Who was the dumbest nigga in The Wire and why was it Avon?

Who was the dumbest nigga in The Wire and why was it Avon?

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I would love to see you set foot in downtown Baltimore. We would fuck you up

It was D'Angelo who was by far the dumbest nigga.

It was Stringer Bell because at least Avon knew his fucking place.

Stringer was the smartest nigga

Stringer is far dumber then avon, Avon knew stringer would get played by those business men and they would take him money and he was right. Avon would've run the whole city if not for stringer

Gangstuh az fuk

Because he thought he knew everything and wouldn't listen to String.
Cheese was pretty fucking dumb though too.

>downtown baltimore


Did you watch the show?


This nigga right here

>unironically faking murders to try and prove a stupid point

LITERALLY nobody else in The Wire EVER does anything this dumb

Based mcnulty

He fakes murders to get money to go after marlo though... not to make a point. And he starts drinking again in that season so of course he does something stupid.

Probably snitchin ass Randy.

Stringer redpilled himself on how stupid him and his own people are

Can we all agree Slim Charles was the smartest nigga?

>And he starts drinking again in that season so of course he does something stupid

Doesn't change the fact that it's by far the dumbest thing done by anyone in all of the entire show, including any scene involving Herc.


the going after marlo part is an excuse IMO. he does it to prove that he's smarter than everyone.

You could argue that stringer trying to hit Omar on sunday was the dumbest thing as that is really the start of the downfall of everything with them.

slim charles WAS a day of the jackal type motherfucker, basically

yeah and mcnulty wasn't as smart as he thought he was, he didn't know how to build a case through the wire until Lester came along

guy was just a big fish in a small pond

He had no ambition beyond his comfort zone of what worked.

Always distanced enough to disappear when the hammer falls

Skilled and loyal enough to find work with the new guy.

He knew his limits, look at String, he thought he was smarter than his peers and even if he was he still got eaten by the actually smart people

It really jumped the shark in the final season.

How do you anons interpret Marlo's last scene?

I just finished watching through the show for the first time very recently.
Does everyone else here think season 5 is the worst season?

>season 5 is the worst season?
There's no such things as "worst seasons" in shows like The Wire.

cause the niggers gonna nig nig nig nig nig

T-rex doesn't want to be fed

The Anti-Stringer, he almost went down the jew rabbit hole but realised that it wasn't for him and that his life was the streets, because muh name muthafucka

He is alright if he gets got because he accepts his situation and knows what he wants and who he is

Justin. This guy:


fucking lel, no recollection of this

it's the same nigga that tried to sell bunny colvin drugs too when he was driving around in an unmarked car lol

Avon didn't know shit. His lack of ambition to be anything more than some street nigger just coincidentally protected him from the specific set of circumstances Stringer died to. His slavish devotion to "muh corners" was even more of a doomed course than Stringer embroiling himself with more sophisticated criminals than himself.

I wouldn't say D'Angelo wasn't smart, he was just extremely naive

>the smartest

he was just a soldier man, at least he didn't try to play above his level like stringer did, I'd say he can't be the dumbest nigga in that respect cause string got BTFO


Acts tough, gangster and robs drug dealers while maintaining a relationship within earshot of the people he fronts against. Then he cries when it gets taken away from him. Really? What the fuck did you think was gonna happen Omar. Dumb nigga.

Avon lived, String didn't. Avon is king of prison and will most likely get out in 5-6 years, and String was already forgotten until season 5.

herc and carver interacting with the corner boys is always good tv

Avon will die slightly richer having spent his life in and out of prison working like a dog and fighting over piddly shit like which corners he gets to sell crack to homeless people on. And there's no guarantee he doesn't just get murdered by the nigger with a plan in the vein of Marlo. Stringer's plan was solid and had a shot of working. He just chimped out at the end. I'm cool with calling Stringer a dumbass too, but this meme that Avon was this gangster savant who knew all along how things were gonna turn out needs to stop.

Anyone who thinks Avon was stupid are Stringer Bell fanboys. Sure, Avon did make mistakes; him coming out from parole and beefing about corners when they were rolling in tons of legitimate cash and had little police attention was a dumb big-picture strategic move on his part. However, he never overextended his ambitions like Stringer did, and was smart and balanced about the world he was in and how he wanted it to be (unlike Stringer who reached far beyond his self-inflated potential and died for it).

McNutty ain't dumb, he's just an asshole and has no regard for who he tramples over, or what collateral damage occurs, to reach his objective.

I think the dumbest nigga in The Wire was that Barksdale lieutenant under Slim Charles who cocked up every operation they tried against Marlo, and wound up getting himself and a soldier killed because he couldn't follow the plan Cutty and Slim planned.



Those two retard soldiers.

>he didn't know how to build a case through the wire until Lester came along

Why do people just make shit like this up? McNulty is the one who was calling for wiretaps and surveillance in the first fucking episode, and yet you sit here and spout this bullshit? I agree Lester was better at it, but McNulty was cleary capable of doing real police work, as is shown countless times throughout the show.

>i legalized drugs

Dumbest nigga was Stringer's bookkeeper or that retarded pseudo-muscle kid who got everyone killed when Cutty and Slim were gonna creep up on Marlo's boys from behind.

He did the right thing

Not the most talented or smartest or anything, just the least likely to trip up.

This, the only real difference between McNutty and Lester is pedagogic ability. Just look at the scenes where McNutty berates Rhonda over how lawyers acts, and then where Lester convinces her that they have to put the hammer on the corrupt money trail now. Same situation basically, only Lester makes her do the right thing by making her feel right about doing the right thing, while McNutty goes off on an insulting rant that makes her angry and upset.

It's more that he didn't have his head in the game despite growing up in it. Like Namond, basically. Born into it, family all gangsta, but he just couldn't seem to immerse in it.