ITT: We judge

ITT: We judge

>most vel mains are bro tier


Nah, i just started rankeds in s6 and im silver I, i will try this pre-season to go up gold o higher

Why you no post rank??


Cause I'm a pleb

guess my rank

What do you guys think of the current meta?
For me personally the meta is shit. Im a main support and feel like i cant do much to protect my adc anymore since champs like lb just need to hit a single skillshot to oneshot everyone. That chain damage is just bs

Hey, can you tell me some tricks with lux? i wanna learn to use her in mid

de donde eres?
agregame soy de España: loirafawn

at least plat 3

My premade is supp too and feels the same way. When he sees a rengar, talon, leblanc, etc. and the adc pushes like a chimp he just leave it

so close, plat 4 in promo's to 3

What server are you on?

Yo soy de Chile, diferentes servidores :c

Thi thing is there is almost nothing i can do with any support. Even if my adc is not pushing like a retard. I litterally have to outplay the assasins at every level to even have a chance of protecting someone. Its like i either flash hook a lb before she does her shit or me and my adc are dead

yeah... soz

LAS, the worst dump of flaming and trolling shit you could imagine.
You have to be a real prodigy to surge in this esport in this server.

isn't that the whole point of the game, if you can't outplay someone you'll always lose

Yeah but not each time the mid roams to bot or the jungler ganks, give the supp a break

There is a difference between what i need to do to have a chance of survival and what an assasin needs to do to just faceroll you. Champs like lb literally need to hit one to two abilities to kill anyone. The room for counterplay is like 0.3-0.5 seconds. Does not sound fair to me to be honest

especially when your adc is a special kind of potato. Fucking impossible to protect these monkeys. It sometimes is really frustrating playing support


Me dijeron que en LAS hay mucho troll y afk's , pero deben haber personas como tu que jueguen decentemente


Lamentablemente es una minoría, si algún día por cualquier motivo vas a LAS, asegúrate de tener amigos con quien hacer premade y carrear.
De otra forma es muy dificil llegar a platino o más lejos a menos, como dije, que seas un prodigio nacido para esto

I stopped playing beacuse of this shitty meta


I also have this but I don't have enough orange

ADCs aren't meant to duel tanks fam

My silver brethren.

I've gotten hextech Annie shard twice, and i have soulstealer Vayne from gemstones. Just throw an entire paychecks worth of rp into chest/key bundles.



G5 pleb reporting in

I got mine from the free chest

Made it out of bronze today :)

>No info on what league you are in.
>only one champ above mastery 5.
>probably tries to solo carry every game

gold 4

the grindiest grind is the grind out of gold.

Best advice anyone ever gave me was to dodge queues with bad comps, or with people who ask to play a role they weren't given, or lobbies when people try to tell people what to do early game in detail. Those games are never worth playing.

I concur

>No info on what league you are in.
Silver I, watch the thread faggot
>only one champ above mastery 5.
Yeah, i like Vel'koz
>probably tries to solo carry every game
Impossible with this champ, he needs a composition with hard cc to make a good initiation and make a wombo
Also it has no mobility so for a good assassin is an easy kill *cof* *cof* shaco *cof* *cof*



"tricks with lux"
>implying there is anything to do except land the fuckin snare, throw the E, throw the ult, pop the e as ult damage goes out. (They die at this point).

That is literally how you lux. You run around the entire game waiting for that to happen. Don't spam your abilities, lux is mana hungry. Use your shit when you're going to land your shit AND it will have an impact (i.e. lasting poke, or a kill).

One of these days though I will have Yorick in that number one spot.

best reporting in



>700k bard

gold ?


Jungle Main

Don't have screenshot but mastery 6 veigar, mastery 4 Olaf and nidalee



lol plat

i'm still bronze :(

>file name

and i was bronze 3 seasons ago i'll probably break diamond this season. Just stick to the shit use all the guides you want but just playing the game for long enough you just pick shit up.

currently gold V chillin for the freebies.

r8 pls

i'll try for this season tho

i'm main taric

I mostly fill now just so people will not suck because they got a spot they don't main...

well i forgot to crop it fuck me in the ass please

t. bronze 5

he's right and you're retarded

t. guy with no ranked games


>Still playing this shitty unbalanced game
Kill yourself

nice taste

Oe po si po chilenito po

Playing a lot of new champs, own 'em all so why not, EUW so feel free to add :P

Is it cool that i have been playing since season4 and im still unranked?
Also main taric

Rate me

actually i'm this guy don't you feel stupid



am i cancerous enough for you guys?

why no lee yet?

he's rank 7 on my list

disgusting yasuo main

yes. i prosper of the salt of my enemies

show us on the diagram where the katana man touched you


hahahaha holy kek

What game is this

league of legends

What system?




young tylerjuan?

system32 it's a folder you need to delete to play the game.


I haven't played draven in so long use to alot i pretty much only play jhin and ezreal now

it's PC you can download it for free

on the PC

google is your friend

kussolj már geci

Still never told me what system
thank you. But I only have a 360. Could I find it there?
Using Sup Forums on my phone.

>t. guy that thinks lux requires skill

by god please die

pc only my friend

this is bait.... right?