Can u guys give me a rap name? My names andy

Can u guys give me a rap name? My names andy

DopeMasta Freezestyle

slim wannabe

you just scared, I'd kill you in a fight

Suburban trust fund thug.

Andy Bobandy

andy the fucking faggot

Frig off Julian. A man's gotta eat

Beat to it my man.

Tatz and chainz

yall a bunch of faggots, i shouldn't have used this site to ask

Candy-Ass Andy

D'Andy Free Dizzle

You expected a serious response?

J-Rock's lil bitch, Andy

nigger andy


Andy bandy fo fandy

Ku Klux Klandy

Andy candy ass MC Faggot


Andy the Rapper?
singles decide.


Andy Banandy
I want royalties

Lil Penis

Docta Weenus

ahahahaaha these comments are fucking funny

Lil Docta Penis Weenus

Andy da faggot, DJ cock sucker

Ice Turd

how do i delete this shit you fags retarted

Moleface the Magnificent

Has the name Semen Filled Anal Cavity been taken?

Andy Gives Handies

Did you mean "restarted"?
Perhaps I can help you with your rap name
>"The Notorious W.I.G"

sandy andy


>Can u guys give me a rap name?

Not sure, but here's your first album cover.

Skinny penis

Notorious HIV

Then his rap name needs to be "Whitey Blackthroat"

>Notorious HIV

Goddammit, I was just about to type
Notorious STD

>>Notorious HIV
>Goddammit, I was just about to type
>Notorious STD

OK Andy, which do you like better? I'll let you decide.

>Ku Klux Klandy

Underrated post

Candy Andy