Be in car with 9/10 private driver

> Be in car with 9/10 private driver
> He's sexy
> Also drunk
> I want to take advantage but didn't shave
> So I don't
> He massages my neck and thighs as I try to back off
> I like it but pussy is hairy
> Goes home
> Skips lessons at school (unusual behaviour)
> Aunt and school interrogates me about absences
> Lol just youtubing late at night
> tells aunt that I'm depressed cuz driver molested me
> Be home, fapping to thought of driver touching me
> aunt is angry
> 9/10 driver gets fired
> ohnowhathaveidone.jpeg
> faps more to driver
> Family still thinks I'm traumatised.

This makes no fucking sense.

u 18. if yes tits pls

>tells aunt that I'm depressed cuz driver molested me
you are retarded

Gonna need your home address user

You are a fucking faggot

Let me do it for you:


im a guy

Still a feggit

you op


OP is as big of a faggot as this user

op is a girl and shes not showing tits

Still a faggot and not abiding by the FUCKING LAW

Sage this shit

how old is op

Lol wtf is a private driver? R u rich enough for your family to afford one, also I would have fucked your harry as pussy if I wanted it enough

Umm I don't think she's here to get the attention tits n gtfo are about, so it's allowed

what. explain it more please

Op image

Those is fingers yo...

Tits or gtfo is only used when a woman post a picture of herself to attract attention with the usual subtitles are like "oh hey Sup Forums" or some other shit gaining attention whore thing. This woman is just sharing a (it's actually funny) story that happened to her
>basically attention whores


well im drunk

R u op?


happy days, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior jesus christ?