We all know men from the Middle East who lives in Europe are all rapists and murderers

We all know men from the Middle East who lives in Europe are all rapists and murderers.

But what about the women? What are the women who are from the Middle East now live in Europe like?

No idea

>What are the women who are from the Middle East now live in Europe like?
non existant

How should we know?

trashy and like slags

thats north africa tho

violent crime and rapists enablers, basically.
everything in the name of muh islam

Beurettes are angels

if dumb they stay at home and are never seen
if halfway intelligent they become giant sjw who demand more rights for muslims on tv all day

they share the same interests as men, as I type this hundreds of men are being raped by this scarfed she devils in europe.


Europe YES

Europe is a hell hole because of them? these women will rape you. They have never felt the touch of a man and when exposed to aryans they will go yandere

They are whatever their husbands, fathers, and brothers say they are. You forget that Muslim women are the property of men so sayth Allah.

That's so hot

But im not a rapist or murderer and dont plan to become one

If you aren't you might as well become one because none of us will ever think of you as more than that.

I found that the women are by far more extremist than the men, but of course they don't burn cars and rape people.

>by far more extremist than the men
What do you mean? As in more terrorist sympathizers?

They obey and support the Muslim men, as the Quran tells them to.

>As in more terrorist sympathizers?
Yes exactly, they're less likely to do thug shit but they wouldn't mind blowing themselves up in the middle of a christmas market. Many of them adore Daesh for some reason, and they're unexpectedly proud of their shithole and religion and everything.

They just want everybody either converted or dead, whereas most guys don't give a fuck. A few months ago I met a guy from Syria who was struggling to make a living in France, I was shit drunk and he told me he had killed people, that her wife and daughter were still there and he drunk with me and we went to the club together.

most muslim women are fat fucks
its honestly rare to see a muslim woman past 25 that isn't a fat mess

They're either fat and disgusting sitting at home shitting out future jihadists on the taxpayer's dime or taking a Frenchman/nigger's cock up their ass on camera for money.

Fairly simple explanation really, they are uneducated. Not in any way to say they're stupid, just that they have no schooling, little access to information of other cultures outside of what they see on state-sponsored tv, and are strongly influenced by their fathers/husbands on what to believe in.

Women encourage this shit and enforce the religion and beliefs in the family in all cultures