Katanas are the best weapon in the world to this day, prove me wrong, bakas!

Katanas are the best weapon in the world to this day, prove me wrong, bakas!
>protip; you can't

Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a billion times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.
Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. Recent scientific tests have shown that this superior weapon can cut clean through steel, so I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash (something that happens in anime all the time, yes I watch anime).
Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.
So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best weapon that the world has ever seen

Personally I train with my Katana every day, I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.
(pic realted, my new dragon katana from Japan UwU)

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The handle looks like a dildo.

the handle -is- a dildo

Cmon you're not even trying Op

That's not a katana.

Try harder op, that's kindergarden trolling

Really? I thought you put the sharp part first in.

Little boys and their toys...., almost cute..., if you weren't such a pathetic wannabe.

nice bait


get your katana, i'll get my m4. let's see who wins


Could you at least try to reheat this pasta before you serve it to me? It's all cold.


if you weren't such a newfag you would know that this is actually pretty original

Haha garden

`I know what this is, but I still feel like I need to say: Katana ARE the best (self defense) weapon today, because they can be deployed in a single motion.

It's the thing they're made to do.

>your bait is bad and you should feel bad

These are the most over hyped shit tier weapons in history. Forged out of low grade pig iron that no western or middle eastern smith would touch. Can it cut through a person? Yes.. Can it cut through a person with minimal armor? No. Can it pierce plate? No. Can it block a broadsword? No. To be effective a katana needs a sweeping motion to draw the blade along poorly defended flesh.. The reach is pathetic too. A well trained samurai vs a poorly trained armored soldier with a claymore would be annihilated. Piss off your weeaboo, j-pop culture faggot ass, that cannot Google for 30seconds to realize how fucktarded their positon is. Get bent.. Like your over engineered letter opener would vs literally any other cultures weapons of the time.

> matching bait with bait

why is it always samurai swords?

is this pasta or did you write all that to respond to b8?


By the time the katana was used as weeb culture knows it, europeans were killing each other with muskets. Not arquebus, muskets. Order of battle and combined arms were king in the west, while japan was still levying peasant armies with crude spears.

Someone has to write every pasta for the first time, they don't generate from digital ooze.

>homo underwear

This, even as response to a bait, is totally wrong. Portugese introduced MODERN weapons to japan, not antiquated technology arbitrarily carried JUST to barter with people who didnt possess the technology at all.


I thought they emerged after a certain time with consentrated shitposting

You fucking idiot, this has been a TG meme for years

I wrote it.. Slow work day. Kek

kek. haven't noticed that before

No, its pasta newfriend.

Swords are just for flexing dicks with other people. They require too much maintaining to be a good weapon on long campaigns. They have to be sharpened frequently and oiled. I would go with a Norse axe, good reach, designed to tear away and break shields, and most importantly it doesn't take much to make them last.

That's.... precisely what i said.

Can you not read?

yes parts are but there are actually original text in there

"not arquebus, musket" "euros were this, japan was this" "Order of battle and combined arms were king in the west, while japan was still levying peasant armies with crude spears."

No, dude, you implied the japanese didn't have guns when euros did. They did. They used them, too. Musashi himself encouraged the ranks to have "more guns, less spears"

>taking dat bait hard.

actually katanas were shit. yes there was a lot of art and labor involved in making them but Japanese steal was shit. a long, bastard or great sword from europe of the same time period would cleave a katana easily because of the difference in metal. this is also why japanese armor was ceramic with bands of metal sown in cause the metal was too shit to form into plat armor and chain mail.

maybe nowadays that they have access to better base material and metallurgical processes they might compete but i'd take a short sword and shield over a katana any day if i was dumb enough to get in a sword fight.

>we living in the age of firearms, get used to it refer to pick related for the outcome of any fight you bring your weebstick to.

Funny story about that scene in your image, the entire cast and crew had a mild case of food poisoning. Indy and this swordsman were supposed to have a fight scene, but it was called off due to illnesses surrounding the crew. So they shot this shoot instead, and kept it.

>deployment time
If you reach for a gun and you're in range, you will die to that garbage weeaboo drawcutting your face off before you can squeeze off a round.

Same guy from post 00

Let's break some things down that are wrong in OP's post.

> finest blades known to mankind
That would be obsidian dumbfuck.
Volcanic glass we have been using since prehistoric times, and still use today in microsurgery because of how fine a cut it makes.

> thrice as hard as european steel
Categorically false.. Your metallurgy knowledge is laughable.

> thrice as sharp
Maybe marginally sharper for the first stroke.. But the cutting edge is so brittle it fails quickly and you are left with a fancy butterknife.


aha but what you fail to realize my friend is that with my master katana I can slice your bullets in half and even throw them back at you if I wanted to but no, I will slice you in half with my katana because it makes for a more personal death and I like to see the life diminish in their eyes from each of my victims

Cool pasta bait
Here s a gif to / the thread

I know what you're trying to do, and you're right on 2 points.

A harder edge causes the following:

LONGER edge retention, not shorter, and a more difficult sharpening process. This is simple googling, you know.

Did you get a free fedora with that opinion?

A katana can't stop two atom bombs.

I'll prove you wrong when I have a gun in my hand and you have a katana.

It's true, that's why they're sharpened on waterstones instead of oilstones and why toshigi is expensive, whereas euro swords just have a secondary bevel half the time to get sharpened after every single battle on a grinding wheel


Are you under the impression that a katana has a hard edge?
The cutting edge of a katana is embedded in harder unfolded steel because it is brittle as fuck.
A sharpened hardened metal will not only retain its edge longer, it'll also not explode into dust when it strikes a solid surface.

That hamon is fake as shit.

You are fat fag - you dont practice.

That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Clitoris" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Penises deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine penis from Dr. Robotnik for 6,000,000,000 Mobiums (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my penis.
Y-chromosomes spend 9 months working on a single penis and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest sex organs known to mankind.
Penises are at least two inches longer than most clitorises and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a clitoris can cut through, a penis can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a penis could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple cockslap.
Ever wonder why the Amazons never bothered conquering America? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Weeaboos and their penises of virginity. Even today, Amazons target the men with the penises first because their raping power was feared and respected.
So what am I saying? Penises are simply the best sex organ that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system

Bruh katanas weren't even that great back when they were actually used. They were made with shit tier iron (literally "pig-iron" as it was translated) and were basically weapons used as a last ditch effort to provide at least some semblance of an offense against not get skewered by the more popular and useful spear, shot by arrows, clubbed by blunt objects and weapons, trampled by horses, etc. Overall while some katanas can look aesthetically pleasing, they're pretty much useless unless your fighting some naked barehanded hobo. Even then the hobo is probably crazy enough to just lunge at you and ignore the injuries he would sustain. 4/8 not-so-great bait m8.

Are you under the impression you're not a retard?

>Differential hardening is a method used in heat treating swords and knives to increase the hardness of the edge without making the whole blade brittle.

have you considered joining club, specially aimed at euphoric gentlemen as yourself?

If his sword is sheathed, I promise you I could shoot him before he cut me. If its already out but my gun is holstered then if he is within 20-30 feet yeah, but someone with a butter knife could stab me just as easily.



you are a retard lol google iaijutsu

Nigga, that's why we have atom bombs.

a sword is only as good as the person using it... your mind is the true weapon

or any unskilled opponent with a gun

and then you put on full plate armor



and im going to let some dumb ass with a katana (its not like they're incon-fucking-spicuous) close enough to be able to cut be before i blast his ass?

and its a thousand times better a scene for it.

Sword license?

>making this post with a superior piece of steel in the background.

I'll opt for the gentleman of weapons op. Curved blades are flashy and flashy is for children.

So you're not mugging him, and hterefore in range of getting his money? You're jsut a murderer? Well, jesus, yeah, if you're just going out to kill people with a gun before they can react from a distance you're going to be able to do it.

Meh say what you want

Aids still has killed more in its lifetime of existing and that might acully have been weaponized to begin with. Soooooo whoops there goes your sword 8o

But that aside two words for you atom bomb most terrifying weapon ever created that ended an entired world war basically.


Oh no doubt until you get your hand loped off cuz you don't have a cross gaurd.....then you will have to learn how to jerk off your dad with your other hand

Refer to post gif in post Differential hardening may strengthen the katana.. But it still pales in comparison to the standard longsword.

I lol'd so hard... well played

I rebut your opinion, Sir.

>I earned my sword license two years ago

What the fuck faggot country do you live in where you have to have a license to buy or own a sword?

shoo, shoo, get along. I'm trollin' here.

I'd argue that a nuclear bomb is more effective

Cocksuckerstan, population : OP

>sword vs sword
>what is metal hardness
>what is metallurgy
>what is sword is in a vice


heres your anecdote kid

That is an accurate but stupid image. The katana is not for chopping like an axe, it is for drawing across flesh to slice the shit out of you.

That image is about as relevant to how the weapon was used as would be one showing some guy whacking the broadsword with an M-1 rifle.

>edge is soft spine is hard retard
>but the spine is hard and the edge is soft, here's my source
>yeah well longswords are better


There are also vids of these compared against different armors and blade motions. Katana still fails.

No weapon can ever defeat meme magic

I think this sword is more your speed.

Yes, but that does not make that a less moronic gif.

um bro
well made katana can cut through tool steel.

Any 1050 55RC edge kat will break that, because it's GARBAGE.


5.56 is a bitch caliber. sry.

get on my level faggots

>inb4 that's a trebuchet,
whatever it still fires frikkin' cows

IF he's not close enough to cut you, he's going to just run. Do you think expects you to get bum rushed by battlecrying ronin?

The swordsman is also not going to draw his weapon from 20 yards and yell "defend thyself, pistolero!"

Any weapon is carried for self defense, suppression, or WAR.

Cops have pistols for suppression because they engage dangerous people AGGRESSIVELY.

Your pistol is no greater use to you face to face with a mugger than a sword, perhaps less.

During the discretion phase of mugging, sizing up targets, he could not see your openly carried pistol(ignoring that most candy ass roody poo faggots carry concealed) and still mug you, but there is a near zero chance he will engage a guy carrying a sword because he won't miss it.

Furthermore, a gun takes more time to deploy than a sword; no two ways about it.

Besides, will the pistol drop your assailant in one shot? A 2lb steel bar to the chest and a massive gushing laceration will nearly guarantee cessation of aggression.

Pistols are weapons of murder, not self defense. Their main merit is portability, not superior deadliness.

If portability were no concern, every cop would carry a mac 11 or somesuch SMG.

>everyone falling for this pasta

This is /tg/ pasta, didn't expect this on Sup Forums.

Show me a gif of a katana cutting any other metal without being destroyed itself.. go ahead.. I'll wait.

Please stop, you're giving those of us who train in Kenjutsu a bad name. Seriously, I know this is bait, but you couldn't have presented facts that were any more untrue.

I'm going to humor you for a second, even though I know you won't respond. What Ryu-ha do you train in? Does your dojo-cho have Menkyo Kaiden? Name three popular stances. Name three popular cut techniques. Do you even know what a hakama is, and why it is made the way it is?
Look goofball, I remember being 16 and being fascinated with Japanese lore and swinging cheap katanas around like I knew wtf I was doing. Let me give you some advice from someone who trained nearly 10 years in the art, any katana you buy outside of Japan, for less that a thousand dollars, isn't worth having.

Bait aside, many of your points are spot on. Japanese iron was awful, which is pretty much why they developed the folding technique.
The japanese are incredibly inventive, no doubt, but throughout history, their mentality has been to train the person to better use the weapon, rather than engineer a better weapon. Take kyudo for example. Their bows were awful, so they developed better practitioners.
That being said, you and I both know your analogy about a trained Samurai and a poorly trained plate soldier, is completely false. In fact, I'd wager the Samurai wouldn't even need to unsheathe his katana to defeat him.

As mentioned here: , the Japanese were using Katana of some sort for a thousand years and didn't look to change that any time soon. By the end the time most civilizations were reaching out to Japan, the world had moved on to firearms, making them fairly obsolete.


A well thought out and articulate reponse on my Sup Forums? Incredible!


Silly OP, everyone knows Zweihanders are better.

What kind of katana stops a bullet?

Katanas really aren't very good. Any piece of steel can be made razor sharp for a little while.

The truth of the matter is that the katana is a triumph... over really shitty steel. Native Japanese iron is fucking garbage and they had no convenient way to strip out the impurities, thus all the folding.

Say that to my glock

1/10 made me reply to call OP a faggot neckbeard

The amount of deformation on the pipe.. And that ripple in the sheet. What grade of "steel" is that? The fenders on an 88 h
Honda Civic are stronger then that!

Also.. How does the cutting edge of the sword look now?

>Let me give you some advice from someone who trained nearly 10 years in the art, any katana you buy outside of Japan, for less that a thousand dollars, isn't worth having.

Bullshit traditional retardation. Gunto are made that way for a reason. 1095 steel is superior to tamahagane and homogenous, so, no, anything made in china out of 1095 tool steel for $150 is worth owning, granted that you can cut your own tsuka core and have your own ebay to order real same from

Buying better than that is for artistry or culture, not practicality as a weapon.

didnt make me laugh but i value the effort anyway

quality post