How can anyone argue rape is worse than death?

How can anyone argue rape is worse than death?

Suffering is worse than not suffering.

Yet rape isn't eternal suffering, and death is eternal nothing

Wise words, wise words.

you think you dont know i mean it could be fucking heaven nothing or something else

It could also be an eternity of getting ass raped by a sentient, verbally abusive cactus. You don't know

that's what im saying

Because women

Everyone is ignoring the distinct possibility of being raped to death.

Oh fuck didn't think of that

Because white knights see rape as a crime against weak women they want to protect to get the pussay.

This is why I always murder my victims before I rape them.

Because I care about their wellbeing.

If I kill them afterwards, who cares?

Thats actually kinda interesting,

A man will often hold the attitude that rape is better than death because of the finality of death

On the flip side a woman will see the loss of control as worse than death.

It's probably due to the way we as a society have been brought up men are often of the opinion that life goes on and we can recover where women are more likely to give up after a traumatic event

It means the stupid bitch has control issues.

You can read into it how you want really.

I just see it as an interesting look into the attitudes of different genders

I would rather die than be killed.

You have to live with rape, the memories, the trauma, etc.

Death you get over pretty quick. I mean, yeah, it's a shock when it happens, but you move past it pretty quick because in that moment being dead just feels so much better than dying did, ya know?

You'll be like "FUCK THAT HURTS!!!! OWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!! OWOWOW... ahhhhh. Glad that's over with."

Then they bring you back and the pain comes back.


Because feminist propaganda.

i'd rather have a dick in my ass than a bullet in my head

Rape them then kill them, or the other way around.

Problem solved.


Really? Because I can tell you, the bullet is not as bad as I imagine a dick in the ass would be.

I dunno, maybe it's just me, but the bullet was like ripping the band-aid off really fast compared to pulling it off really, agonizingly slow, which is what I imagine an unwanted dick in the ass would be like.

But to be fair I'm more of a dive into a cold pool head first versus wade in slowly kinda guy. "Just get it over with quickly" type

If rape is worse than death, then after you rape someone you should also kill him to end his suffering.
So if some rapist kills his victim, he is better person than another one who didn't. That makes sense.

This happened to German & Japanese in WW2

Wait what, I know about the japs but germans?