. Leaps and bounds away from something I would play.

I don't pick my support champions to make flashy outplays or cool bullshit. I pick them to be effective at enabling my teammates to do their jobs. More traditional supports will do this better than gimmicky shit like veigar support. Hence janna being first by a long shot, she is simply efficient at the support role - safe warding, great disengage, and solid enabling.

I got to plat playing basically just anivia and janna/braum/soraka.

this so much
how am i supposed to peel her if she runs into the frontline into a 1 v 5. Suddenly its my fault she got locked down and died. Life of a support man. Getting to plat as support only was a freaking pain.

Resurrection is top tier ult.

I play top and mid, mostly top

holy fucking shit you are such a cancerous piece of shit I legit hate you

sometimes I feel so bad for supports. Some games their adc suicides so much in lane that the support has more farm from being alone under turret while adc is dead. All while getting flamed

So many adc have zero interest in choosing their battles or farming, just trade and fight all game and one side or the other snowballs too hard

I want to homie. But so much to learn, and I already know most of league, and I'm pretty high elo. What's your MMR in Dota? I bet its shit faggot ;)

you can try taric. You will have a gard laning against most matchups but you still have impact in the game with your ult. He actually needs a keen sense of timing for most of his abilitys has a good skill ceiling and stays relevant throughout the whole game. And kings vow on him is just insane

Okay, that doesn't make up for his lack of sustain and par-at-best trading in lane. It's shitty trying to play with him as an adc, like playing with a shitty version of karma. As well, it's an annoying play pattern to get past as opponents. The only winner here is the zilean, who gets to play a terrorist piece of shit throwing bombs at people.

This. I usually duo so I don't have to worry about my adc but solo que is fucking retarded.


Too much going on in fights to keep track of all of taric's shit along with shotcalling properly on my end. I love taric (have every skin, in fact). Just doesn't work out realistically if I am playing to win.

I played about 2-3 years of LoL before switching to Dota, it honestly only takes about 5-10 games for it to click in your head and to start getting the hang of it, especially if you already have experience with MOBA's. Just smash that mutha fucking random button until you find a hero you like, then spam them until you learn the other basic concepts of the game.

Also my MMR is 0 because I hate ranked in any video game and I find it pointless to grind a million games to inflate some arbitrary number

yeah he's not very good at Support. He's a very weak laner in a 2v2. However mid he's legit a sleeper OP pick. I have a ~70 percent winrate with him up to diamond.

It's just for fun. I don't play him ranked.