What do you think about this

what do you think about this

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is that a pre-op picture?

KuchenTV ist ein Hurensohn

shoot yourself with timestamp



Sieg heil

the scope's on the wrong side asshat

Caucasian nigger

KuchenTV? LOL

KuchenTV und seine Kuchenkinder sollten alle verbrennt werden

I think your sweater spells "college" incorrectly.

Der sieht aus wie KuchenfickerTV

Ach, so übel isser nun aiuch wieder nich.

pls don't shoot my school up srs

Do something!

it says "kollegah"
das ist kuchentv

The cake is a lie


diese Hurensöhne sollen sich aus dem Game verpissen REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I think you're a queer

Nice airsoft gun!

Hat Dich LeFloid verdummt?

I say rampage kill a load of muslims.

Da kennt sich wohl jemand aus

left handed rifle
thats why it ejects from the left, and cocking handles on right

>Not buying m4

Dies ist nun ein deutschland faden

still a bitch for not having the bayonet attachment


Kommt eben drauf an

French are fagguettes

who is this?
did he became a tranny?

isn't the aug better though?


We got us live one! Looks like the mysterious gayfag has emerged from its slumber. Has itself a tool that gives off the illusion that he's got nards. I reckon this little fella is clean shaven an eats cut up hot dog with chips in his leisure.