Everyone in this thread holds their breath until someone gets dubs...

Everyone in this thread holds their breath until someone gets dubs. As soon you you click on the thread you start holding.

>Inb4 only 6 people died.

You can now breathe people


Pls dubs

6 seconds.

Fuck this gay ass thread

Ps check em


O well was gonna kms anyways

Death to the oxygen breathers

Nigs pls

if trips the next dubs doesn't count and you still need to hold ur breath.


im dying. my face is blue.


Pllllllz need air

Driiiink Charlie...



We're all gonna die

Dubs shall never come to save us

Let's foookin go bois

Our Savior
Our Doom

OK i give up almost died ik am puss puss

We're free


Congratulations. You may return to your pitiful lives of oxygen inhalation...
