Turk Sup Forumsro here for your questions about middle east and Turkey

Turk Sup Forumsro here for your questions about middle east and Turkey.

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muslims are assholes. Theres someone fucking with you in town? 99% chance a muslim. There is someone cutting line ? muslim. Dude next to you stinks like hell? muslim. Neighbor kids are fkin shit up and screaming after 0 am? fucker is a muslim with 20 kids that little rat.

I'm not a muslim

Gerçek durum nasıl?
Tor ve VPN hala yasak/kapalımı?
Erdoğan sıkıyönetimi uzatcakmı yeniden?

Turkey is gay

Yarak gibi. Ekonomi de çöküyo şimdi nolacak belli değil.
İnternet yasağı kalktı
Uzatır herhalde


Chicken is gay



I am a Turk not Arab and I am not muslim.

Do you like Turkey?

What are your thoughts on the Armenian genocide?

What did you think of the coup attempt earlier this year?

Are you Muslim?



Ekonomiyi batırırsa Erdoğanın zamanı sayılıdır sanırım
Yada tam kafayı yer ve süresiz sıkıyönetim ilan eder. Diktatörlüğü resmi yapar.

Yurt dışına kaçan var mı?

Is it true that Endrogan used the coup attempt to secure himself as a dictator?

I like the place but not the people who lives in it.

I think it was something which had 2 sides. Armenians did awful things too.

Complicated. I dont even know it was real or falseflag.

No i am not.

Oh come on man I'm already hungry right now.

300 dolar bozdurana 1 yillik Sup Forums pass hediyemdir

the solution is clear
we must put everything into space travel research and take all the non-muslims to another planet
then the non-muslims will enter an eternal golden of prosperity and peace, and the muslims will turn on each other for not being muslim enough and eventually exterminate themselves

Hell no. 248 people died to stop coupe attemp. Erdogan is not that evil

Bayağı sıçmış durumda ekonomi şu an. Zaten giderse anca öyle gider bizim milletin dini imanı paradır çünkü. Başkan olursa olabilir öyle bir şey. Kaçan yok şu vakitte zaten bize kim vize verir ki.

Armenian genocide

allahuekber be oğlum

/S ???


There is nothing called Armenian genocide. We offer them to open our and their archives but they dont accept this. Because they knis that if archives will be opened everyone will understand that there was no genocide

Wtf... You're retarded. There clearly was

But afterwards didn't he use it as a a way to remove anyone who could threaten him from the military and government?

Not pressing, just repeating what a different turkbro told me.

Turkish are not müslim we are ateist

What did they Armenians do?

he did and erdoğan is evil as much as hitler

favorite movie(s)?


Lol. What is your proof? Maybe we can talk a little about genocide that American fags did to

Well he declared state of emergency after the coup attempt
And he already extended it once.
If he does it again it will not be a good sign.

They rebelled against Ottomans in WW1. Killed tons of civillians/raided villages and shit. Then "genocide" happened.

Found a pic of OP

Turkish movies ?


OP here. I giggled.

Yeah you are right, but this is a process. He was about to do that things anyways. Coupe attemp just made it faster.



How accurate is this movie about turkey?

Filename checked:)

not op. russia told them to fuck things up in the villages while all young man were away fighting in ww1 in hopes russia will give them their own country. thats the reason the ottomans decided to rally them and send them off the country. families of alot of soldiers died. so they didnt treat them good, killed some of them.

I am actually white.


Ah this shit. It was not %1 accurate when movie has been made but it is today.

iiiyykkk les gibi kokuyordur simdi orasi, sigara icme pezevenk.

Yok ya havalandırıyorum içeriyi.

Where are all the secular Turks to overthrow Erdogan from making it into another Islamic republic shithole? Erdogan seems to be turning it into a ME country instead of the most moderate (or liberal or even secular) Muslim country that it could be.

What is the relationship between a Turk and cockroach?

Olm bunlar niye bize hamambocegi diyo?

Only fossilized fags remember this guy.

Secular Turks are educated and educated people are mostly cowards cause they have so many things to lose. So they/we wouldnt rebel.

Internet mahir


Aynen ya chpliyiz len. Egitimliyiz. Dövrim. Zörkin ölvan. Halay. Felan.

Sup Forumsda çıktı bu muhabbet. Turkroach diye alay ediyorlar bizimle ama ne alaka ben de bilmiyorum. İğrenç pislik demeye getiriyorlar herhalde. En çok koyan elin Singapurlusu bile roach diyor bize.

They are already losing now by not speaking up. If Turkey is kicked out of NATO with Russia tired of their shit too, who are they going to be allied with? Uzbekistan?

Nope. In WW1 the Turks marched into the mountains in winter to fight Siberian troops, it went about as well as you would expect. 2/3 of their army froze to death, the remaining third was eaten by wolves.

In response to this massive failure the ottoman government decided to do the only sane thing. Blame an ethnic minority, namely the Armenians.

The Armenians were handed the blame for sabotage, spying, disobeying orders ect ect. even though many Armenians had been among those sent to freeze to death fighting fucking Eskimos.

From there the Ottomans perused a policy of oppression against the Armenians. Forcing them from their homes, denying them work in the military and government and eventually even making it Illegal for an Armenian to own property. Obviously the Armenians didn't take kindly to this and many revolts sprang up only to be crushed in bloody manor. It was well known that any Armenian man who took up arms against the government would have his wife and children killed as punishment.'

Often they were killed anyway, because "Hey, we can do genocide better/before the Germans!"

ne alakası var şimdi bunun söylediğimle amın evladı

Der tabi biraderim. Her önüne gelene nası siktik sizi gecmiste xd muhabbeti yaparsan am kafalı bile derler türklere

NATO cant kick us. Its not that simple.

Does Turkey have enough housing available for all those foreign living Turks who will come running home once Europe decides to go all Nazi on all foreigners again?

Which fag is calling this cutie as an insect?


We dont want them you can kill all of them no worries

Most of them already own a house in Turkey to spend their summer vacation.

şarkıyı açıcam şimdi mecburiyet oldu mutlu musun

Oh thanks, that would make everything much easier.

But NATO is tired of Turkey's shit. Most people who fight for ISIS used to go through Turkey to get to Syria, and not to mention all the homegrown support for ISIS/FSA there. Some train in Turkey and some go from Turkey to Qatar or Jordan to train.

Lmao. Dont worry bro. Germany and Netherlands are gonna be refugee's countries after 20 years:)


You are right but Turkey is pretty important for NATO aswell. So they cant just say fuck off and kick us.

I have a lot of cool western muslim friends but I know one crazy one who's engaged to his cousin and considers homosexuality a disease
Is it weird that I'm cool with normal muslims but consider the islam as a political and theological practice absolute cancer to western civilization?

Germany is going to be reopening Auschwitz at this rate lol.

Auschwitz is in Poland

have you sent pics with a dick up your ass to avoid military conscription?

there are 80 million people in this country and believe me 30-35 of it doesnt actually gives a fuck about islam. so its cool.

I hope you can say that when Turkey opens border gates and 2 million Syrians come to ur country :)

Oha lan herif milleti kafir yapti bi anda ^^

Roaches are building a wall, when will Murica build one?

trips spell truth, thanks turkbro

bu ülkenin dini imanı allahı paradır moruk islam falan hikaye

are we? i didnt know

Malesef oyle oldu. Bu hale getirenler utansin ne diyelim. Allah i kitabi agzindan dusurmeyip rusvet alanlarin, yolsuzluk yapanlarin, torpille haksiz kazanclar elde edenlerin de Allah bin belasini versin

American fags wont need a wall cuz Mexicon bros will enter from Canada to Us. So no worries :)

They better be good swimmers.

I live in Australia.

Besides, 2 million is nothing. Germany has to beat Stalin's high score of 34 million.

nedense allah hic belalarini vermiyor

>cue adalet bu mu dunya music


i am from turkey and i can say that the country is in deep shit. the government is being controlled by one man only and its no different than monarchy and funny part is majority of voters love erdoğan and wants to go back to old ottoman times

They'd run back pretty quickly to Turkey once we open fire on them.

Cause thats where we're headed.

Hey turk bro

What do you hate about your culture, what do you wish you could change, what do you love about your culture

So why are you mad sir? We like and respect Austrialins. Come visit Turkey! Eat some kebab, drink some Turkish coffee. Then we pray for those who died in 1918 together:'(

I'm an atheist musician/engineer biding his time in this shithole. I've been in the Turkish Army too. So I've got interesting shit to talk about.

Ask me anything and I'll reply if I like the way you ask.

Trump would save $$$ paying cheap mexicans to build the wall to keep them out. That's the good thing about walls, only one side needs to build one.