Post the last picture you saw on Sup Forums

Post the last picture you saw on Sup Forums

Why the fuck would you post th

>hurrr now errbody post OP's image

Is this candlejack? I never got t

Oh look, I just completed a full sentence.

Sure thing OP

Oh shi-



You guys are retards. He only takes you if you say his name. If you have to meme, at least do it correctly.


fuck you fagg-

Candlejack. Oh look, I just completed a full sentence.

dont trust him..... nigger alert

I don't know what you me-

You were probably taken by candlejack after finishing your senten


you are edgy

i sexually identify myself as an attack helico-

Candlejack. I assure you, I'm still around.


Include me in the screencap reddit

Candle Jack? Are we really gon-