Where do I go to buy drugs online?

Where do I go to buy drugs online?

That's not Spice.

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B019EJ3RS4/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1480986945&sr=8-2&keywords=gaba powder&pi=SY200_QL40

< mfw OP is trap Carl Grimes.



You can buy Kratom here it's pretty HQ kratom

One need a name, two don't buy that shit online try interacting with people

Is the silk road still a thing?

Silk road died like 2 years ago IIRC, and I doubt anyone's revived it yet.



Seymour Butts.

Silk road substitutes still exist on the deep web

I've heard there are different forms of LSD that are available online legally (depends where you are, obviously) but yeah I'd be down to figure that out.

Alot of hassle and high risk
Might as well buy drugs in person

But who can you trust?

Try 420chan, they might know.


no one

Dark web

Bought MDMA 4 times and DMT twice with no hassle at all.

>having to use bitcoins
>no hassle
pick one

amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B019EJ3RS4/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1480986945&sr=8-2&keywords=gaba powder&pi=SY200_QL40

>buy bitcoins
>transfer to wallet

Unless you're paranoid as fuck, no hassle

You mean like research chemicals?