Why wont i stop being sad?

Why wont i stop being sad?
also wallpaper thread so that im not wasting everyone's time

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Have you spoken to a brain expert about this? they may be able to give you a better idea than we can.

what is your boggle user?

Not yet no i probably should

its pretty hard to explain, just really difficult for me to be happy



U live in a big city? They tend to have some good doctors over there.

If you can afford it, book a consultation asap. if you cant afford it, go to somebody you are close with who can help you.

If all else fails, your local government may have resources you can request.

what can you think of that does make you authentically happy?

Im pretty scrapped for cash right now, when im able to afford it ill do it
I like art alot, im not really talented in the field but i really like and appreciate things like concept art and illustrations


okay ill bite. money problems? alone and nobody understands, you cannot connect with another person? inadequacy due to perceived expectations of others?

It may be some of those reasons but it may be others aswell, like i said before its really hard to explain. things have been ok the last week or so, i should be happy and im not




do you feel alone?

Depending on where you live, there may be cheap or even free art you can see around you.

If you would like to make your own art, there are many online courses you can take to develop the necessary skills.

I drew stick figures until about 16, and 4 years later im making fuckin mosaics

usually, i've been in a relationship for about 4 years now, but i haven't been happy since like February

I've just been practicing a lot, im just really tired of repeated failiure

prehaps failure is an indicator that you should try something else

just because you cant draw people well doesnt mean you cant draw loopy landscapes. (and vice versa). you just havn't found your neiche.

what happened in February?

well it seems you dont want to talk about it. the feeling of happiness comes from chemicals in our brain. endorphins, dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin are 4 major ones. the body needs balance called homeostasis and best believe most people are not living balanced lives at all. having too little of those chemicals for years can lead to instability. Happens either because of genes or outside factors in our environment. I dont know you, but if you are self aware you can dissect your life and find a probable cause

upsnoot so op has more help

bamp for op

op we love you

Maybe, i dont know i still have some thinking to do
Well its a long story but we're long distance and i visited her back then. hasnt been the same since
It makes sense to an extent, i tend to be hard on myself and im already pretty behind compared to most, feeling really insignificant and unaccomplished

OP what is your status? College, Job, etc?

Probably won't be helpful. But on the offchance that it is.

Take a serious look into the philosophy behind taoism and buddism, maybe listen to some alan watts. You can't be sad if 'you' don't exist.

Though seriously, both traditions teach that the 'you' you typically think of yourself as doesn't exist - your ego and sense of self is an abstraction to link past events and memories associated with the body with the present experience and future predictions. Then, the only 'you' that actually does exist is nothing but your current experience. They teach to accept pain and joy equally, and to relax into suffering and pleasure alike. With letting go of the self, and full attention and acceptance of the present moment, even the most mundane experiences can be extremely interesting and nuanced.

They also have techniques that literally help train your brain to be constantly happy.

If you're not going to look into the rest of it, at least give meditation a couple honest tries. Sit with your back straight up, and either focus entirely on your breath, or on some point in the wall. Each time you notice that you're attention is diverted, gently return it to your breathe or the point. There's no woo, its just training your brain to clear out all the thoughts that make you feel like shit.

Try it for user.

i love his face, my favourite wallpaper


noce trops

I care about you, op.

more people in this thread now

an interesting idea, ill look into it
Retail, no money for college 20 years old and working on things but nothing is concrete
appreciate it user

link me to some music you like , i'm bored

Are you physically fit and legally sound?

Joining the army could give your life direction, plus some nice monetary benefits.

(not to mention a free psych evaluation)

>It makes sense to an extent, i tend to be hard on myself and im already pretty behind compared to most, feeling really insignificant and unaccomplished

The moment you stop comparing yourself to others is the moment you arrive with true clarity. You only see the good, or the book cover so to speak. You dont see the dirty laundry or insecurity they have, hell you may not even understand they could even feel that way. The perception is stacked against you, and you only serve to reinforce it. Unfortunately this is something ingrained into us since gradeschool. we constantly compare ourselves to our classmates in order to feel accomplished or smart. Truth is there is always someone greater. Faster, stronger, or smarter. And hell even champions, the elite of the elite have bad days. They get sick, they get tired, they have to sleep and they make mistakes. Remember society is a simulation, just reprogram yourself.

This user gives you a good idea, ideally you need to change your outlook and lifestyle, your very mentality needs to see past the shallow gloss of what others have. Dont let those you fawn over decide who you are, you decide. This is the most difficult of shackles to break. Not be nihilistic but most never change, they stick to whats familiar because change is simply frightening. Readjust then find that balance. You will need to constantly tune yourself this way but once you are aware you can actually attempt to break free.

good luck op

physically no, legally yes. im not one to join the army, i appreciate what they do but it isnt my thing

Most EDM aswell as some classic rock, Daft punk is my favorite though

yea i'm trying, ive been thinking about the grander scale and i think its so odd that literally everything around me is a social construct, everything from sales and products at stores to holidays like Christmas. its just hard for me to not hold myself to a harsh standard, i dont really care about being better then another person, i just care about being the best i can be

G'night op

good luck with your stuff.

Thanks, rest well.

Isolation, take sometime to think. Disconnect from everything. I dont know your situation but if you can get a small vacation just stick to yourself. You will confront yourself eventually like this. Reflect within, look to your pass and see if you can remember how you got where you were. That visualization is key to see where changes happen.

Some social constructs are really nice, like language. Allows us to communicate even if our truest sentiment does not reach each other. Though everyone climbing for a seat at the top of the pyramid of glory and success, kicking and pulling each other down for that spot is a nasty motivation for society. But it works, it gives us reason thus cause. Nothing wrong with questioning that purpose however.

I guess thats fair, tomarrow when i wake up i think ill take a bit of a break
thanks for the advice
Thanks everyone for advice and kind words
but im gonna get some rest, its 3 am

night ill bump for the lurkers. my autism demands it

The only easy day was yesterday, jk but wtf can u do tomorrow if ur sad today?

If tomorrow is never promised why live for today?

Paradox my friend, our logic is baseless in a universe we hardly understand. We just play it simple. We just live. Society is ran on schedules to ease us through that realization. sometimes it is better to simplify it.

We need to experience pain to know pleasure. Both must co-exist.

Because you want to be sad.


fuckoff newfag