Quit pretending it isnt caturday!

Quit pretending it isnt caturday!

















Finally he/she is dead no more pain










I hope you burn in hell









You do realise that people like you reacting to this shit is what encourages them to post it in the first place?





Probably a former stray.












Which city is this?

Shopped. I can tell by some of the pixels.


Pussy squared



damn - would have been a good photo if it were real

you do realise they are samefagging


There is no hell. Quit believing fairy tales for adults.

Yes so I am learning. hard to hold back sometimes


disinterested party here:
Post pics
don't criticize
Compliment if you like them


Upvote for cat pics.

Hey Reddit.


you do know that caturday is the only time we post nice lil cats? That goes on a rekt thread



Scary implications



Need a new roll of cats, down to my last one



these simpletons are clueless


Get this stupid shit off me


I'm ripped


Twix bar, please, kitty


i wonder what music is playing in the background




Pass in review


see, he wasn't such a bad guy, after all...

There are a bunch of these out there, I wish I saved them all


This is a great thread. Thanks to all the uploaders.

Is there a cat in this one, or 'pic not related'?


back in 5 min
