Poland, India of europe

Don't come to Poland for the next 2 weeks at least.

>we love dogs
>we dont love to clean up after them
>winter was long, frost held for many months
>city centers all over the country reek of all the suddenly unfrozen dog shit & urine

In our defense, before "capitalism", there was a lot more green in the cities, so it wasn't a big issue back then.
Old habits take long time to die.

Other urls found in this thread:


>having dogs in a big city
human vanity and needyness knows no bounds
doggers really should have much more space than that

why would you walk over lawn anyway?

>before "capitalism", there was a lot more green in the cities

yes, because no one trimmed it...

>yes, because no one trimmed it...
No, because land was owned by the goverment, once capitalists came it, they bought off everything they could, build office buildings & supermarkets wherever they could, cut out every single park a corrupted official let them.

To be honest I'm not a fan of trimming public spaces. I think it's much more "eco" if it's left to bee, also a lot more animals can live off of it.


dog shit is also a real concern in France, not only Paris, but the whole country

most people pick up their dogs' poop but every hobo has 1 or 2 dogs, they never ever take care of their dogs

fuck these outcasts, I hate them so much

you missed one 'o' yuko kamizaki

well i remember public parks/closed cemeteries back in commie times looked like jungle with tall yellow grass and weeds over 1m high

Good old days....

Am I a degenerate for masturbating to Amy?

no, but you are a plebeian
>mfw nintendo fanboys

In all my life in pakistan I've lived in 7 different cities in different provinces and went to more than 15 and I have never seen anything like that

Maybe because muslims hate dogs, because this one time "prophet" got bitten by one and declared them all "harram" or whatever?

I thought Poland had bigger problems with pollution from coal

I agree with you

Wild dogs are mostly in bigger cities and they are killed because they spread disease and filth

Kind of explains why muslims kill each other

Nah, that's just German propaganda to destroy our coal industry and make energy sector dependent on energy import from Germany.

In truth, Germany burns a lot more coal and also subsidies their coal mines a lot more than Poland does.


fuck off and throw yourself out of your commie block you dumb commie retard.

Oh ok, I see
Then go on Poland, let your coal industry grow

take the upper silesians back, they are the only ones fixated on coal because they are niggers at heart

I thought its your political party that is a very strong coal supporter. I heard they see "Polish coal" as a patriotic issue

Guess that's why they call you pooland eh?

Kek, if I didn't know, I would think that Russia and Poland are related to each other. Thawing dog shit is a staple of Russian spring.

our government is nigger as well

Unless they are shitty rat dogs
Those should just die tho desu


They are related
1. Extremely similar language
2. Same traditions and culture (eat same shit)
3. Both poor because of subhuman commies
For some reason west is adamant on making stupid cebula polaks hate russia. And they are successful

Hey bolan

We have this wonderful invention

good times

capitalism and lowiqism hate grass so much
but i saw some nice shit in pictures from japan, they still let the green stuff grow

>Poland, India of europe.
no way. it would be France in terms of dogshit problems.

Poland is the Japan of Europe.

t. Paris syndrome

you probably never seen how kids are eating the "yellow snow" too

now i finally know how nips feel when they are surrendered by weebs


Spanish cities are also infested with dogs.

Dogs (as a pet) in the end are a substitute of human companionship and children, so no wonder that a generation that seems to simply be unable to achieve that gets so many dogs.



>1. Extremely similar language
Lol, nope
>2. Same traditions and culture (eat same shit)
Double lol, you have no idea what you are talking about
>3. Both poor because of subhuman commies
I'll give you that
Poland and Russia are completely unrelated to each other

t. I never met/saw a pole and i refuse to research anything but I'll still claim in correct

Kill yourself

>a Brit is lecturing me on Russia and Poland
Thanks for the laugh, m8. Appreciate it.

(He thinks I'm British)

In any case, you really don't know what you are talking about. Russia and Poland are completely different.

Russia is to Poland like England to Germany. Long lost distant cousins that stopped being related long time ago because reasons.

Come visit and you'll see. I did. Alphabet is one of the only literal differences

>le brits are germanic.meme

>if you know English you can make a conversation with a german and vice versa
>if you know Russian you can make conversation with a pole and vice versa
Slowly, but most certainly yes

They eat the same
Act the same
Have literally shared history
Literally shared culture and traditions
Literally extremely similar

Visit what? Russia? I'm already here. Poland? I know enough about it to know that there are no similarities beyond post-soviet legacy. You've been to Poland, good, but you don't know what Russia is like. So you can't compare.

This is so laughably wrong. Just because you dislike both Russia and Poland doesn't mean that we are alike.

Putin insert a bit too much fluoride into your pipes recently? How have not realized I am Polish?

Because no Pole would ever say that Russians and Poles are similar, you dumbass. That's how much you know about Poland.

Oh come on. Imagine that there are two brothers and their father gives one apple eachone and dies after that. One brother puts his apple in the center of his house and is praying to it every evening while he is dying from starvation, because he cannot just simply eat last thing which left after his parent. Second brother eats his apple when he feels hunger first time after receiving a fruit and thinks "thanks dad". Then he goes to his brother house and sees (in his perception) how his sibling is going to waste an apple by letting it get rotten and shouts "faggot if you are not going to it this apple i will do this, i won't let it waste" and he eats it.
Do you understand it now?

I know more about Poland and it seems more about Russia than you do. It would explain if you are from the plains and are a mongol though.

Eee... nie widze porównania

>I know more about Poland and it seems more about Russia than you do.
Goodbye, my sides

There's a dog and a dog, mate.
Nothing wrong with having a compact sofa-dog to fit your compact, commie bloc, flat, but not some retarded guarding dog.

Much better than just a few years ago, tho still happens.

It is (was) not only lawns, but also the parts of sidewalks not cleared of snow. The snow melts and reveals that half of the pathway is now shitway.
Fucking rednecks.

Every Polish government is a strong coal supporter, regardless of "political" ""option"", because the last thing they want is a bunch of angry looking miners stirring shit.

>surrenders the argument
Kek kys you mongol rapebaby

>Because no Pole would ever say that Russians and Poles are similar

Factually incorrect
Souce: my ass