If Zac Effron was 6'3" would he be a better candidate to play Superman than Henry Cavill?

If Zac Effron was 6'3" would he be a better candidate to play Superman than Henry Cavill?

Also what else would you cast Zac Effron as if he was not a manlet?

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>litteraly painted on muscles

Nah he's been known for unusually good muscle genes for ages

Effron has literally perfect muscle insertions. He could go full Frank Zane if he devoted himself. God tier body - too bad he's like 5'7". Ayy

he'll play wolverine someday

Zane himself was only 5'9 doe.

I'd like him to be Dick Grayson, really
Dick is even a manlet too!!

why aren't hollywood manlets going into surgery to increase their height?

manlets look more in proportion in films

>tfw i'm 5'7 as well

You can't lengthen bones, fucktard. Even if you could lengthen some bones, it would look disproportionate and fucking stupid.

Cus they're only able to add like 2 inches max

....and the process?

it would be extremely painful...

What if you're a big guy?

Then you don't need surgery silly!

He still has gay face. He never grew out of it despite what meme people say.

He is already going to be cast as the next Wolverine once Marvel have finished making their deal with Fox I believe.

if he was 6'3'' he wouldnt be able to fill out that frame so easily

big guys can be even more insecure about their height. theres always someone taller

he's too pretty to be wolverine

pick one

he's too "sexy" to be superman i think, he doesn't have much dignity in his face. superman should look like someone who would be a good father.

bad actor.
only dumb milenials like him.
he should stick to magizene covers and seth rogan films.

His lack of abs/lats (as it appears in that pic) make the rest of him look fucking odd.

He looks like he is coverd with dick skin. I would be mirin a lot, but you cant mire turbo manlets

why are lots of actors short?

>didn't read the thread

I actually don't mind Zac Efron. I'd like to see him in perhaps a buddy action film.

Why are lots of losers on Sup Forums tall?


if zack effron is jewish ill accept this right now
is he?

am i the only one whos never seen him in any movies?

>too bad he's like 5'7"
>too bad
I don't really see the problem

guys im 5'9", should i kill myself?

He got unlucky with the abs

i've only seen him in bad neighbors. he's probably going to be typecast as a dudebro chad in mediocre movies for ten more years.

Nah, he's too orange.

>implying 5'5 to 5'9 isn't maximum comfy size


he is

Maybe super boy

i always thought he was a boy band singer

I mostly remember him as the kid who tried to fuck Ari Gold's daughter in Entourage.

Aside from that he's been pretty good in some recent young adult movies but the names escape me.

He was in High School Musical

I wouldn't say that, Zac has clearly been lifting for many years. I sort of want to say he's not natty but then again he would be eating and training to perfection with world class nutritionists and trainers, and he is only 5'7.

So as to answer your question OP, no, Zac would not be a perfect Superman, because there's absolutely zero chance in hell he'd be that aesthetic if he was 6'3.

Yeah and pic related is 6'4

for you

>Dick Grayson

Good god.

Too babbyfaced to play Mansuper

Anyone can look good with steroids.

manlet detected


lmao the at least be real midget 5'7 is like the cutoff

how many steroids has that faggot gobbled down?

if I had a chef prepare all my meals and unlimited access to gear id look like that too.

Wolverine and Vegeta