What is a good place to commit suicide OUTSIDE the home and not be found for a while?

What is a good place to commit suicide OUTSIDE the home and not be found for a while?

dont do it faggot, go outside, face the world, and get a job. Things will get better

Climb a mountain, go way off trail, find a cliff, jump off. Or even better, just bushwhack far away from anything and wander around until you get gored by a moose or something.

Ocean. Tie some weight to yourself and jump in.

> Tie cinder blocks around your feet
> Jump in deepest part of ocean

> go outside

That's the plan mister.

I thought of that, but the nearest national park is a 9 hr drive. I'm gonna pretend to go to work as usual. People will discover I'm not at work/home while I'm still omw.

Haven't seen some real hive mind in a while.

Bridge over a river.

An abandoned well

state park away from trails?

Sauce please

local garbage dump.
no one will smell you rot.

They'll hear the gunshot tho.

i suppose you could hang yourself innawoods like the japanese are fond of doing.

You better give sauce

climb a tree.
handcuff yourself to trunk or branch.
The tree will eventually start to engulf your skeleton.
Some lucky SOB will find, cut down tree and sell as art.

Dont do it. too much money to make and spend. Too many bitches to fuck . Too many drugs to do !

Thats not how decomposition work bro.


depending on where you live, just drive out into the countryside and find some wooded area. doubt anybody is gonna find you there.

ekaterina special exercises

You must rly hate your family to want to leave them without any form of closure

Thanks man
BTW don't do it, its not worth it

my plan has always been go wondering in the woods or in the mountains and die of hypothermia, of course if its snowy area it'll hasten the process.

anyways dont do it youll find your place one way or another.

Drive out of the city, find a good stretch of interstate highway, drive car of road, deep into forrest/woods hook hose from exhaust pipe into cab of car with windows rolled up.
>pass out painlessly and die

If you want it to be harder to find you, dump car in forrest and go on foot. Walk for 20 miles/kms.
Dig hole and jump in it. hook up helium mask
> pass out painlessly and die

Jump off a cruse ship at night. They just drive away.

Eh, I'll post a letter. 'Not your fault, you guys are great' and other guilt-assuaging bull.

Anyway, after I'm dead, it won't be my problem. Lol.

What region are you in? West coast, east, midwest, north, south, etc?

Why care where you're at after you're dead dumbass? ...

just the woods. A woman's body was found like 10 feet from a very popular trail months after a search party gave up.

>pity/attention request thread

This is now a "How To" thread.

If you go out into the woods in a snow storm and get so hammered that you will pass out you will be found in spring. I read its painless too.

they would find your car at the park then find your body.

you lose

Just up and dematerialise into the 4th dimension.

Go take a deep breath and enjoy life

What's the best way to kill yourself without a gun, among a lot of sappy bitch reasons I need to know what happens after death

>Don't have a gun?
>Better just shoot yourself

in Chipolte kitchen

Every gets to find out what happens after death. That is inevitable. I mean, probably nothing, but whatever. What I want to know is what happens to this place tomorrow. And the day after that. And so on. I want to live as long as possible to see just what the fuck happens in this world. I'm 41, and this crazy world just keeps surprising me. Every time I think I've got this shit figured out something happens to prove that I'm wrong. I want to see space colonized. I want to see robots get made. I want to watch as many Star Wars movies as anybody is willing to make. I want to read so many books it's ridiculous. I want to see everywhere in the world there is.

I know I can't even do a fraction of what I want to do, but I want to live long enough to do what I can.

Everybody fucking dies. Don't be in a hurry.

do it for the vine


Well said man

The middle of the ocean
Jump into active volcano