I need not to feel bad about my actions... some people play with everyone and take adventage of them with no remorse... I'd love to do it so

Does Sup Forums have morality? How did you get rid of it?

>Pick unrelated

>get schizophrenia
>people think you're a psychopath because of lack of emotions
>lose morality

Oh that's easy just let go

Put on some GG Allin and get real anti-social

I can't even if I try, I feel bad after doing some things

you have to pretty much just be angry at everything. Even when something bad happens, all you should feel is hate and use that.

>What's "good" for you is not good for all.
There are some fisherman that would thrive if the United States suddenly disappeared or disbanded it's corporations (and prevented them from reappearing somewhere else) that unsustainably fish in waters uncontrolled by the US government.
There are many people who would still be alive if you weren't so dependent on your car or fossil fuels.
People die so that you may continue to live. A life of luxury or not, you're responsible for the deaths of many, indirectly, due to the nature of resource scarcity.
Why do your morals only matter when you consider them?

Can you be more specific?
What morals? About sex? Killing? Being a dick?

searched up that dude, kek'd

TIME Person of the Year for 2016 is President-elect Donald Trump

nice answer, ty

>Why do your morals only matter when you consider them?
Because you have no object permanence as it relates to morality.

Leave society.
Morals are a product of living in society, thus isolation and leaving will naturally force abandoning your values.

Just don't come back, edgelord.

Getting rid of morals is the opposite of what you want to do.

It's easy to be amoral and to fuck people over.

It's hard to offer forgiveness and understanding.

It's easy to be selfish.

It's hard to be loving.

It's easy to hurt people.

It's hard to heal people.

It's easy to be a monstrous animal.

It's hard to be a true human being.

Living an ethical life is not a failure -- it's a success.

We all have to play little games in life, it's part of the fun.

But at the end of the day, the people who acted in their own interest at the expense of others not only regret it on their deathbeds -- they regret the karmic price their soul must pay.

Good actions leads to good results.

Bad actions leads to bad results.

We are all essentially the same soul living in different bodies -- what you inflict on others you literally inflict on yourself.

Be kind to each other, it multiplies out into the universe and comes back to you.

As above, so below.

also, this

Nigga you gay.

What is gay?
I've seen tougher homosexual men than you'll ever be......and you know I'm right. Don't hide behind your insecurities your entire life user.

Mushrooms, eat some mushrooms, its pretty widely believed they induce "ego death" and force you to sort of reconstruct a personality while forcing you to reflect on your shortcomings and biases youve grown in life, some of which you are unable to see until you shroom. Im not trying to sell you on a silver bullet, im not going to give you a gaurantee, but i will tell you it worked for me, and if youre afraid of taking them i understand, but remember they cant really kill you, youd have to eat a fuckton to kill you (dont even think its possible but maybe?) Also if you do take them i highly advise against taking them recreationally, remember they theoretically "kill" your personality so taking them on a daily basis is not healthy psychologically

Simply realize they're not inherent and subjective. It's socialized behavior. It's that easy for me anyways. I use people like their toilet paper. I feel nothing.


Mushrooms can also result in "the world is scary and too many wrong colors". FYI
I have walked home in what appeared to be a Light Storm. Light acted like rain and bent in interesting ways. It was scary, luckily I lived across the street and I went home, stripped naked and went to bed, thinking about "Ice Cream Sandwich" for several hours until I came down.

Basically just saying there's more than one direction shroomies can take you. I've also done the ego death thing. That was fun.

This dudes kinda right. On a small dose of shrooms (half an eighth or so) you'll probably experience a very mild trip characterized by slight visual hallucinations, laughter, and introspective thinking. A slightly higher dose of shrooms will obviously have a much greater effect. Most I've done was an eighth and in some aspects it was more intense than LSD. LSD, for me, was a complete mindfuck and pretty terrifying at times while an eighth of shrooms made the sky turn green and caused some deep introspective thinking about shit I was supressing. That said, I came much closer to ego death or what I perceived to be ego death while on LSD