I need new opinions Sup Forums. How was my new video?

I need new opinions Sup Forums. How was my new video?


Actually. You're almost enjoyable. Like, a shittier version of leafy type of bullshit.

Thanks? I'm trying to be like, as far away from a leafy carbon copy as possible, that's why I try to do things that are more in real life, that type a shit

As far away from a leafy carbon copy as possible..? Not quite there. But this most recent video seems like the best one so far. However, I laughed at your one liners once with the rape joke.

Oh shit, Ha that was the joke I was worried about even keeping, thought it would be too much

Learn to edit vids or just upload tons of them. Youtube is quantity over quality anyway. Remember: Leafy/Pyro and Pewdie suck, but Pewdie makes lots of videos.

Yeah, that was the first thing that made me laugh, but I didn't hate watching your first few video's, so, thats a plus I guess. Hey man, I just got a job sitting on my ass writing emails about video games for $10 an hour for 8 hours a day, if my dreams can come true, so can yours. Keep it up, someday you might suck less.

I know the quantity quality thing, but I think I'm gonna stick with quality, just tryin to get better with each video ya know

that's the plan, I put way more work into the new one than I ever did, just trying to get better with ma garbage as I go

Either, make more video's, or make them longer. Do that and you'll probably start to see a large bump in subs.

I'd do that, but the reason I keep em short is because I feel like my fucking voice will get tiring after like 5 minutes

welp this threads gonna die, thank ya'll for checking me out and giving me some criticism

Then start uploading twice a week while keeping quality. I don't think you could. But that's why I say make them longer. You sound almost exactly like Leafy. He can make really fucking long video's. His voice doesn't get too annoying, you should be fine.

hmm, i'll try

Hey, dont forget the guy that said follow your dreams. I want a cut of your money when you become rich for helping you follow your dreams. faggot.

Fuck yourself, deal.

ps. Stop being stupid with health hazards. Dont eat the deoderant. Or inhale plastic. Here, have a sub.

Why thank you, I usually never think about the health hazard thing..

the 404 is coming.. Hopefully better content is to come my friends

0-3 evangelion
4-6 GitS
7-9 2001


At first I was like. Gay.
But then I actually laughed at the milk party. Good work. Keep at it

ay thanks dude, only trying to improve from here.

quit same-fagging so much OP.

anyway the video is better than expected. I could definitely see you getting popular (who knows how popular) if you keep working, improving video quality, editing, etc.

My advice would be to watch a bunch of other YouTubers for inspiration, which you probably already do. But don't just watch folks similar to you. watch the most popular make-up channels, skateboarding channels, unboxing channels, etc.

also as soon as you have an audience engage them. figure out what content they like and want to see. if all your viewers end up being little kids, don't be afraid to make silly jokes that you might find ridiculous or not that funny.

good luck

I do watch a couple youtubers, I avoid commentary channels because I want to move to more real life stuff but I film with my phone so thats pretty hard. Thanks for advise and the wishes of luck man

ayyyyyy another alaskan, whats your name?

The name is Bryant, how did you know I'm an alaskan?

1. snow outside
2. shitty backyard
3. phone number area code in linked video

Ha Oh shit I forgot that's the normal alaska area code, I'm so used to it