What was the most outlandish thing you've read/heard about the theatrical cut of BvS?

What was the most outlandish thing you've read/heard about the theatrical cut of BvS?

Other urls found in this thread:


That BvS is good


What a pretentious faggot.

That it's good.


At least Batman and Robin was funny. BvS is boring as fuck.

Unrelated, but I'm conflicted as fuck about the movie.

I enjoyed it, but fuck me it has so many problems.

Anybody else feel like if they had just chilled the fuck out and taken a bit more time on it, it could have been amazing? Honestly, all the problems the movie has is stuff that could have been fixed really easy.

Somebody here said Jurassic world was better.

this fucking guy

>these are the people that gave BvS negative reviews

He's reviewing the presentation and content while you're caught up on how it's about Justin Bieber. This is why he's a critic and you're not.

>This is why he's a critic and you're not

Is critic just a fancy word for pretentious faggot?

It is though.
It's still a shit movie.

Mike pls



Aww, did he hit a soft spot?

All that true but it doesn't make a good movie.

that it's kino, lol, dogshit can't be kino


A soft spot? Is that your best retort? Critics will be on a lower ring then Lawyers.


Based Godmond knows what's up.

Last year's Fantastic Four didn't even have a second act. BvS was at least a complete movie.

He cut and pasted a franchise worth of scenes and set pieces from 20 years of solid comic art. Stories like Death of, Dark Knight Returns, all ruined now.

this legitimately triggers me


This is the kind of praise to batman v superman

Meanwhile in the other camp


As if it wasn't exactly what Znyder wanted

Bitch I'm morose and lugubrious

Holy shit what a cunt

He needs to review the KinoCut now.

The thing that is ruined are your parents wishes for you not being an embarrassment, you dickless manchild.

Pain and Panic?

He looks and sounds like one of us.