Look at the son of a bitch I had taken out of my mouth

Look at the son of a bitch I had taken out of my mouth.


Was it just a molar or a wisdom tooth (M3)? If the former, it looks like a root canal (at worst) would have sufficed.

Wisdom tooth from a few months ago. Shit hurt so bad.

Man that reminds me when I was a kid I had to go the dentist and for some reason I was so scared to go to the dentist I ripped out my own tooth. I still remember that vivid memory of digging through the flesh in my gums and how when it came out it peeled a strip of gum tissue right off my mouth. I can't remember if I was scared to go to the dentist or if I was curious in trying to do it myself.

What the fuck is wrong with me lol

Wisdom tooth. I can take pic of my mouth if you want.

Why did you have a hobbit in your mouth?

Here's the xray of it.

dentist here ama

can you op, i wanna see it

worst condition patient youve ever seen?

What the hell was a 1980s Ral Partha 2mm pewter figure in your mouth and why is the paint job so shit?

Can you really rape patients all the time and they never know?

how much do you make on average per week

what was that ?halfling? tabletop gaming figure doing inside your mouth?

bro just a few days ago I developed a big crack in my wisdom tooth and I probably have to have it out, now I'm real anxious about it :(


Judging by the anatomy, I'd guess that it's an upper left wisdom tooth.

If legit, I do have a couple questions.

Is exposed dentin an automatic call for a root canal, or can it be managed?

What post-op painkillers are available for patients that can't take opioids?

Upper right

It's cake man. They will numb it up for you. I didn't feel anything. I was so relieved to have it out. I promise it won't be bad, so long as the tooth doesn't break even more from being yanked. Top tooth or bottom tooth?

Top. I've never had one pulled so I don't know what to expect.

It's not bad. They will numb it. Top is easiest to handle.

Wow that gnome is the size of a tooth! Glad you got it out of your mouth, you could lose a tooth playing around like that!

thanks man that makes me feel better. I'm also oddly comforted that I might get to keep the tooth.

My anxiety regarding this stems not from the extraction itself, but from the procedure. Too many stories about people being rushed to the ER because of excessive bleeding that wasn't managed properly and ended up in the patient's lungs.

damn dude why was frodo in your mouth?
>mein precious


Not dentist here, but medfag.

For Post-op painkillers after opioids you're looking at benzos, don't take them before you drive your car or have to be alert and you'll be fine.

plus for the most part the pain from a root canal only lasts a few days so, call off work for a day or two and enjoy your sedated bliss.


I didn't keep mine lol. I just tossed it. I was LOL YES WHO IS THIS

Bitch, wanna act like what you did was something so manly. I'll let you know, I had all my teeth removed one by one due to bone condition that made my teeth fragile and rotten. And I am a dentures wearer at the age of 25.

Wait, my name is in the Photo. Yeah thats me lolololol

Maybe mine was more simple than others, but it was really not a huge deal. I was very happy to have mine removed. It had kept me up all night the night before, and I went to the ER at around 5 AM for some painkillers, and I think the doctors thought I was a druggie. My jaw was shaking a lot, and I was very irritable and short.

>1980s Ral Partha 2mm pewter figure
we get it. You're a virgin.