Fluffy thread

Fluffy thread

Show me your autism

Weapons grade autism: youtube.com/watch?v=9IDa2saMdeg

Other urls found in this thread:




















post the 4th one nigger




I did but someone else posted the last 2


you're welcome



Thanks but you forgot to post part 4

you need to post fast

Or, I could post at my own speed and you can stop complaining about it






Alright I've dumped everything I have right now. Have fun

>tfw your oc is opening post

writefag here again

last questions before I get back to work:

What's the agreed lore for feral herds? Are they actually as aggressive as some comics have them? Personally I think the only way details can survive is being stupidly nice, and that (((competition))) for resources is purely a smarty dick measuring contest

there are only headcanon, no "agreed lore". show us your own take on them

btw, presenting your point of view is the best thing about being a writefag. we reject reality (headcanonity?) and substitute it with pur own


anyone know of some good microfluff lore dumps? I don't like what I've currently got as a base.

I also think that headcannon is retarded 99.99% of the time, so I try to avoid it

That's bullshit and we both know it. The only reason headcannon exists is due to everyone generally agreeing on the lore.

If you can substitute "deus ex machina" in place of headcannon when discussing a story, the writer fucked up

Aggressive is generally not a way I'd describe fluffies. Aggression against other herds or humans?





well, if your approach were true, there would be no need for this question because all stories would be just repreating initial ideas and absolutely nothing new were ever vreated.

if you don't extend or twist headcanons at least a little, and everything in the world of fluffies is just a mix of headcanons, there's no point in writing anything.

I don't think micros differ much from regular fluffies. Just even more vulnerable due to size.



furthermore, there are two equally prevalent canon-wannabes in this matter

the first one portrays fluffies as aggressive pest that performs "lawn invasions" and "this land belongs to her now" actions. they demand food and threaten people.

the second one depicts herds as vagabonds that roam the land, and beg for new houses and daddies. they are skittish and will run away from humans if startled by their sudden appearance

so, tell me, which half of the community is failing?

My problem with headcannon is that writers use it to self insert their "why fluffy abuse is OK" bullshit into whatever story they write.

Once you start looking for it it's impossible to miss


other headcanons will provide arguments against abuse
your problem is not with headcanons, but with headcanons you don't like

and let me stress it again, there is no official canon or fluffy lore. there are just scraps people compile on the spot making it fit heir interests and personal opinions. it's not mlp where we are supposed to follow certain logic, and mind you, even in fan creations around mlp the best works always stray far away from official canon

yes, i'm in the midst of the discussion

oh thank god

but i should be working now, so no more discussions about fluffy canon. someone may see me and it would be hard to explain to normies

I know there's nothing """official""" but to say that when the good stories were initially wrote the amount of headcannon justification for abuse wasnt lower is wrong.

Smarties used to just be overconfident pricks that led herds only because they were called smarties.

Now they're these evil creatures who are as smart as humans.

rip huggies and wub fluffies ;^(

so, if you don't like this brave new world, write something along the old lines. you're the creator. create! you're in no way compelled to create in accordance to standards you dislike. that's my whole point.

just don't confuse aggregated opinions with facts. there's no need for ein volk, ein reich, ein canon, and certainly such utopian idea cannot exist in an internet community.

but seriously, i'm closing the browser now

Nuu, wiww gib huggies foweba!

the bestest special huggies!

can someone draw our salvation due to the mods
(i.e. what happened yesterday)?


what's that supposed to be?


1| too meta4me
2| common trolls acting up shouldn't get rewarded with recognition in art

2001 space odyssey obelisk


Because fuck you, that's why!

But seriously, what are you asking precisely?

i have an idea on how to make fluffies
instead of biologically we make them mechanically
evolving neural network with fluffy ideas and personality programmed in
metallic body covered with synthetic fur

could we do this?
pic related



tfw born too early for the singularity

best kind of abuse moar plox

First we need a proper finished fluffy simulator. Babbeh steppies.

i'd be fine with just a dwarf fortress mod for fluffies.

Still have no idea why i love these autistic little pricks so much...

you're here forever

prime reaction material

Don't I know it...

Cant go past the classics

I don't get it, what did he put in her food?

im pretty sure it's regular spaghetti


Awe we fwuffy? Ow awe we dancies?


Why does she rip off half of her body in the end and get sick in the first place then?

she was ripping herself apart because the door was too small.

Because he is forcefully kicking her through an opening too small for her.

Thanks. She was only half of the mare she used to be, I guess

Sketty is vital, hoofsies awe cowd
Babbeh ooon tummy, lookin fow miwkies
Awe we fluffy ow awe we dancies?

They're absolutely friendly and loving, and the herds most likely group together and separate as they meet rather than through any sort of planning and herd mentality.

The competitive and aggressive herds are just hellgremlinists attempt to further make the fluffies seem like the villains in their abuse stories.

the "hoofsies awe cowd" made me think of brain stew, sooo....

fwuffy am having twouble twing to sweepies
am counting sheepy-fwiends but am wunning out
as timesies ticks by
stiww i twy
no west fo' cwosstawps in my thinkie-pwace
on fwuffy's own, hewe i go



This is one of the best herd pictures. Period

For some reason fluffyspeak lyrics are amusing to me.

Did last half of precious Jerusalem two days ago:

Wise up fwom huggy piwe, cus fwuffy bwing da nummy!
Wise up and follow fluff, wakies now cus smawty nummies find!

Mummahs soon hav milkies back, so babbehs dwinkie long
Fwuffy bwing mummah's miwkies back, so gwow big an stwong

So if hoomin say, thewe no nummy fow stway,
hoomin bettah wemembah...
That fwuff can find yow twashy numms!

Ma heavy hoofsies bwing happies to da saddiefwuffs
Fwuff been caught in outside pwace, in outside pwace
Fwuff get out gud
Fwuffy soon is in skettiewand, in skettiewand
But fwuffy think of yu

Fwuffy tuwn to yu, oh ma pweshous skettiewand
Deny yuw thoughies theiw sketties
an' tweat wike dummeh babbehs

Fwuffy tuwn to yu, my jummy nummy skettieland
Deny fwuffy hungwies but nu caaaaan chaaaaange SMARTEEEEEEEEEH!
