How do you beat depression?

how do you beat depression?
started lifting, reading more than playing vidya, eating more healthy, meeting friends every day, still dead inside

Other urls found in this thread:

get better early sleeps 9/10pm dont stay up late nights
meditate 30 to 1 hour a day
have a fap every once or twice a week





try ayahuasca




Takes time, fam. Try getting good sleep and change your diet if it's complete shit.


Sure I'll just live as a robot.



Pls keep posting these images

This picture kills me every time and it's not because she's fugly, it's because the valet is like 13.



what happened to her?

he's seen some shit

the unshooped version.



My sides, my fucking sides...


Pls don't stop posting Chloe.


Bupropion (Welbutrin) is a very low-impact anxiety medicine that has nearly zero side effects (NOT an SSRI). Get on a light perscription.


this. Maybe a psychedelic like shrooms, lsd dmt or even mdma. Something to change your perspective. Good sleep and regular exercise and sunlight help a lot tho, your going the right direction op. good luck with your journey

what happened to her?

this is a disease right?





Depression is not real, its state of mind, limited mind in this case



it's photoshopped @$$hole

then why do SSRIs help?


Seriously, from very ugly personal experience, psychotropics are the LAST thing you need if you're suffering from depression.

They'll make it worse, much worse.

obviously but she actually looks like that.


That shit is useless, and so are SSRI's. I'll stick to self medication.


holy fuck what happened to madona? unbelievable!

What is your profession, to have all this expendable time?


I get anxiety more often, which is similar, and as far as going and doing things, usually I start feeling better if I get into my activities so much that I'm not checking myself for how I feel, if that makes any sense. The fear of your bad feelings not going away can make you feel more hopeless, but if you can get out of that "mode" by not paying so much attention to whether or not you feel depressed, you start to have times where you're not depressed, and start to feel a little more measure of control which you can start going with. It's not easy to not worry about your feelings, sure, but every now and then, if you find something that seems to work, write it down. Soon you'll have a list and as it gets bigger you've got that much more evidence that things are not hopeless, which will in and of itself make you feel a little bit better.

Just wake up inside


Bro i legit beat depression and anxiety when i did nofap....

Dont get me wrong i dont do nofap anymore.. and i dont agree with the whole concept

The situation i was in required nofap since i was fucking hooked..
>fapping 3 times a day
>didnt care about my appearance
>lost all motivation to actually find a girl (even though i was lonely as fuck)

trust just give it a try...




charger from left 4 dead ?



Some people have depression no matter what and need to be medicated. Clinical depression I think it's called.

Go get help OP.


I second this guy, if you take lsd or anything your mindset and environment plays a great role for the trip and results

I was really depressed months ago but then I started meditation and reading the Bardo Thodol, to be honest Im still depressed but now I think of everything as good and bad energy, you decide which one to look

The world is fucked up, so better be a good person. Read about quantum mechanics maybe you get intereses about possibilities

Sorry for my english, hope it helps

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how you beat depression. You are welcome.

>1/2 (broke it up due to post size limit)

You need to fill your time with stuff that's [mindful] OR [mindless AND distracting].

For example playing a game like ARK survival evolved would be pretty mindful because you're constantly working, surviving, running from dinosaurs, building, planning.

Watching a TV show is pretty mindless because it doesn't require much input or interaction from you, but if it's a good TV show like game of thrones or just a TV show you really enjoy (like me I'm on season 5 of the x-files at the moment) then it'll take most of your thought so it's distracting, which is what you want.

Watching reality TV or a quiz show on the other hand would count as mindless and not particularly distracting.

Everyday activities are very mindful unless they become repetition at which point you become autopilot. Always look for ways to add variety, and you can do that regardless of what your hobbies are. You don't need to go to the gym, you can be a lazy couch potato or a NEET playing video games 16 hours a day or whatever, anyone can make their life more mindful and distracting.


I noticed when i stopped playing League of Legends for example I became a lot happier, because there's all that empty mindless time in between games where your mind wanders, not to mention the people in that game being completely fuckwittish assholes, which is another thing I'd like to add, spend your time with decent polite friendly people and you'll become a wee bit happier as a result. Even if you're the cynical introverted anxious type like me who doesn't even like being with other people or communicating, if you're gonna choose to engage with other people in any form whether it's your work, a game, a community, make sure they're not mostly assholes and if they are, change to a place or thing or activity that isn't populated with assholes.

If you can't control the assholishness or have to stay with em (family for example), find ways to minimise your interaction with their assholishness. For example if you have a really really negative moany mother, like I do, just tell her what she wants to hear. Engaging her or questioning her, at least in my situation, just provokes her into personal attacks on me, and I can live without that shit. Let people be ignorant, let them believe an apple is an orange. You can't change the world or the people in it, just like there's no point in screaming when you're outside and the weather is incredibly cold, you'd just wear a warm coat and hat in that situation instead. Think of your life, then, as that cold weather. Your reaction shouldn't be to resist or scream at it, but to adapt. Go with the flow, etc, live and let live.

You don't "Beat" actual depression. You adapt to it and learn to work around it. Especially if you go through lows and highs.

get on meds, go to a psychiatrist